Find Even/Odd Numbers🤔 using JAVA 8 features💡 | Stream API⚡️ | Lambda Expressions⚡️ #javadeveloper

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🔍 Java 8 Magic: Finding Odd and Even Numbers! 🧙‍♂️🔢

🌟 Let's dive into the powerful world of Java 8 and explore how to find odd and even numbers in a collection using Stream API and Lambda expressions. 💻✨

🔹 The Code Journey: Stream, Lambda, and Numbers! 🚀🌈

1️⃣ Collection Creation (3 seconds): We start by creating a collection of numbers.

2️⃣ Stream It (4 seconds): With Java 8's Stream API, we transform our collection into a stream, unlocking a world of possibilities.

3️⃣ Lambda Magic (4 seconds): We use Lambda expressions to define a predicate that checks whether a number is even or odd.

4️⃣ Filtering (3 seconds): Leveraging the power of Stream's filter method, we separate odd and even numbers into two streams.

5️⃣ Collecting Results (3 seconds): We collect and display the results, showcasing the simplicity and elegance of Java 8.

💡 Why It's Cool: Java 8's features streamline code and make complex tasks simple. Plus, it's a glimpse into the future of Java coding!

Ready to embrace the Java 8 revolution? Share your thoughts in the comments below and tag a fellow coder to explore this coding marvel together! 🌐💬👩‍💻👨‍💻

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