Creating Spring Boot 2 Application with Thymeleaf

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In this video, you will see how to use Spring Boot 2 to create a web application using Spring MVC and Thymeleaf. Spring Boot 2 includes Spring Framework 5, which is the most recent major release of the Spring Framework. In this video, you will learn how you can leverage Spring Initializr to rapidly create a Spring Boot 2 project. Since we will and the Thymeleaf template engine dependency to our project, Spring Boot will auto configure Spring MVC to use the Thymeleaf template engine. I show you how to create a simple service which will generate a random Chuck Noris quote. We will use the IoC container of the Spring Framework to create an instance of our joke service into our Spring MVC controller at runtime. The Spring MVC controller we create will pass the joke value back to the view layer, which is Thymeleaf. The Thymeleaf template engine will generate the HTML view for our browser from the Thymeleaf template.
Рекомендации по теме

the maven dependency i added did not work in my project


i didn't understand what is Model interface


Hello) Why did you autowired in controller jokeService and not the jokeServiceImpl??


Is there any differences if I use @GetMapping instead @RequestMapping without declaring a type of method as you did? Another thing, can you please make a tutorial of Thymeleaf+Bootstrap and show how Engine Template works (one template with the declarations of boostrap and the other template that receive those declarations form the mother template) please, Thanks for you video, I did not knew that Constructor Injection was better that field Injection, thanks a lot sir.


after 5 minutes you still explain what you are going to do (advertisment excluded) - why you don´t get to the point?


Why there's no comment in here! yeez, I'm going for dinner and will come back to do the tutorial...
