Watch This Before You Buy Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is better than Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak in almost every regard. Seriously, the amount of content in Generations Ultimate is insane in comparison to Sunbreak. To get a better understanding of the details, make sure you watch the video to the very end.
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One quick amendment I'd like to make that some of you have pointed out.

Monster Hunter Rise had a total of 46 monsters, and Sunbreak has added 17, which means the actual total is 63. Totally my mistake, IGN was a stupid source to consult, so let's all collectively thank them for that.

Other than that, I knew this video would be pretty polarizing as I went pretty hard on Rise and Sunbreak. But just remember that I didn't make this video as an attack on anyone that enjoys those games, moreso my thoughts on why I think Generations Ultimate gives you SO MUCH more bang for your buck, even if it was a "celebration game" that was a special one-time kinda deal.


I love both. I put almost 150 hours in MHGU and about 70 hours in MHR


As a GU and 4U player, even though I don't have Rise, I think I would actually like it if I gave it a try.

My brother on the other hand is someone who has played Unite way back then (and has GU in his Switch currently) said he likes Rise on his PC way more than GU on his Switch.


I'm sold. I have been playing Rise on and off and kept wondering if I should trying GU again. I own them both; so, it wouldn't hurt to give it a fair chance this time around. You make it sound so damn good and that is the kind of passion you want in a product to prove the points you are making about it. I really enjoy Rise; so, I don't know about deleting it. I can have enough room in my heart for both. Reinstalling GU as soon as I power my Switch up again.


Just picked this up on sale. You got me excited. 🎉😂


I also greatly prefer GU over Rise Sunbreak and i believe GU is a better game overall. There is a great point to be made this video but i feel the script leaves a lot to be desired. It feels more like an emotional outburst of your opinions on the games without actually elaborating on them. With a video like this its very easy for people with an opposing the viewpoint to easily find holes in ur argument and accude you of gatekeeping and elitism. Great mic quality and fantastic concept for a video but dont be to surprised if people end up not resonating with it too much


I love GU (in fact i have both the japanese version and the international one), but your comparision is very biased: The Wirefall problem was a problem in base Rise, not in Sunbreak as monsters do more follow ups attacks and can catch you off guard if you use it without care. Also is funy how you praise Adept style when Adept dodge trivializes A LOT of what the monsters do: Just dodge TOWARDS the attacks, and the adept dodge will happen. With that you can deny almost everything (including AOE attacks) except some combos and follow ups (just like Wirefall, funily enought). Yes, you lose some of your moves when you pick Adept, but if it wasnt like that it would be outright broken.

Also, is funy how you say you have to MASTER it and become very good to kill the monster fast at it contrary to Skill Swap where you can get away with not using it. But then you say that if you dont master Adept, you can chose another style. So... you dont need to master it and you can get awat with not using it like the Skill swap, but if GU does it is good?

I agree in that theres less "hunting" in Sunbreak than in GU (as you said, you dont even have to track the monster, is here at all times), but I dissagre with that GU is harder than Sunbreak: Having limited heals means nothing if you dont need to heal to begin with (something very easy to do with Adept, and even Valor makes easier to reduce the damage you receive). Deviants are hard because they where designed with Styles in mind, but appart from that and hypers, the game is easy. Maybe not as easy as base Rise, but still easy. Meanwhile, all monsters on Sunbreak has been adapted to keep up with all the Hunter's tools and moves (theyre almost all very agressive and fast, they have follow ups, they hit hard, etc), even some of base Rise monsters got a big upgrade in Sunbreak. Just compare GU Gore or Shagaru with their versions on Sunbreak: From punching bags to actual threats.

GU has a lot of content too (the most of any MH not named Frontier or Online, there no discussion about it) but I feel that a lot is filler. They barely added any new monsters, and a lot are one and done (unless you truly like that monster or his gear, or youre a completionist), and the Single player High rank area was little more than a waste of time (apart from giving you acces to things like an easier High rank Alatreon for example) or at least it feels like that to me.

Make no mistake, GU IS AMAZING, is a great game, and I can see why you (or some other people) would prefer it over Sunbreak. But precisely because I can see what this game does good (or Sunbreak does bad) I dont understand why someone has to lie like that and be so biased. Just let the game shine for what it does best, and let the others chose.


Hi, big GU and Sunbreak fan here

This is pretty one-sided argument. Telling people to straight up delete the game is kind of a shitty thing to say.

Besides you did a lot of digging into Rise's flaws but not so much with GU; almost as if you're trying to paint Rise in a bad light.

Like you didn't even try to point out some of GU's bigger flaws. Shit like how the beginning game is such a slog to get through, or how Valor and Adept almost completely overshadow most other playstyles and weapons, or how the Deviant quest system is awful.

Or maybe the fact that (not counting Deviants, Apexes, or Subspecies) GU only has 9 new monsters - the least amount in the whole series - while Sunbreak has 15.

Also, saying stuff like being given the CHOICE to or not to go back to camp (like Farcasters don't already exist) and restock on items is a "stupid excuse" is such a patronizing phrase and makes you come off as a tool. Most of the MH community doesn't like when randos shit on someone for playing how they wanna play.

This should titled something like "Why I think GU is better than Rise" as the content in this video would fit more with a title like that. But I feel like you only made the title what it is to get more clicks.

You can like and not like what you want, and we'll respect that. But don't go out of your way to shit on only game without looking at both sides of the coin. It's something one with "Reviews" in the username should probably know.


I went back to MHGU for the same reasons. 260hrs in so far and while we probably won’t ever get a MH game like GU or Tri ever again. I’m still thankful that we at least got GU which is an epic compilation of MH goodness. Rise looks beautiful but I felt weirdly bad for the monsters because they felt like poor little piñatas being pummelled with sparkly sticks.

Rise isn’t bad but it’s like an entirely different game entirely. If you liked MH games you’ll love GU but I don’t assume anyone into Sunbreak will be able to get into MHGU. It does a very specific thing to perfection but that thing isn’t for everyone.


Generations and Generations Ultimate had the advantage of being a celebration game and was in the same engine as tri so it has every single monster that isn’t a final boss because nearly every monster has returned up until that point so they could just slot them in because there was no reason not to for a game to celebrate the franchise, sunbreak and rise are in a completely new engine for the franchise, they’re just not comparable. You can’t take something that was designed to have content and essentially no narrative to something that is completely new that also has narrative.
Sunbreak is simply the king when it comes to combat. It’s so fast paced, it’s tense. You don’t like the switch skill you have? Take it out for something else. Sunbreak is just the most adaptable and interesting way to play. Generations ultimate is my personal favorite monster hunter game. But I cannot agree that it is better. I like it because personally I adore the styles. That’s it, literally no other reason that’s not monster variation because that isn’t a fair argument.
You’re also very much lowballing the uniqueness of the Sunbreak roster. Every single monster in rise was a phenomenal addition to the franchise, not a single one of them are bad monsters. And then sunbreak goes and adds Gore Magala, Malzeno and goddamn Espinas Generations Ultimate however has a plethora of atrocious ones, Blangonga, Bulldrome, Gypceros, “Cephadros” and so many more. Your argument is literally held up on nostalgia and nothing else.


You also can inmidiately call your Palamute and running in circles while sharpening or healing. I really like Rise, I don't say is better than te previous games but I really like it.


I get why you publish those videos. I get that they bring you views but it's just not fair to mark something you don't like as "problematic". If you don't like the new expansion don't play it, but at least be true to yourself and the community. Rise is taking a very different path from old MH games, World was the first step in their new direction and I can only forshadow future games to follow this new idea of monster hunting. This doesn't make new MH games "problematic" for adding new mechanics and different ways to interact with monsters and the environment.
Everyone is free to like what you prefer, it desn't mean it's a bad game if you don't like it. It doesn't mean it needs to be fixed to appeal to you.
This is the biggest problem towards MH Rise, players from older games not liking how the franchise is evolving while new players are more attracted to the new features (and since the playerbase is expanding so fast is not to be thaught a step back in the game design).


At least get your facts correct before shitting on Rise/Sunbreak. Rise had 46 large monsters, of which 39 have a Master-Rank version to be hunted. Sunbreak added 17 new monsters to that at launch, not 19, bringing the count up to a total of 63 large monsters (56 in Master-Rank). Before Title Updates.
And Generations Ultimate was an anniversary title, which is why it had 93 large monsters, but a lot of them were really forgettable, while Sunbreak's roster doesn't include the annoying "filler" monsters (except for maybe Bob and Pyre Kadaki). Quality over quantity.
I still like GU, but 4U was so much better. And Sunbreak is also better.


waited the whole vid for an actual interesting argument and ngl those were poorly spent 11 minutes


Hey. Thanks for giving me more reasons to enjoy Rise better than b4.


And your problem is probbaly not a problem that majority felt...
I think it is good enough if rise is targeted not for really hardcore players.

I feel fine with the way it is now, in fact, it is less frustrating.
And yes, Im not a hardcore player, just a fan of this game, but with work and all, i find it hard to grind for this game.

In rise, everything is made easier, yes easily getting bored, but less penalising especially for me at my current state.

Just a casual guy showing up.


Your choice to not swap scrolls says more about your lack of understanding of how damn useful it is than it does about the mechanic itself. There’s a dango (as well as certain armor skills) that give you health and other massive attack and defense buffs when you swap scrolls, and with evades built in as well. You clearly haven’t done your due diligence on certain things before talking about it and it shows. Would appreciate it if you change things up a bit next time. Clearly you’re not enjoying this game, and that’s fine.

To be honest, just like how you recommend everyone delete Rise and play GU, I recommend you delete this video and either remake it with a more fleshed out, better informed opinion. Because there’s a LOT of one sidedness going on.


I think it’s cool how since the very first mh game the new games just keep improving and getting better. That being said I had a very pleasant experience doing quests the old school way. I was getting used to not buying pickaxes and not having to pick up the map from the supply box. I agree how the other games don’t really scratch the mh “itch” at least for people who played the older games. Gotta love the memories. I can easily tell GU is going to be my fav because all it has to offer. It really is a love letter to the franchise like some have said. Nice video and nice to see the passion behind the game :)


Blah blah this blah blah that blah blah you're gimping yourself by not doing X etc etc. Doesn't make sense to say that while defending GU. You're gimping yourself by not using Adept or Valor and Specific Hunter Art X in every hunt. Why wouldn't i use them? And no monsters outside the new ones are balanced for them, making the entire game outside new content a walk in the park. Those who said base Rise is the easiest game must not have played P3rd, World or base Generations. Aerial Switch Axe completely breaks base Gen in half from the moment you select it(outside Deviants). The "content" argument is laughable too considering it's pretty much just a literal asset rip of PS2 to 3DS content. How many times have you hunted Giadrome? Did you even remember that it was in the game? Meanwhile EVERY single monster is endgame relevant in SB thanks to the afflicted system.


I think Rise plays much more smoothly, and is way more fun, it also has way better graphics and the additions of the Wirebug and Palamute are so good that i can't imagine playing without them. To just tell the people a Pro GU side is completely nonsense "delete the Game to make room for GU" bro ? Really ? This Video is pure fanboying and not a serious comparison... I played both Games having a lot of Nostalgia in Generations on 3DS and GU on Switch but i still have to say that Rise Sunbreak is the better Game ! Its a Game from the new gen of Monster Hunter Games ! Accept it or leave !
