The Blessing - Live From Home

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In a season of such fear, unknowns, loss, disappointments.. I’m so thankful we can sing scripture and feel a shift in the atmosphere of our hearts and over our lives. This is THE BLESSING from God over us. I pray for massive breakthrough and peace over you and your family and your children and their children. He is for you.

@KariJobeMusic and I had the honor of writing this only weeks ago with our friends @stevenfurtick and @chrisdotbrown from @elevationworship only a few weeks ago and just felt it needed to be released into the hearts of people right now as soon as possible.

@KariJobeMusic's LIVE version will release 3/20/20, but we wanted to sing the blessing over you from our home. GOD BLESS YOU!


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Hey random person who's scrolling through the're amazing and wonderful. I hope your day is gonna great.


I was a drug addict, homeless on the streets... God is good he always makes a way.. now I've been clean for 2 years, and not turning back..


I have decided to surrender my life and soul to Lord Jesus Christ now


Just last week God spared my life after 8-days on a ventilator due to COVID19. A friend sent this song to my wife during the bleakest part of those eight days. She sang this song with our two young boys as they proclaimed life over me. Separately, another friend sent me the song after God spared my life and I was off the vent. I listened on repeat for hours each day. The song became my prayer for the men and women who were providing me such awesome care. Love what this song will forever represent in my life.


May His Favor Be Upon You,
and A Thousand Generations, and Your Family and Your Children And Their Children, and Their Children
May His Favor Be Upon You, and a Thousand Generations, and Your Family, and Your Children, and Their Children, and Their Children
He Is With You!
He Is With You!
He Is With You!
He Is With You!
He Is With You!
He Is For You!
He Is For You!
He Is For You!
He Is For You!
Ahahaamen, AMEN! AMEN!
I weeep every time I hear and sing this song, and it NEVER gets old


God told me to go to Miami 3 weeks ago. So I moved. I looked for a job. Had the interview over the phone. They wanted an in person interview- so I went Amtrak from Philly to Miami (26 hours) next day had the interview. Monday I started the job. My desk buddy saw me praying she invited me to her church. Today we went..she drove me to my airbnb then turned the car around so we could spend the day together and she played this song for me. I just got home from the most beautiful day with my new Sister in Christ ! I came to leave my testimony here because if you think His favor isn’t upon you. Listen to His voice and he will show you GREAT FAVOR! He is with you! He is for you! He loves you! & I love you too whoever you are and wherever you are! God bless you! ❤


I needed this reminder. Both my wife and I were sent home from work with absolutely no pay this week and we just had our first child. Thank you for letting God use you to remind me to hold onto faith.


Today after an18 yr struggle with Alzheimer’s my mum passed away. I was the last one to see her alive. We got a call in the morning so I took my dad to see her. When he had said goodbye I went in and played this song (my fav version) and worshipped and prayed as it played. I sang it over her several times and I left and within half an hour, she passed into His care for eternity...
Thank you, this means more to me than ever. Xxx


i never thought I’d watch something 5000 times but here we are...


All these beautiful blessings are for 'believers who love God & His Son all those who don't yet believe, get to know & believe in Him ASAP, time is running short, the great US of A is going down in the next few years & won't be functional to help Israel when the Ezekiel 38 war comes into being....


The night my mother went to be with Jesus, it was just me and her in the hospital room. I started playing this version of your song at around 7pm. I played it NONSTOP till 2am. The tears flowed, it was God telling her well done, and reassuring her she did her best and it wouldn't return void. At exactly 2 am the Lord told me to sing His prayer to her. When I sang "Forever and ever, amen"! She took a big final breath and went to Jesus! The nurse declared her gone at 2:10 am. Thank you for the beautiful way you did this blessing and thanks to the wonderful nurses at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center!


This song has been my Anthem for so many reason, on February 15, 2020 I lost everything I owned except the clothes on my back in a house fire, through the grace of God and the 3 policemen that woke me up to recuse me, my life was spared. I lived in my condo for 19 years, I am 63 years old and for a brief moment...I thought to myself, you are homeless plus at your age, you have to rebuild again, but was soon reminded of the how big God is, that He is bigger than what I am going through.
God has kept me, in 2012 my youngest son was murdered. God kept me from losing my mind. And- now with the Pandemic He's keeping me while Staying at Home to save other's and myself. Peace and Love to you and your family. Thank you for praying over our lives and allowing God to use you. Awesome Song.


A few years from now, when everyone else thinks back to this pandemic and remembers hysteria, fear and chaos, I will remember this song!!! A representation of hope, peace amidst the storm, joy and of course BLESSINGS! Thank you guys for allowing yourselves to be used by God! #2020Anthem


are just amazing and you save many people life's through this covid-19 and everyone who reads this please pray for my cousin's Freaind bc she has coronavirus and my cousin loves her and my aunt told us that she said "if she dies she will be with God" please pray for her my little 5 yr cousin loves her she even gave her a dog but its God's will not


I just found out I’m pregnant with our first miracle baby ❤️ this song takes a whole new meaning now.


My mother sent this to me....I feel I am a blessing as I was released from the hospital a week ago from fighting Covid -19. I was fortunate enough not to have to be on a ventilator. I had pneumonia in both lungs and had to be on Oxygen and am still on it. God has saved me about 10 years ago as I died on the operating table twice and now I came through this. I am not sure what his purpose is for me n this heavenly earth but I am ever so blessed. Thank you Dear God!


I sing this over my daughter every night now as she goes to sleep.


To everyone reading this

*May the Lord bless you and take care of you; May the Lord be kind and gracious to you; May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace. And the Lord said, 'If they pronounce my name as a blessing upon the people of Israel, I will bless them'.*

Numbers 6v24-27


Not only is this song anointed and strictly scripture . But you two have a marriage that I hope and pray God allows me to have one day.


YHWH is merciful, sometime we suffer because of our mistake or sins, but He is kind He forgives and bless us. We are thankful to the blood of Jesus Christ, for the price He paid so we can have everlasting life and abundant blessings. Thanks you Jesus, Thank you God, Thank you Holy Spirit. For always working on our behalf, for intercession, for your coverage. May His name be glorified.
