Top 10 Popular Italian Food Items

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1:54 You cannot use every sauce with every type of pasta. You have to use something that works with the item AND is from the same region. Spaghetti is a type mostly used in the Mid-south (Rome, Naples) therefore acceptible sauces include Carbonara, Amatriciana and Puttanesca. If u dare to serve Meatballs with them any Italian will put them were the sun doesn shine. Big chuncks of meat NEVER belong on pasta.
btw in an italian restaurant with style if u order pasta they will bring u a little bowl with freshly grated Parmigiano. Unless its a critical part of the sauce u NEVER put any kind of cheese on pasta before serving. U let the customer choose that. Acceptible cheeses (depending on the sauce and pasta type) are one of two types of Parmigiano and several types of Pecorino.
2:05 Thats not a dish, thats a vomited one. Alfredo is what italian eat if they have diarrhea - end of. If u order Alfredo in an italian restaurant the server will probably show u the way to the bathroom first. The original recipe is pasta + butter and THATS IT.
btw chickens may be found here and there in northern Italy, and simply do not exist in the south. Therefore this type of meat is pretty much nonexistent in traditional cuisine. There is no italian pasta dish with chicken, Italians would probalby strangle u just for thinking that.
2:58 Biscotto is the general term for "biscuit" in italian. Aside of that its ALSO a term for a traditional type of biscuit. What ur showing here is a Cantuccino. Some forms has almonds in them, others DO NOT.
Cantuccini should be served with Vin Santo.
4:00 U forgot the wine in the risotto.
4:33 Fondue is SWISS!!!! Has nothing to do with Italy. It seems no Swiss has seen this vid yet or there would be a few very angry comments already down here.
6:25 Okok, there are a few points here. Nr1 u forgot the most important ingredient - the Besciamelle. Nr2 There is no cheese in a Lasagna. Nr3 Alfredo is not a cheese.
7:11 That picture looks disgusting. Too much topping, undercooked, way to thick, too much cheese and I don want to know why the border crust looks so strange. The only acceptible cheese for Pizza is Mozzarella (fresh -> done the same day) ripped by hand. Only exception is when a particular cheese is a critical part of the dish (4ex Quattro Formaggi). Pizza with chicken u can effectivly use in Italy to scare rats away. No one in their right mind would eat it. I don want to google that indian part, I want to live.
