Mathematician Fred Krueger: Why Bitcoin Will Hit $4.5 Million [2024]

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Today’s interview is with entrepreneur, investor & mathematician Fred Krueger.

Fred Krueger is a Bitcoiner who has been exploding in popularity this year.

Fred not only worked on Wall Street for almost a decade, but he is also a very successful entrepreneur. He has built and exited 10 different companies, with some exits being in the 10’s of millions of dollars.

On top of this, Fred has a degree in mathematics & a PHD from Stanford University.

These days, Fred spends all his time on what he believes is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime - Bitcoin.

Fred is a big advocate of the Bitcoin power law model - a pricing model that forecasts Bitcoin’s future price as if it were bound by the laws of physics.

The Bitcoin power-law model predicts that we will see Bitcoin hit a cycle peak of between $200,000 & $250,000 dollars by the middle to the end of 2025.

It then predicts we will see a $1 million dollar Bitcoin by the end of 2032 & if the model is accurate, it predicts Bitcoin will go up by a factor 64x over the next 15 years. This would put 1 Bitcoin at $4.5 million per coin.

The power law model was first discovered by Astrophyiscist Giovanni Santostassi, who we interviewed on the channel at the beginning of the year.

In this interview, we break down with Fred why the Bitcoin power law model is so impressive, why Bitcoin to $1 million per coin is inevitable & finally why Bitcoin is the greatest investment opportunity we’ll get in our lifetime.

Make sure to stick around to the end of the video where Fred also drops some gems on how to succeed as both an entrepreneur & an investor.


00:00 Intro
02:23 Fred's Background (Mathematics, Wall Street, Bitcoin)
13:38 Why Isn't Bitcoin Higher?
18:09 Bitcoin Moves FAST
22:09 Bitcoin Power Law Model Is INSANE
31:41 Bitcoin Power Law Vs Plan B Stock2Flow
37:29 Why Power Laws Are So Rare
39:59 Why is Bitcoin Following A Power Law?
49:04 Buying property vs Buying Bitcoin
56:01 How To Get Rich (Advice)
1:00:34 Thoughts On Ethereum ETF
1:04:16 Fred's Entrepreneurial Advice

About Fred Krueger:

Fred Krueger is a Bitcoin investor and advocate known for his analysis using a power law model to predict Bitcoin prices, forecasting a potential price of $10 million by 2045. He emphasizes the significance of Bitcoin ETFs in making Bitcoin accessible to mainstream investors and is critical of Ethereum's scalability and user retention issues​

#Bitcoin #Crypto #Investing


Fred Krueger: Why Bitcoin To $1 Million Is Now Inevitable [2024]
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If you like this episode please can you do me a tiny favour and hit the like button on the video - helps us a lot! I really appreciate you all x 💛


Getting rich is easier than ever. And once in a lifetime opportunity for our generation...
All you need is patience.. a lot of it:
1.) Buy as much BTC as you can
2.) Put it in cold storage
3.) Forget about it for 10-15 years (but not your mnemonic phrase).

Remember, Bitcoin rewards the patient and punishes the inpatient.


Just swapped all of my last ETH and swapped it into AMS46K. Already up a little bit. Unfortunately I have some other junk staked which won’t free up for a while. Still now I am on the train!


I really like Fred Kreuger. Good interview!


With around £220k invested in bitcoin, any suggestions for additional assets to diversify across various markets? Looking for a well-rounded portfolio that balances risk aversion with returns meeting yearly inflation concerns.


I'm admittedly bummed that I didn't go with my gut instinct & buy bitcoin few months back when it was 20k - 25k range. is it too late to get in and make profits? i have set aside $150k to get fully invested this year


Fred....great story and content. Always love listening to you. Audio is great with mic :).


Owning 1.2 million dollars in NYC gets you a shitty house compared to other states. Buy. 2 or 3 bitcoin n hold 5yrs. Get nice house in Texas


No brainer. Semiconductor and AI stocks will dominate 2024. Why I prefer NVIDIA is that they are better placed to maintain long term growth potential, and provide a platform for other AI companies. I have made more than 200% ROI from NVIDIA with the assistance of my fa, I won’t fail to mention. I agree the stock would go higher in the next couple of days.


I've been making a lot of losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading on a demo account is just like trading the real market. Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?


Just saw your videos and bought AMS46K up 24% today talk about ❤️


Crypto is risky as many would say but I think the actual risk in Crypto is not investing. Basically, I just made my first $300, 000 in crypto market and I barely know how to express how happy and excited I am right now.
This comment serves as motivation for all those who have invested and continue to invest in cryptocurrencies with so many losses, do not give up, cryptocurrencies can change your life. Do your best to connect with the right people and you will surely see changes.


It’s such a trip to see the face to the voice. Been watching your other channel for 6 ish months religiously. Whack


From $7K to $35K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I thinks it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family.


Forget Shiba and Dogecoin. The next Bull runner gonna be AMS46K


LOL 54:45 Live outside a major city. Live somewhere cheap. Work online and stack in btc. Thats exactly what I am doing rn. Just moved from CA to PA. CA was so expensive. Been there for 20 something years. Time to hide and stack.


Thank you for your videos mate.. Predicting< a reversal of a trend is risky, and even worse, I believe there is more to this market than we understand currently. When people are losing, they don't aim to increase their average, but that can only change if you have a personal trade guide and signal provider like that of Whitney Eston which has made me almost 11.5 on a 3.7 btc Trade capital over the last few weeks. Make the wise decision. Markets fluctuate in cycles that can last anywhere from a few days to several years. In the case of B -TC, it's difficult to make a bullish case simply from looking at the charts....


I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Nicole Miller.


He was talking about patterns, but only spoke of the highs. There’s also a window near the bottom to buy in each cycle,


I'm favored financially with Bitcoin ETFs approval, Thank you anna . $32, 000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.
