][+][=][+][ — Steve Yuhasz (KansasFest/A24eVR 2023)

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A Powerpoint presentation on how I acquired an Apple ][+ with a Rev 03 motherboard (older than what is in many Apple ]['s) and a Datanetics Keyboard and turned it into a WORKING Apple ][ for less than $500 (this includes my attempt to re-create the RPL-raised power light without the built in "Raise" and change the lid label). Working original Apple ]['s are going for $1000 or more on eBay, especially in excellent cosmetic condition. This session will attempt to discount the mythology that an Apple ][+ with Integer ROMs is some how significantly less than an Apple ][ in terms of experience and functionality without paying the original "Apple ][ tax" (while adding the original Apple ][ cosmetics).