Juraj musí pomôcť (George ought to help) + slovenské titulky

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Juraj musí pomôcť (George ought to help) + slovenské titulky
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Thanks for translating this! Would you mind sending me the translation file so that I can add it to the original video?


@MacGhil No, George is the only one I published so far (the sequel is uploading as we speak though).


Very good.

Isn't there another about George trying to start a business, and govt regulations that make it so hard? I can't find it anywhere.


"it seems ludacris to me that "deadly" force is the reason taxation works in America."

It's easiest to see by consider what would happen if the state _wasn't_ prepared to use deadly force: this would mean that at a certain level of resistance (eg. by showing you have a firearm, and telling the agents to leave), the agents would just leave people alone. Soon everyone would know how to safely ignore their demands, and many people would choose to do exactly that. This could never be allowed.


I pretty sure this is redistribution by income?


@arseniyonline1234555 "more fallacy by being way too subjective"

I don't know what you mean. If you believe something i said is false, please explain what and why.

Your 'main point': "Just coz your tax get wasted[..] doesn't mean that tax is a bad thing, "

You're misunderstanding. The reason those here who oppose taxation do so isn't because they think taxes aren't used well, but because taxation necessarily means maintaining threats of violence against peaceful people.


Even liberals should be able to understand this. Brilliant.


@arseniyonline1234555 On what moral grounds is it my responsibility to pay for your tuition?


@arseniyonline1234555 "so what you are saying over exaggerates the argument and is a fallacy"

The analogy actually understates the violence--the state will not only cut you, it will sooner kill you rather than leave you alone (at least with a mugger you may be able to fight him off). Please think carefully about this: All law is backed by the ultimate threat of deadly force, this is why it's effective.


"The individuals agree to be subject to the laws because everyone else does as well, not because some hidden threat of deadly force"

So if all threats of force were removed, you believe the law would be as effective as it currently is?

"deadly force?"
Yes. Think about it carefully. In general the state will see you dead before you're allowed to escape its chain of demands and punishments while living on the land it claims. Consider what would happen if this _was not_ the case.


@thestrugglewithin we were talking on this issue, and you brought up the analogy, so it was common sense to assess what you meant. Trying to say that i saw it that way out of nowhere because i'm a socialist is a joke. Or are you trying to say you've randomly, for no reason changed the subject then, and the analogy was about something completely different?
It doesn't have to be a two party system. I never said that community assistance should always be given freely to everyone.


@TuNeCedeMalis11 the IRS guy gets taxed as well. And the policeman thing, it's not kidnap, he don't decide if you go to jail, the courts do, all they can do is detain you for a while if you done an offence. The truth is, once you make yourself relatively wealthy, it is much easier to create more wealth from that, therefor you get taxed more. Imagine if there was an RPG where it's hard to level in the beginning, and then you have it easy in the end. That would be boring and no one would play it.


I think the class warfare goons currently marching in Madison, WI all need to be rounded up and made to watch this. They seem to quite enamored of using the state to indirectly threaten and steal from the rich, so they shouldn't mind having the state force them to watch this short little video, right?


@thefish103 social mobility and equality. If everyone's tuition is free, that means you get (would have got) yours for free too, and a TINY portion of your tax is taken to pay for others throughout your lifetime.


i did say how it uses science, it would use equations and technology to deal with above mentioned issues. Now i did say i'm a liberal and that i believe people should expand their own wealth, so i don't believe in his project completely, hence i didn't mention it. In societies where money were not available, people resorted to tea bags for currency. I still believe there should be money, however i don't believe everything should resolve around it.


Cartoons are helpful in making liberals understand basic concepts. Cartoons play to their 'creative' side...and we know how creative liberals are.


@TuNeCedeMalis11 society can be judged by the treatment of its most vulnerable. Need of one child is a duty of the society he/she grows up in. A right to be able to read. A right to healthcare. A right to move up economic class without disproportionate odds systematically set against them.


It's interesting how, in all the times you mention Jacque, you never mention the words "Venus Project". I guess you thought I just had no idea who he was, so I'd never know how ridiculous and insane his ideas about society are. Please point out the kind of "science" he employs to achieve his utopia.
Also, please tell me what will happen to those who would rather continue to sell their labor and keep the wealth they earn once Venus achieves its little revolution.


why is that every republican or further to the right in america thinks that anything slightly to the left of them is authoritarian communist USSR like system? I am not against profit, i believe people should have the right to expand wealth and get rich, just not dirty rich.

Jacque Fresco's idea is basically 100% science, it looks at what we have and how we can use it to make the best society. it deals with sustainability efficiency and preservation which is against current capitalist system


@arseniyonline1234555 "The word violence is very badly used here, it's not really violence is it?"

It certainly is. All law is ultimately backed by (and works because of) the ultimate threat of deadly force. If the mugger never actually has to cut anyone like he threatens to, do you conclude that what he's doing is non-violent? I don't think so

Certain laws, such as those related to tax, direct these threats at peaceful people.
