Monica Velin Rodriguez's Story: My Mother's Forced Separation by her Jehovah's Witness Family

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#exjw #JehovahWitness #exjwcriticalthinker #stopmandatedshunning

In this powerful episode, we sit down with a 4th-generation former Jehovah's Witness who shares her deeply personal journey of faith, family, and awakening. From pioneering with her husband across multiple language congregations and dreaming of Gilead, to witnessing the heartbreaking realities of shunning and child abuse within the organization, she opens up about the emotional toll of living a life dedicated to the faith.

She recounts the harrowing experience of her grandfather's near-death due to the 'No-blood' policy, the tragic shunning and suicide attempts of her aunt, and the recent abduction of her mother by zealous JW relatives. Her story is a testament to resilience and the painful but liberating process of waking up to the truth.

Now, as an active member of the Stop Mandated Shunning team and a participant in significant research and legal efforts, she’s fighting to expose the harmful practices of the Jehovah's Witnesses and support others on their journey out. Tune in to hear her discuss her participation in the ICSA Conference, the groundbreaking Roehampton University Research project, and how the power of storytelling is driving legal and academic progress worldwide.

Don't miss this candid conversation that shines a light on the unseen struggles and victories of those who have left high-control religions.


Check out our videos on why we left the Why We Left the Jehovah's Witnesses

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Ohhhh PLEASE, the more interviews the better. They saved me. Please never stop. Also, I so enjoyed this episode. Love her ideas.


The Watchtower Society's Governing Body should be ashamed of themselves for this unjust and cruel shunning policy. The emotional and social impact of shunning is more profound----and detrimental----than many people think or realize. Thank you for sharing your experience in that cult.


What an awesome interview. This is all the more reason why it is imperative that the tower comes down! It's ruining too many lives.😢


What a great idea! And JT and Lady C, you have saved many lives. I can’t thank you enough for teaching me to think critically. After a lifetime of being a witness, I’m free, along with my husband. ❤


Great video! Thanks for having Monica on your channel, she was absolutely fantastic! And loved that comment JT, that "used car salesmen don't have a chance". That is so true. We've been scammed by experts! ❤


Great great interview!!
Monica’s billboard activism is brave and brilliant! I also like the “ mandated” term. Good call! It’s so powerful and effective


Thanks JT and Lady Cee for another intriguing interview. Best wishes to Monica and her husband.


Monica thank you for your activism and vulnerability in telling your story ❤️


When I was in the religion, I wondered why the JW's didn't put the Armageddon message on billboards if the end was so close, because we sure weren't getting any response in the ministry. Most people were not at home when we went knocking.
This billboard message about shunning is much better!


Great interview! Such tragedy caused by this organization in your family Monica!!


I was raised JW, and it messed up my childhood!


If Watchtower can shun you, then you can shame them.


Great interview and glad to see you 2 back!


Thanks for sharing Monica's story! Brilliant idea putting up the billboard!

Before I was shunned, I shared a couple of things with my JW mother and made sure she knew that one of things she taught me was to hold fast to what I believed in, and to always be "a Berean.". Like you, I went through the stringent childhood of sitting alone outside the classroom during the birthday cupcakes, and not saying the pledge etc. It did develop strength in me, so I could stand up even against the emotionally manipulative "governing body"!

I shared with my Mom that when I read the scripture in John (afresh), that if "you do not eat my body and drink my blood, you have no life in you" (referring to communion) I realized how the organization in 1938 had just come up with not allowing the rank and file to share communion, contrary to the scriptures. An extra biblical teaching which they called "new light." How is that different from any other cult that adds to the scriptures? How is that different than the Roman Catholic church (which they railed against when I was a child), keeping their rank and file from sharing the wine?

Thanks to God, I did not have my faith completely destroyed which is one of the worst things the JWs do to people. Faith in God was taught to me by the JWS. They then tried to usurp that!

I am now a born-again follower of Jesus, and don't have to have ALL the answers, but the ones I DO have, have to make sense and agree with scripture, not some man made religion. It was for freedom I was set free!

Love you guys!


Great interview, thank you and I hope to see many billboards up all around.❤🎉


I'm So Glad, that that the Two
of you, still make the effort to
Find folks willing . . to come on
Your channel and Help the Many
waking up !
( " The Need is Great " ) 😉 👌


That JT's Bethelite video was crucial during my leaving the organization era.


Thankyou what a great interview with Monica a lovely lady. What a great idea with the billboard. I have always enjoyed your programme and you have both helped me also. I just love my freedom. I so wish I had woken up to this cult years ago because being n it for 35 years and then leaving at 80 I know I don’t have a long time to live now. I have always been an intelligent ambitious lady but put that on the back burner for the cult always feeling that I really didn’t belong and it stifled my critical mind and curiosity of life. All those years have been a person that asks questions and didn’t realise that was why I didn’t belong because I was supposed to only read the watchtower and do as I was told. Life has opened up for me now whereby my brain is wanting to learn so much. Love this freedom and I have come out f that awful place unscathed where their was conditional love now I am hated nd dead. None of my family got caught up with it and I have come out to my beautiful family that embrace me and have unconditional love. I am so blessed. From Queensland australia. Pearly Kay.


Thank you JT and lady C for another well grounded and realistic life example of the realities faced by those in this organization. This exposure is critical and what better source than the integrity of ExJW critical Thinkers. Thank You for your time and efforts because they are truly life saving.


Please don’t listen to the people complaining about the interviews. I personally LOVEthem and know that many people find them beneficial. Keep up the good work❤
