What's In My Camera Bag 2024 | Brevitē Jumper Stealth Camera Bag

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Let's take a walk through my SECRET camera bag and all the gear I keep in it so far in 2024! This bag looks nothing like a camera bag allowing me to be incognito when filming or hanging out on location! Although, I'm ready to make some changes, here's what I keep with me for filming YouTube, Photography, Sports Recording, etc.

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Great review man. Looks like this bag can be used for almost any travel application.


Great video pal I am looking for a EDC bag for when I start my videos and this one looks like tye dest one I've seen so far the compartment that can fit a 16ince laptop in is a must for me. So will defo be looking at this for the future.

On a side note your camera I know you have both fuji and Sony and It is personal preference but the quality is defo better on the Sony for sure.

As always great video and keep safe pal
Stay CoZ pal


Legit, thought the thumbnail was you aiming down sites at a range.
