I Was Wrong About a Total Gym...

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Going over a primary area that I believe I may have been wrong in recommending a Total Gym (or other sliding bench trainers) for the most people in their home gym. While it's still a hands down contender for one of the most versatile, affordable, durable, and efficient home gym pieces. It may however may not be ideal for most people who are just jumping into it and not considering some of the points I get into in this video.
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I went from a Total Gym to a full cage/smith machine (with all the weight and attchments you'd ever need) but then downsized to a Speediance Gym Monster. I finally realized that nothing I've used has come close to the Total Gym. Everything about it just works and provides an exceptional workout. Because of this, I got rid of everything, and I'm back on my Total Gym and couldn't be happier. This is truly one of the most versatile pieces of equipment with unlimited potential.


After being a gym rat as a young guy I tried the total gym in my forties, and once I got the hang of it I realized only my lack of imagination could stop me from doing what I needed. But it's all about what you put into it.


I think that the total gym is one of the most underrated training tool. You can work on strength, resistance, mobility etc in low time with great results😉


Mike the Total Gym is just that a Total Gym. It is time proven. It had changed very little over the years and has stood the test of time that it is still around today. So many exercise machines have come and gone. The Total Gym is still standing. I had mine from the early 90's like the one Chuck Norris endorsed in the back of martial arts magazines. It did take a bit to get used to using it but after that it was a blast to use. Coming from free weights. I could get a fast effective work out with it every time. If you are going for size then noting will beat free weights. However, if you want to stay fit and flexible and gain some size the Total Gym can get the job done. I have to say Mike when I stumbled on to your channel; you have taken the Total Gym to the next level showing us stuff most people would not even think was possible on this machine. I want to thank you for that. On a serious note, Total Gym should have you doing their infomercial with the master himself, Chuck Norris. I think they would almost double their sales if people could see what is possible with this amazing machine.


I was hoping you were not going to the dark side, lol. After watching the entire video, I think I understand. I'm sure there are many of us out here (over 60) that love the TG and have no desire to hit the local gym, nor clutter our garages with equipment we will not use. Before you feel like you were "wrong", here's what you did for me two years ago; you reminded me that the TG does not have to be a soft training system and that it can be used aggressively to gain muscle and strength. Something I had almost given up on at my age (66). The benefits to the core, especially at my age, from doing most exercises is a bonus. Your creativity in adaptation, and the fact that you know the proper mechanics of exercise, makes us feel safe and allow us to dare to push a little harder. Finally, remember that for every 20-year-old that shakes his head when watching your TG training, there are 20 of us older guys that appreciate the guidance, especially when there is so little out there for our age group. I'll be dammed if I'm going to be working out in a chair!


At 59, I find the TG fits where I’m at in my life. Between the TG, a pair of dumbbells and an adjustable bench, I’m good to go.


I'm 62 and have been working out most of my life. Pretty much always had a home gym setup or spent a lot of time at the gym strength training hard. You're absolutely right that if you're experienced at weight training you can adapt to this very quickly. I had a Bowflex Ultimate years ago that I had all the regular gym cable attachments and chains to adapt it to what I needed. I started a job 9 years ago working 10-11 hours a day and just couldn't make it to the gym or eat enough to strength train like I was used to doing. I bought the Total Gym Evolve around 4 months ago and have pretty much turned it into the machine I needed using bands, weight plates, cable extensions, swivels and a variety of attachments. Thanks for all the tips you provide, they definitely helped remind me of all the things I did on that old Bowflex!


In my last house, I had a bunch of commercial equipment I bought from a gym that went out of business and loved it, but it took up a ton of space honestly in my new house I don’t have near the space and I love my total gym. thanks to your videos, I added the weight bar and resistance bands, and it works perfect for all my needs.


For the Total Gym, it takes a bit of skill to get the mechanics down - but once you develop those skills, you will discover a wide verity of exercise options. Lots of potential, and mostly thanks to you and your channel, Mike!


I love the Total gym. I’ve gotten some of my best results with the Total gym.


My two cents: I'm 73, woefully out of shape, no core strength, no flexibility, you name it. I bought a TG Extreme (sort of a baby TG) a few weeks ago off Marketplace. I quickly found out how intimidating the TG can be just to get OFF and ON. But - did I give it up? Nope - I just lowered my expectations on how quickly I would master it. As they say, "Slow and steady wins the day, " and that's been my motto for the TG. I'm only doing a fraction of the exercises that are possible - but I'm building confidence, comfort and a sense of expertise with the machine. There will be plenty of time for complete mastery. In the meantime, I have something - at home - which will accept me at my own pace, let me learn while growing flexible and stronger, etc. The TG probably isn't for everyone, as you say. But for those who are willing to take their time, s-l-o-w down, and take it just a little piece at a time, it appears to be a good solution. I'm already looking for a good deal on a Fit or GTS on Marketplace. Thought I had found one; it fell through so the hunt continues.


Absolutely spot on mike. That's a perfect way to put it. I will also say you looked your absolute best hands down when you were using the total gym outside a few summers ago with just the addition of a vest and a few bands.


Love my total gym. Thanks for your tips and different attachments.!


Everything you said makes sense. It's much easier for somebody who has been working out for many years to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a Total Gym. For some exercises, like seated rows, the TG works great without changes/adjustments/extra equipment. Others work better with variations or supplemental equipment. Still others are best suited to completely different devices like barbells or dumbbells. For those who are experienced, it's fairly easy to recognize what works and what doesn't and to make the necessary changes.


I picked one up a couple of years ago after seeing your videos. It's so easy to just hop on and get a good workout in a short amount of time. I think that's why its the only equipment I can stay consistent on.


I was never a "gym rat" but did a have a weight machine at home in my younger days (Marcy EM-1). Went many years without any weight training and at 58 decided to order a Total Gym Apex. It took me a while to bite the bullet as I didn't want to have this thing collecting dust, and we have enough things to hang clothes on already. I love it and use it three to four times a week. This in addition to a change in diet has gotten me down about 30lbs while adding muscle definition and reducing belly fat. I have inverted the chest to belly ratio, LOL.

There is a learning curve, for me it was getting used to stabilizing the bench while getting on and off, especially when it's at the higher settings and greater angle. The other thing is using the attachments and what holes to use. Once I got used to that, it's second nature. Change overs are very fast once you have a routine.

Like anything in the fitness realm, safety is a concern, and the TG has some realities to keep in mind, IMO. Basically, you are on a moving bench that depends on YOU to keep YOU from going for a ride. With most other forms of training you are standing/laying/sitting on a fixed structure, or the floor. In addition, on a traditional cable machine, if there is a mechanical failure (cable, etc.), you are at least on a stable platform when the machine lets go. On the TG, you're going for a ride, maybe while you are in one of head-down positions. I ALWAYS remove the squat platform when doing head-down exercises, that way if something goes wrong, I'll shoot out the bottom and not pile drive into the squat stand.

Overall I'm very happy with the purchase, I wanted a lot of versatility in a relatively small footprint and the TG is exactly what I wanted. Plus I can easily move it if needed. I do plan to do some upgrades such as better rollers and handles. I also use dumbbells for some variation, using the TG bench for inclined dumbbell presses with the bench slid down, and my knees against the squat plate for support. I already had the dumbbells and decided to implement them, not sure I would have felt the need otherwise. Just my two cents on the Total Gym experience, I love mine.


Legs work best by using 41”loop bands to augment. I just wrap them around the weight bar and the squat stand so the effect is like a hack squat


Pound for pound....one of the best designs out there.


I understand what you’re saying
But for me, the total gym is a godsend
Actually, I have a bayou total trainer
That I faded for some free weights
I’ve had a couple of total gyms
Due to me getting divorced and moving into a small condo I had to do that one for a while
I do understand the balancing is a bit of a challenge
But once you get used to it
I love the motion
I love the pump
And I love the natural feel of it
I love sliding bench trainers
It works for me
Especially as I get older
I’m 62 now
And freewieghts are killing my joints


I've got the machine during covid and I love it no more gym I got about 100lbs of extra weight to load the machine some bands the amount of different exercises you can do on the machine is insane perfect for me
