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In this video we explore the contents of my basic shoe valet kit and why I have selected these items for inclusion in my daily shoe care regime.

In this video I take you through an arbitrage cycle to demonstrate the process - enjoy!

Below are Amazon links to the products I used in this video:

Equipment used in this filming of this video (Amazon links):

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I have been looking for an explanation like this for weeks but, at last i found the exact information a beginner like me needs to start taking good care of leather shoes. Thanks a lot Sir!


Saphir shoe products are well worth the extra cost. They smell great too.


After viewing your vids on Saphir I bought a starter kit online and been very happy with the purchase. Expensive but worth every penny. Thanks Ash


Now I know not to use regular brown polish on my light brown shoes. And I have only one horse hair brush that I was using on all of my shoes. Now I know to have one brush for black shoes and another one for lighter colored shoes. I just ordered a horse hair brush for my lighter shoes based on your advice. Thank you for your excellent, informative and entertaining videos.


Sage advice, that is an impressive and well organised valet kit. I recommend keeping a bag of tatty cotton t-shirts in the shed instead of binning them. Per your kit, a square of old t-shirt is perfect for applying shoe care products. Marsh Street (and Marsh St Market), magical place, not been there for a few decades sadly. Marsh Street is where I picked up a new pair of Loakes for £40!


"I absolutely subscribe to the old saying: 'Cheap shoes are not good and good shoes are not cheap'." How right you are, Ash!


The only advice I could add to this excellent film is. I to went to make myself a shoe cleaning/care kit like the one shown here. Spending a small fortune doing so the advice I can give is just to save you some money. I bought the Saphir Medaille D'OR shoe cream because it being the dearest and so I thought it was the best for the job. But I bought some of the less expensive Saphir Beaute du cuir shoe cream also but it comes in the round class jars. It was a picture of a bee 🐝 on the top of the lid. But I must say it gives a lot better shine on your shoes/boots. As for the polishing brushes yes if you buy good quality horse hair ones they last for years. You can wash them when you think there to dirty. I just use some washing up liquid on them. Rub the washing up liquid in to the bristles and them rinse them out. Stick them out in the sun to dry and there ready for the next time you use them. Hopefully this is some help for you and unlike me you don't have jars and jars of shoe polish trying to find the best ones. 😊

use some


Great tip for the beer towel-adding to my kit today. Thanks.


Can't beat a well stocked shoe care kit with quality products.
You introduced me to Saphir and I'll never go back to my old regime.
Ps Horsehair brushes are the best by far


When applying Shoe Polish consider applying Cotton Wool. I've used Cotton Wool over a cloth for years. Also instead if buffing your shoes with a duster try heavy denier tights. Regards


excellent advice for a well groomed chap Ash I've used saphire creams and polish for years and wouldn't use anything else, I have a loake shoe box and use horse hair brushes and goat hair brushes to finish off from a great German company called Langer messmer great brushes which will last me a lifetime always a pleasure to watch your videos great advice hopefully the chaps will follow suite and your great advice Ash .


Great source of information. It very much reminded me of my dad when gave me my lessons on shoe polishing and care and it also inspires me to share this with next generations


Thank you for this, Ash! Exactly the kind of information I needed as I look at learning to care for my shoes and boots better!


I love the way that Saphir beings out the shine on shoes, I currently use "Kiwi" Australian invention, his wife was a Kiwi hence Kiwi Shoe Polish!
I also have in my shoe-care-kit a old toothbrush to get between the sole and upper, my cloth I use is a camera cloth!
I love the Saphir Mirror Shine polish, one day in the next 5 years, love to buy that too!


Ash, I took your advice a long time ago and purchased saphir products. I'm very happy with the result. Thanks for your advice. And another great video. Cheers Ron


Cheap products might not ruin your expensive quality shoes but definitely make them look yes cheap. Saphir is the way to go. Some like Burgol products though however I use Saphir ones.


Very useful video. Despite your care for the leather, the problem with shoes with rubber soles remains that the rubber becomes hard and slippery, and you have to replace the rubber with a lower quality than the original.


Having been recommended & used Kiwi polish for most of my adult life, I learned recently that they were no longer trading. This meant I had to start looking around for a good polish. Your video has helped me to appreciate that Saphir is the make I should now be seeking out. Thank you.


Excellent videos. Based on your past videos on shoe care products, I have acquired some essential Saphir products based on your recommendations and have found them to be excellent.


Very nice video Ash. My valet kit is very similar to the one you’ve created. I agree with your endorsement of the Saphir product line. Probably the best you can buy and readily available here across the pond…Thanks, Ed
