E.E. Just Symposium Keynote Address: Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Inflation

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"Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Inflation: New Physics or 21st Century Phlogiston"
Presented by David Spergel, Charles A. Young Professor of Astronomy on the Class of 1987 Foundation and Chair, Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University
September 28, 2012
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This Spergel guy looks and sounds like this guy that sold me hit dog on 52nd and Broadway in 2005


whatgeneroddenberryhadonce created asstartrek in the sixties was literally a human android and that was startrek the next generation 1st episode and since a woman became captain on startrek voyager.

AndI ´m explaining a smartphone android version 4.0 and I last bought that three years ago for 89 Euros as in Currency in the EU
