Why Do YOU Run? | According To Global Strava Data

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Why do you run? Has the reason changed over time from when you started to now? And which of the types of runner do you think you identify with the most? Let us know in the comments ↓↓


I’m 13 and have autism I started running 2 weeks ago I’m gonna do the park run this Saturday at Churchfields farm and I climb mountains so I run to get fitter and now I kinda enjoy it and you’re channel has got me enjoying running


I run so I will still be able to run tomorrow. I'm in the over 60, >10 years, 40 miles/week group. I've seen too many people slack off and coast, and then find they lose the ability to do what they used to be able to do. And, I really love how I feel after a run.


Why do I run? Kind of a long answer so bear with me. Running was by far my least favourite activity as a kid and all the way through school. I played loads of other sports but I couldn't stand running. Made no sense to me and had zero appeal. At the age of 20 I began training soft style martial arts and did so for close to 20 years. The training involved a lot of stance training and slow movements and it completely changed my life. There was a time when I was training as much as possible, several hours a day and one day I just got a feeling that I needed to run to complement my current training. So I put on my shoes and hit the road. I got into it for a couple of years but struggled with consistency (a theme throughout most of my life).

About six years ago I got married and moved to Spain. While I tried to keep up my martial arts training it wasn't easy doing so by myself and that kind of faded away. As I settled into married life I got a bit too comfortable. Over the next four years I gained a lot of weight. I wasn't really exercising or eating properly. About 18 months ago I made several life style changes and started running again. At first it was just to lose weight but I started to fall in love with running. I started reading more about running and watching videos online as we all do when we start to really enjoy something and want to get better at it.

Fast forward to today and I cannot believe the progress I've made in just 18 months of consistent training. My weekly mileage has more than doubled (tripled actually) and I am feeling better than ever. And I've lost about 16kgs as well. Today I run because I love it. I love the purity of running and how accessible it is to everyone. I love how it makes me feel. I love seeing myself improve. I love how running makes me so grateful for many things like being healthy enough to run, having the luxury of free time to run, and being able to reconnect with nature while running. I love the sense of freedom running gives me. I love how running gives me the same feeling of personal progress that martial arts gave me. Something I thought I would never find again.

As a side note, the last week or so and the next several weeks to come have been and will be really difficult. Spain is under total corona lockdown and we're not allowed to leave home, even running outside alone is prohibited for now. So the last three days I have been running in my basement. It's mentally taxing to run in such a small space but I am grateful to at least have somewhere to run. I've worked too hard over the last 18 months to let it all go to waste over a situation that none of us has any control over. I am doing my best to adapt accordingly. Not running for however long this quarantine lasts is not an option.

It's now got to the point where I run because I have to. It keeps me calm, clears my mind, and strengthens my body. It's good for the spirit as well.


I'm a mindful runner. Whenever I can run, there's no one around. I work an overnight shift and I usually do my run between 11 pm and 1 am. I wish I didn't work overnights so I could have time to join a running team, club, etc. I run for health reasons and I enjoy running races when I can. I started running in July 2019 and I weighed 292 pounds. I weighed myself the other day and I am down to 258 pounds. One of my goals was to get to 250 pounds, so I am almost there. Once I get there, I'm not going to stop. I love to run and your channel and others help motivate me.


Fitness runner seems to be my category. Why do I run? My Mother once called me “fat”. I was 22 ( oh I remember ) I'm now 57 & I've never stopped. I still remind her & now thank her for it. Besides, what better way to move stress from your brain literally down to your toenails 😬.

Love this channel!


I run because running is a huge part of my life. I love the running community, the different places I run in, the variety of the sport and most of all my running club. That means running is so important to me that I would not feel very happy without it. That is why I run.


Your channel and others inspire me to run more. And running makes me happy.. Embrace the pain.


Aw, this was a great video. I started running out of spite after an accident which left me with permanent ankle problems. The doctor told me I'd never be able to walk long distances so I decided "nope! I'll prove you wrong" and have since done two half marathons! I hated it for the first year of training and now LOVE running and just don't feel right if I'm not running regularly :D


1. So I can eat ALL THE THINGS! 2. Cause it feels good! 3. Refer to 1.


I started running as a way to supplement my weight loss; I’m only 5’7” and as I got older I ballooned up to 200lbs at 45 yrs old and I could barely run a tenth of a mile. I kept at it then it turned into a mile, then two mile, then a 5k and kept moving upward to full marathons. Over the last three years I lost over fifty pounds and it became about improving my times over distances.

It keeps my weight in check and gives me a target to aim for. It wasn’t just running though, running is in addition to working out at Fit Body Boot Camp.


I started running in 1997. I was at a party where everybody was having a great time but me. Nothing was going well with my life and I was actually angry. So, instead of losing it and ruining everyone's evening, I went outside, found a hill and went up and down that hill a few times. I felt better, so from that moment on, I was a runner and still am today. Now, I run and practice other physical activities to be ready for whatever life can throw at me. When you've put yourself through so much pain training or racing, there isn't a whole lot that you can't handle in your life. I am a mindful runner who runs to be happy and strong, physically and mentally.


I started to running, to do the great north run, as I got close to that race, I thought I’ve not done all this training for nothing, so now I run for lots of reasons, fitness, community (although I’m a solo runner lol) I have a few running friends and we all run solo, but have a meeting point for the end of our run, and it’s a good escape from anything life throws at you.


I started running in April this year to become a better version of myself, and now I can't stop! I managed to do my first half-marathon this weekend and although I'm not the fastest (it took me around 2hours 46mins to complete!) I'm so excited to keep running and this channel inspires me to keep going. Thank you!


I run for multiple reasons. It keeps me fit physically and mentally and keeps down my weight. I also love achieving goals at lots of different distances and renewing goals, eg I broke 45 mins at 10K, now I want to break 40 mins. I will run alone, with my family, with friends and with my running club. I love races and love park runs for the community feel. I like road, trail, fell and track as they all present different challenges. I'm fortunate to live on the edge of the Peak District, so I have beautiful countryside on my doorstep. This covid 19 has postponed all my events, but this is a golden opportunity to get even stronger and come back next year and smash some PBs. 🙂


I run for my overall mental well-being, I try to be present and connect to the environment. I would also like to run with a club now I feel more confident in my ability


I run because it makes me feel better and keeps me in shape. I’m 51 and I have been running since I was a child. I think you guys are awesome! Keep up the great work. 🏃🏼‍♀️😎😍🐇


Thanks Anna & Rick. Very interesting.
Why do I run? Initially it was just to fulfil an ambition to ‘run in a race’. Nowadays, I run for the challenge, my mental health, it’s given me confidence & given my self esteem a massive lift.
It has also shown me that with work, the ‘impossible’ is possible and has introduced me to the wonderfully supportive running community. This has in turn made me more outgoing (although I still struggle socially.)
I often wonder how different my life would be if I’d started running in my teens?
We’ll sadly never know, of course.
Thanks again. Keep up the awesome work.


I have had a relationship with running since tag on the playground, in sports through college, then when I made the switch from speed to distance when I was laid off from an amazing job, my mindset changed. I run from the stress of reality. I run to complete goals. I run to find my limit. I run in honor of those who can't. I run to keep up with my kids and hopefully show them that you can run farther than you ever thought possible.


I lost my dad in 2017. A year later, I was stuck in a major funk. Depressed, unable to focus, and feeling sorry for myself. After my brother had a serious and nearly fatal bike wreck and a lot of rehab, he signed up for the the 2018 Ironman in The Woodlands (TX). Normally, my parents would go to all of his races to support him. With my dad gone, I went with my mom and one of my daughters.

I expected everyone there to look like Olympic athletes (muscular, ripped, etc.). But this wasn't the case at all. Many of them just looked like regular people. Some of them were old enough to be my parents. There were even some blind participants. Not everyone was gifted like the pros, but they had all sacrificed a lot and were giving their best. This got me to wondering what I would be capable of if I really tried. The finish line was unforgettable. Seeing the way people were eagerly cheering on their family members or friends was inspiring. Then, I got a mental picture of my dad standing with us and cheering my brother on. I'm getting choked up even now as I type this. But that day, I completely lost it.

It was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and start moving forward. I started running a couple of times a week and then began adding to this. I found that running was a good outlet for processing my grief. It gave me a good chance to pray, think, process, cry, decompress, or whatever I needed to do. Plus, it was a nice break from my phone, text messages, and other stresses. Before long, I was hooked. I worked up to running a 10K race that fall and have since run a couple of marathons. But really, I run now because I love it. It makes me feel young and healthy, both physically and mentally.
