Everything That Went Wrong for The Alamo to Happen

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One of the most important battles in US history was the Battle of the Alamo. While most people know about the outcome of the battle, do you know what happened before the Alamo? Thanks to the glamour of Hollywood cinema, everyone envisions the Alamo as one of the most incredible sieges. The battle is seen as a romanticized epic war between Mexico and some of America's most legendary figures, such as Colonel James Bowie and Davy Crockett.

While the battle was a significant and pivotal moment in American history, the hard facts of the Battle of the Alamo are not as glorious as many people believe.

#TheAlamo #TexasHistory #WeirdHistory
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He didn’t include the weirdest part of the whole story. 10 years after the battle, Santa Ana was exiled from Mexico. He went to Staten Island, New York bringing with him tons of a rubbery material he hoped to turn into tires thus providing a means of livelihood for him in his exile. The tire idea didn’t work so he sold the material to an American. This American took the rubbery material, which was from a Mexican plant known as “Chicle” and turned it into “chewing gum” or “Chiclets”, a heretofore unknown product. We all know how that worked out. So, the Mexican general who killed all of the Alamo defenders was responsible for starting the chewing gum industry which began in Staten Island. How’s that for weird?


To quote one of my professors “the only thing dumber than Travis choosing to hold the Alamo at all cost was Santa Anna deciding to take it at all cost.”


Mexico was actually a little ahead of their time. Were real generous to the settlers too, but they took advantage and eventually stole Mexican land (which i happen to be on right now) then history books tried to paint the settlers as the victims.


I remember when Pee Wee Herman went to the Alamo to look for his bike. And it wasn’t there.


"The Mexicans blamed the illegal American immigrants who refused to obey their laws"... Oh the irony...


I like how your video referred to them as “illegal immigrants”. That’s some serious shade


I've learned more from Weird History than from school!


Most of the pictures are from the Mexican Revolution, there are some where Pancho Villa can be seen... 100 years after this.


I’m disappointed. This didn’t answer the most important question. Is Pee Wee’s bike still in the basement?


"We need to defend ourselves"
19th Century Shia LaBeouf: "JUST. DEWITT!!!!"


Visiting the Alamo is an experience. Archeologists recently found original frescoes in the chapel. Standing on the spot where you know someone suffered and eventually died is powerful.


When folks say 'Remember the Alamo', I too, stare off into space, retreat to a dark part of my mind, and relive the horror for a few moments.

Family vacations can really scar a kid, y'know?


And then Cotton Hill “stole Gen’ral Sanny Anny’s leg!”


I think I've learned more history on this channel than on any other medium. Ever. This is how you approach history, not just dates and facts, what makes this channel awesome is that they paint a picture and give you context, so much that you feel involved, even thou you have no connection to the topic (I'm from Colombia and didn't know anything about the Alamo)


Here's an interesting little fact. My great X3 uncle was officially listed as the Sergeant Major of the Alamo and died there. He was from Philadelphia and a West Point graduate. He arrived in Texas in December 1835 with a group of other Americans. A few days after his arrival it was decided that he would go to San Antonio to teach the volunteers at the Alamo how to be proper soldiers. Here's where it gets a little bit odd. At the time of the Alamo battle he was still commissioned as a Captain in the United States Army and was still on the payroll.


I've been to the Alamo twice years ago. What struck me was the raw simplicity of the tools of the day, battle got up close and personal.


"Do you remember the Alamo?" No, I wasn't there.


Bowie's family was not at the Alamo. In fact, his wife and children had died in a cholera epidemic in 1833.


Also- the Alamo is right next to the river walk. I have had to chase so many wasted friends down to the Alamo. Texas pride is wild y’all.


My school use to take us on field trips to the Alamo, but when we were too young to fully understand the significance of it. I like going now that I’m able to respect the history of it.

Now if only teachers taught the way you narrate in these videos. Love it!!
