“Life of Alphonso Mango” || Maharashtra Traditional Life || Village Cooking || Red Soil Stories

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Episode 4

Namaste, Greetings from Shirish & Pooja.

Welcome to a new story of “Alphonso Mango" (हापूस आंबा).
As it is said that mango is the "King of Fruits", but we Maharashtrian people believe that "Alphonso Mango" is the “King of Kings". "Devgad Alphonso Mango" (देवगड हापूस) is a well-known and most liked variety of Mango in Maharashtra. April and May are the peak of harvesting season of this variety of Mango.

Me and Pooja went to our uncle's farm to get some "Alphonso Mangoes” this Season. He was very generous and let us pluck lots of mangoes which we brought home and Kept for Ripening in the hey.

It took 7 days for the mangoes to fully ripped and ready to be eaten and for making some delicious recipes.
Soham, our uncle's son is still here for his vacation. He loves mangoes very much. To start with, we had few mango slices and they were heavenly sweet. We enjoyed the "Alphonso mangoes" to the fullest..

Generally we enjoy eating mangoes as it is but it has become a Tradition of Maharashtra to prepare "Aamras Puri" (Sweet Mango dessert & Puffed bread) (आमरस पुरी) in the mango Season. Pooja kneaded the dough for Puri and while it was resting she prepared Aamras (आमरस).

Just before the lunch she fried the "Puri" (Puffed bread) and we had "Aamras Puri" as our main course. Meanwhile Soham liked the Aamras and asked for few “Alphonso Mangoes” for his friend in Mumbai.
After lunch Pooja took the leftover Aamras and started preparing “Aamba Poli" (Dried mango squash). It is a traditionally made sweet-savoury flat candy often prepared in Southern region of Maharashtra especially "Kokan". It takes about 6-7 days to dry up the spread pulp and we get a flat candy after this. We can see the Dried Squash at the end of this Video.
Just after this, to add the flavours in the lunch menu Pooja decided to prepare “Mango Lassi". It is an easy to make recipe and a good dessert after meal.

“Mango lassi” was loaded with fresh curd, dry fruits. "Alphonso Mango" on the top. We were all packed till neck and Pooja wanted to add one more Sweet in this dessert odyssey.

“Aamba Naral Vadi" (Mango Coconut dessert), it is also a Traditionally Made sweet in kokan region. The recipe looks simple but can go wrong if you miss the right time to take down the heat and dry it flat it as Soon as possible. Later that evening Pooja Scraped the "Aamba naral vadi" and kept them in the box.

Remember we had kept "Aamba-Poli" ( Dried Mango Squash) for drying? Cut to 7 days and it is all dried and ready to peel and kept for eating. The good thing about this Squash is that the shelf-life of it is Six months to an year when kept in cool and dry place.

There are many recipes that can be made from “Alphonso Mangoes" hope we will try few more next time. Till then please let us know which part of the video you liked by Commenting below.

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“Life of Alphonso Mango” || Maharashtra Traditional Life || Village Cooking || Red Soil Stories

Watch our episodes @Red Soil Stories

Episode 3 : We had Corn for Breakfast, Lunch and Tea Time || Maharashtra Traditional Life || Red Soil Stories

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Proud to say that we are inspired from- 李子柒 Liziqi, Dianxi Xiaoge, Traditional me, Poorna - The nature girl

#AlphonsoMango #RedSoilStories #TraditionalLife #VillageLife
Рекомендации по теме

मी जेव्हा Liziqui & purna the natural girl च्या व्हिडिओ बघायचे तेव्हा वाटायचं की आपल्या महाराष्ट्रातून ही अशा व्हिडिओ बनवल्या पाहिजेत, , , ,
तुमच्या व्हिडिओ बघून खूप आनंद
तुमचं घर, किचन खूप मस्त
महाराष्ट्रीयन कोकणी संस्कृती चे दर्शन तुमच्या व्हिडिओ चा माध्यमातून


When you opened the hay for the ripened mangoes I could literally smell them through the screen! 🤤 I miss Alphonso mangoes so much


पूजाताई आणि दादा दोघांनाही खूपखूप शुभेच्छा .तुमचं जगणं असच देखणं राहो.निसरगदेवतेची तुमच्यावर अशीच क्रुपा राहो. तुमच गाव असेच सुंदर स्वच्छ आणि शांत निसर्गसमृद्ध राहो.तुम्ही निसर्गदेवतेचे पूजक आहात.त्यामुळे निसर्गाची नेहमीच तुमच्यावर क्रुपा राहो ही सदिच्छा. जरी तुम्ही होमस्टे काढलात तरी तिथला निसर्ग आणि शांतता जपालच.कोकणच्या संपत्तीला धक्का लागू नये अशीच तुमचीही ईच्छा असणार


सामान्य कोकणी माणसाच्या गावाकडल्या आठवणींना उजाळा देताय. सादरीकरण मनाला भुरळ पाडणारं, गावाकडे साद घालणारं😊 . मस्तच👌🏻
तुम्हाला पुढील वाटचालीस खूप खूप शुभेच्छा✌


शुद्ध सात्विक खाण्यापिण्याच्या बाबतीतही माझी भारतीय संस्कृती किती तरी पटींनी पुढे आहे, खरच धन्य ती... 🙏


It's amazing to see your videos. What a skill 👏 👌 right from background music, your lovely house, beautiful village, your recipes and collection of your old vessels, it's just perfect. Lots of hardwork goes in making such videos. You both as a couple looks 👍 👌 great chemistry. Lots of love to you my friend ❤️ I would love to visit your beautiful and cozy house. Let me know if its possible. Whenever I will come to India, I can pay visit to you. Thank you 😊


तुमच्या या जीवना पुढे व रहाणीमानापुढे
करोंडोंचे बंगले, उंची पक्वान्ने, सोने नाणे, ऐशोआराम सारं सारं फीकं पडेल ताई.
खुप खुप सुखी समाधानी आयुष्य जगताय. आणि तुमची मुलं सुध्दा अशीच साधी सुधी परंपरा जपणारी आणि समाधानी रहाणारी होतील. त्यांना मराठी शाळेतच घाला. खरं जीवन जगणं कशाला म्हणतात हे शिकवा.
दुनियेच्या खोट्या झगमगाटापासून अलिप्त ठेवा. माणूस बनवा.
प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति सगळेच असतात.
पण माणूस कोणी नसतं.


एक सुरेख अशी कोकणी कौटुंबिक सिरियल पाहिल्यानंतर जो आनंद मिळतो तोच आपल्या व्हिडीओ मधे अनुभवण्यास येतो खरच छान


Cooking style is traditional....style...i love...bonsai tree which is in kitchen...i love d kitchen n cleanliness


कीती सुंदर आहे सगळेच. घर, घरातील स्वयंपाक घर, त्यातील भांडी, आजूबाजूचा परिसर, त्यात तुमची कामाची पद्धत, पारंपरिक पद्धतीत केलेले पदार्थ, सगळंच अप्रतिम, बघतंच रहावं असं


I really like your channel it's amazing you prepare so many recipes in one day .we have to think two days before what to prepare.


I hope your channel grows a lot, I was always hoping to see such lifestyle videos of our konkan. I'm glad I stumbled upon this!


Just beautifully done...!! I was used to watch liziqui's channel but when I saw your videos, I was completely stunned.. now m addict to your channel... Just simply great...


I teaches my son by seeing your videos hows the peaceful life can


Your video reminded me of my childhood days and brought tears to my eyes.


Wow.. मुंबई पुणे च्या लोकांना राहायला कुठे सोय àआहे का
तुह्मीच हॉटेल सुरु केले तर खूप आवडेल सर्वाना


Ekdam mast.... Tumcha vlog cha typical music.. Tumcha ghar... Nature baghun... Malgudi days chi athvan ali..


वा खरचं बाळा तू आपल्या देशातील एकमेव अशी अन्नपूर्णा आहेस जी इतक्या साधेपणाने राहून अप्रतिम अशा पौष्टिक स्वादिष्ट रूचकर चविष्ट खाद्यपदार्थ आहार न्याहारी जेवण ते सुद्धा स्वतः व तुझा नवरा मेहनत करून उगवलेल्या शेतातून पिकवलेल्या अन्नधान्यातून फळ फुल शुद्ध पदार्थ बनवते तुला व तुझ्या नवऱ्याला माझा सलाम खुप खुप सुंदर आवडले एक नंबर लय भारी देव तुम्हाला भावी जीवनात भरपूर यश देवो व हा तुमचा प्रयत्न प्रत्येक घरात पोचू दे अशीच प्रगती होत राहू दे हीच देवाकडे प्रार्थना तुम्हाला माझा बाळानों खुप खुप आशीर्वाद व भरपूर प्रेम देव बरे करो ❤❤❤❤❤


Very apt name. Red soil. Very earthy and heart full of warmth. Love your videos.


Wow ...Tai khup chhan... tumchya saglyach receipes ekdam chhan astat...
