Special Forces | Corrupt Government: How does a Green Beret justify service in 2023

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This is by far the most troubling question for me as a young man aspiring to go into special operations. I am willing to die to serve, but I wish it to be for the right reasons.

I am looking forward to watching this video, sir.
Thank you kindly for the content.


You’re out here answering the real questions the People want to hear. Thanks for this man


To be completely honest I think me and many other young people who want to join the military are doing it for ourselves. There isn't some big ideology or religion a lot of young people subscribe to now which motivates them to potentially put there lives on the line (depending on the job in the military). In fact there is an overwhelming amount of pessimism about the USA and the western world in general now. I think it is a mistake to look at it from the top down because truthfully a lot of people are joining the military simply because they want to. Of course there will always be the groups of people who serve because it's their only option or because they grew up in a military community usually around some base. However, for the average person the military is just a good opportunity to do some crazy shit and get skills and a resume you can't get anywhere else which can help a lot after you get out.


I served 1999-2020 3 tours and feel lied to about the job I was called to do. Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? There were so many what are we doing here moments.


Why? Because we need to protect the western world against government corruption. To all veterans, you are greatly appreciated by many and those of us with critical thinking skills will always be grateful for your service.


Great video. Wish I had seen this when it first came out. I walked out from a SFG . It had become my dream but I saw where this was all going and wanted to be here for the big one. I was ridiculed but at least I knew. At times I felt ashamed but now when I see others waking up it gives me hope.


Love that you speak your mind. People need to know keep it up Brother!


Enjoyed the video! When i joined i had the mindset: You have to have a reason that transcends your political beliefs.


Just keep spreading the knowledge that the big green weeny graced you with. Help us get better and stand for what is right.
My family and our homestead thank you for your service and your willingness to share the knowledge you gained.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


Thank you very much for your time and service and everything you sacrificed. Thank you very much for the Contant it is extremely helpful and informative. Please keep it up.


Appreciate your videos/Discord dude, thank you!

Big love from an aspiring Aus Commando, your content makes my goals seem realistic and achievable with the right mindset and fucktons of effort. Thank you for putting it all out there for us 👊


I just saw the Fox News article about you. I know that you are going to win. I’m sorry to see a fellow warrior go through this. De Oppresso Liber 🇺🇸


The truth will set us free. Thank you sir.


Love the unbiased views of this channel, just straight logic and facts 🔥🔥


Awesome perspective brother thank you!


Is there still a culture within SF that is rooted in its history, for instance what JFK had to say about its purpose, having 18d on teams how did SF handle the jab? I'm not looking for details, if your willing to answer then simple will suffice


I joined the Army in 2000...medically retired in 2016 after 6 back surgeries. Watching the Army transform into what it is now has been very painful to watch. Nonetheless, I still recommend service to younger generations - although it's sometimes very hard to do. But you're right. There are incredible opportunities available when you choose to serve. I generally advise people to find a way into the SOF community - in whatever capacity. Seems as though SOF has been the least poisoned by socio-political nonsense. Not saying it isn't there...but less so than general service. Frankly, I think Big Army has become a cesspool and the lack of readiness, in favor of woke identity politics, has severely damaged national security. Just my 2 pennies.


First and foremost, thank you for sharing your experiences and opinion on this issue.

Furthermore, I had a similar conversation with a coworker about this topic the other day because I am preparing to reenlist (with the goal of going in your direction). I find it interesting that there are people so disillusioned and cynical about the corruption that happens in government. I say interesting because comparatively, we just aren’t that bad when you think of some of the other governments that exist. I would much rather fight for the beliefs of this democratic republic than for a theocracy or autocracy. Does corruption exist? Of course it does! It always has, and likely always will, but at least there is a system in place to weed that out even if it is in the long-run.

Just my thoughts though…


I’m a Marine Corps infantry vet considering going back to serve in the Guard on an 18x contract. While I’m aware of the corrupt and unethical nature of the government and the MIC I miss the camaraderie of being in an organization of professional warriors and the sense of purpose it provides. Politics be damned.


Thank you so much for this video, im going to sfas after i finish my recruiting time and ive been struggling with this, not sure wether to get out or go balls to the wall
