What are the symptoms of PTSD? Dr Ahi Wheeler, Psychotherapist & Counsellor

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Understanding the Symptoms of PTSD with Dr. Ahi Wheeler

In this video, Dr. Ahi Wheeler discusses the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including vivid nightmares, flashbacks, heightened anxiety, anger, depression, and emotional numbness. These symptoms can lead to isolation, social awkwardness, and difficulty managing everyday life.

PTSD can also manifest in poor sleep patterns, intrusive thoughts, and a sense of guilt, commonly referred to as survivor’s guilt. Individuals may struggle with relationships and authority, and many experience difficulty re-adjusting after traumatic events. Therapy can help individuals process these emotions, manage symptoms, and regain control of their lives.

To learn more or book an appointment with Ahi at Harley Therapy:

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The information in this video is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your therapist or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or psychological disorder. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have watched in this video.
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I have PTSD from being bullied in the workplace from a co-worker.
My company was aware of it.
But did nothing.
Shame on them.
I wish I had a friend


Basically, it’s hard to feel a sense of inner peace. Sad


I relate to all of these and sometimes i cant get to sleep as i always think about the same nightmare that has happened when my ex step-dad tried to kill me but killed my step-sister and i always feel guilty about how she sacrificed herself for me at 13(i was 5 at the time and am now 12)


dr wheeler is very good at putting her point over


I feel this way exactly, was triggered by being diagnosed at the age of 11 with cancer ... 😔


ptsd is brutal, i can say antypsihotic are game changer, they calm amygdala, and lymbic system


I got all these symptoms after a drug overdose.
But I don't have scary flashbacks anymore, nor I get scared. But still those symptoms are present.


I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar and I have some of these symptoms my daughter and her mom died in a car accident I always use too tell myself it should’ve been me not them and my 2 best friends got murdered the next year ion feel loved and I hate being around people and when I was like 5 years old I saw my brother dad kill someone


my ptsd if horrible, so one time there was a thunder storm, and before that thunderstorm i was completely fine with thunder, but there was a very loud thunder clap and it was so loud, and i hate loud noises for example, balloons poppy and stuff like that, so now whenever there’s only just a tiny thunderstorm, i get worried that there’s gonna be a big thunder clap :(


Yea that’s me alright. A summary of my life.


I deal with it everyday and my therapist ain't taking me serious about my feelings it's really sad how they could judge somebody and say how they're feeling and they don't walk in that person's shoes and do not feel the panic and go through the God damn nightmares 💣💣


When I was 10 a kid 3years older than me beaten me, my teacher saw this and called my father so that they can get me justice but you know what my father did, he smiled to that kid who beat me and when we reached home he beat the shit out of me in front of everyone around and when I was 14 my classmates bullied me for two years straight, I complained to the staffs they did nothing, my parents did nothing... But, my parents not standing for me at anything made me worst... It is the sole reason for me improving PTSD, and I'm slowly loosing control of myself...I don't know what's this gonna take me to...


I think I might have ptsd...I'm too scared to tell anyone because my parents never believe me on anything like this.


Not knowing my place in the world. Sounded familiar . i was abused at 19 to twenty four. Then had son. Been with mother since. 2013 came aroun i foubd my brother dead in his car. Cuz friends dusnt call911. I was diagnoised with Ptsd. What should i do? I drink to much i want to get better


I can’t sleep cause my post traumatic Down syndrome


I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I get really bad depersonilazation when I see any kind of drug or alcohol (I'm even a bit weird about caffine). Depersonilazation is a horrible feeling, but at least my life isn't going to be further ruined by addiction...


Having nightmare? Talk to a lucid dreamer.
