Thank you Glenda. I have always struggled when applying the waistband and having the zip even at the waistband. I now recognise my problem and how to solve it so neatly. I wasn’t shown this way in Home Economics at high school. Starting with a longer zip really is the answer. I am watching this series in order and enjoying learning your methods. Thank you for sharing. I find your explanations and demonstrations are very clear. I am so glad I found your YouTube channel. Greetings from sunny Queensland, Australia.
Thank goodness i found your tutorials! They are truely helpful. And to be quite frank. I appreciate you are not of a condescending tone when you teach. You are a lovely teacher! Again, thank you, Glenda!😀💜
I love your videos! THANKS, ALL are great.
Must we use a seam roller when pressing the waistband seam allowance towards the inside of the waistband? Can we achieve the same results using a regular ironing board?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us <3
Im surprised she didnt take the "stitch in the ditch" approach.