How to Style Floral Dresses to Look Retro : Vintage Styles

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Styling floral dresses to look retro is something you can do right at home, so long as you have the right tools. Style floral dresses to look retro with help from a beauty and fashion industry professional in this free video clip.
Expert: Tifini Lewis
Bio: Tifini Lewis loves the beauty industry. In a short span of time, Lewis has been a part of magazine shoots, celebrity clientele, blogging, and received an real reputation as a beauty expert.
Filmmaker: Trevour Lovitt
Series Description: Just because a fashion or trend is considered vintage doesn't mean that it has gone completely out of style. Learn about vintage styles and find out how to put together your own classic outfits with help from a beauty and fashion industry professional in this free video series.
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Styling floral dresses to look retro is something you can do right at home, so long as you have the right tools. Style floral dresses to look retro with help from a beauty and fashion industry professional in this free video clip.
Expert: Tifini Lewis
Bio: Tifini Lewis loves the beauty industry. In a short span of time, Lewis has been a part of magazine shoots, celebrity clientele, blogging, and received an real reputation as a beauty expert.
Filmmaker: Trevour Lovitt
Series Description: Just because a fashion or trend is considered vintage doesn't mean that it has gone completely out of style. Learn about vintage styles and find out how to put together your own classic outfits with help from a beauty and fashion industry professional in this free video series.