Japanese Still Wear Masks in Tokyo, Should you?

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Question from a viewer: Japanese wear masks year round for various reasons before and after 2021 and those years we had to.
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I live in Tokyo, I wear a mask when I'm sick or when I go to a clinic. Otherwise I'm freeballin'


I have a lung disease and am on immune suppressants. I have to wear a mask to prevent sickness. The disease means that I have a persistent cough. It's a very awkward feeling to think that others will believe I am sick (when I am not, not in the contagious sense).

How can I communicate to people around me that I am 'safe' and not to be scared?


Hi, John. Good afternoon to you from Hong Kong 🇭🇰 SAR. People in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 still wear mask 😷 for personal protection against the JN.1 and KP.5 new mutational virus 🦠 that is currently free-flowing in the air. Though not many people wear mask, but it is safer to wear masks in public places like shopping 🛍️ 🏬 malls, in the trains 🚈, and other crowded and / or confined places like elevators and theatres and cinemas. We as a family also use AIR TAMER devices for extra protection. Even though it is not mandatory, but it’s safer for us.
The Hong Kong Government and hospital authorities ask people ( elderly people and young toddlers) to get early Flu-jabs as Fall / Winter season sets in .


"you could smell your iPhone being made" 😂🤣😂


Appreciate the non-sensationalised discussion. You gave some facts and observations and weren't judgemental of anyone.


Considering that i have a problems with breathing sometimes i probably wouldn’t wear a mask🤔although it could be a common courtesy unless you’re sick 🙂Thank you for this one 🙂👍!!!


Also when patients go to a clinic or hospital 🏥 for an appointment and / or treatment, everyone MUST wear mask 😷 while in the clinic or hospital 🏥.


I wear mask when boarding the train here in japan because my friend just contracted TB from riding trains. Can't be too careful


The first time I saw people wearing masks in Japan (in the 2000s) I thought they were wearing them because the air was so polluted LOL. But the air didn’t look bad. Then someone told me why.


many japanese have lots of allergies and reactions like coughing and sneezing so a mask was always "the right thing to do in public". I saw a woman sneeze at a restaurant people just got up and left because she sneezed in their direction, it was crazy. about 3-4 tables emptied immediatly and the restaurant owner scolded her in almost shouting that she and her partner left as well.


Without even watching the video yet, if you're sick, wear a mask. Enough said.


As someone pointed out, in Japan, there is no requirement to wear masks outside of hospitals. However, more people continue to wear them compared to other countries. In addition to the reasons John mentioned, I think this is because Japanese people generally feel less resistance to wearing masks. As a Japanese person, I feel that while people overseas may see mask-wearing as a restriction on their freedom, in Japan, it’s more like putting on a jacket when it gets a bit chilly.

Cultural and habitual differences might make mask-wearing among Japanese people stand out. On the other hand, you might notice that sunglasses are less commonly worn in public here. However, many Japanese people understand that wearing sunglasses is common in the West, so when many Westerners wear them in public, it doesn't raise any suspicion. Of course, this is just a general observation—personally, I do wear sunglasses when playing golf, but ultimately, it depends on the time and place.


I used to work in Japan year 2000 and japanese people were using facemask.


Thank you John for visiting Asahikawa. I live in Hokkaido and I wear a mask for no particular reason. I came to Japan during the pandemic and everytime I went out for work or travel, I would wear one. But since the pandemic has settled, I still wear one as a habit. You don't get any looks. Many japanese people as well don't wear mask anymore.


I used to work in Japan year 2000 and Japanese were using facemask.


you could smell your iPhone being made that is funny


Hi John, I just came back to the states from a 2 weeks trip to Japan. Yes, still many Japanese people I see wears masks, but also many people not. The weather is so damn hot, it was a pain
wearing masks in this weather.


I'm in Tokyo next week, bought lots of cool Courier style neck scarves, all in different colour camo, looks cool as F. I'll wear them on the Subway only otherwise I'll look like I'm doing a hold up. Shows respect too, l don't want to be "that" Foreigner, when in Rome etc.


masks also stave off the effect of other people's BO


On my trip last year, the only time I was required to wear a mask was at a shrine museum on the Shimanami Kaido route. Was kinda funny since it was one of the quietest least busy places in the whole trip.
