Stan twitter: Psyiconic: 'You're a liar, a cheater, a sinner, and a homosexshah...'
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II love her and I stan her :~)
#stantwitter #twitter #twittermemes #memes #2022 #tiktok #queer #drama #homosexuality #lgbt #christian #liar #cheater #sinne
You're a lion, cheetah, a singer and a home essential.
The way his eyes bugged out at the end 😂
“You’re not the nicest person on this app”
“I sure ain’t but I am the most Christian”
Lmaooo why is this going to be my new comeback 😂😂
me when my friends named aliyah, acheeta, asinna, and ahomasecha forget their names and ask me
Oh lord why does she look like she’s flirting with him when she says
H o m o s e s u a ~
“I sure ain’t but I’m the most Christian” - literally every single Christian
It is actually ridiculous how many times i did watched this
It's the flower print wallpaper for me 😂😂 and the wig is so stiff 😭
The country music in the background is what's killing me😭
As a liar, a cheater, a sinner, and a homosexual, I can confirm this is true
"You're a liar, a cheater, a sinner, and a 🌌homosexuahh🌌"
The way she delivered "I sure ain't but I'm the most Christian" was perfection! Best line delivery of the year!
I can’t ever tell if these are memes or actual conversations because Christian’s are unpredictable to me
Edit: y’all be wildin in the comments tbh. The irony of the fact the Christian’s who commented being offended are the exact types I’m suggesting are unpredictable. Depressing but that’s how the cookie crumbles I suppose
Sis was whipping that hair as if it wasn't concrete
“i sure ain’t, but i’m the most christian” how the HELL did she manage to improv that 😭😭 im speechless
you're a lighter, a cheetah, a singer, and a home essex shah
I love how she’s so proud to say homoseggsuah 😩😍👠💕🌈🦄
i watch this at least once everyday, she’s got a point, she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she is the moment
tell me why i was expecting the guy on the right to say something WAY worse than what he did 😂😂😂😂
the funniest part of this is her implying that sinner and homosexshah are two different things ... so that means that gays aren't sinners :^) thx so much christians now we can go to heaven
Edit: Y'all christians are literally going savage in the comments and it's not a good look💀