Business ABC is a global, digital certification directory marketplace created by for business

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Business ABC - a global, digital certification directory and marketplace created by a team of business leaders, each with more than 20 years of experience working with governments, business networks, tech ecosystems, and leading universities.

According to a World Bank Study there are over 400+ million SMEs & startups in the world & this number continues to grow.

SMEs account for the majority of businesses worldwide and are important contributors to job creation and global economic development. They represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. Formal SMEs contribute up to 40% of national income (GDP) in emerging economies.
Source World Bank

The digitalisation of businesses has continued its pace in recent years. All sectors and firms of all sizes are increasingly equipping their staff with computer and Internet access, although smaller firms do so more slowly, and some sectors do so more quickly (e.g. construction, logistics or retail trade).

Digitalisation is multi-faceted, and involves the use and applications of a broad range of technologies, for different purposes. In addition, there are complementarities in digital diffusion: The adoption of a technology A rises with the adoption of a technology B. This complementarity increases as firms grow in size and scale (increased elasticity), which can contribute to further enlarge digital divides, and exacerbate the risks of seeing the benefits of the digital transformation accruing to early adopters.

This is where we come to the crux of the issue. Some businesses worldwide are not digital and struggling to engage with their supply chain and customers because:

Majority don't have a website or digital footprint
If they do then they pay significant amounts of money to Google and Facebook
They have no social media engagement
No content
Limited access to capital and finance
Limited trust and certification

…and so on!

We have a solution. Business ABC has created the world-leading SMB, SMEs and startup certification directory app ecosystem. We empower businesses excluded from the digital society and economy. We offer a business directory submission and digital blockchain AI certificate for businesses and professionals.

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Exciting times ahead with Business ABC paving the way for SMEs and startups!


Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, and it’s awesome to see Business ABC supporting them 💪


It’s about time SMEs and startups got the recognition they deserve. Go, Business ABC 🌟


Digital certification AND a marketplace? Count me in! Business ABC is onto something big. 🌐💰


Loving the idea behind Business ABC finally, a platform made by business leaders, for business leaders 👏


The world needs more initiatives like Business ABC to bridge the digital divide for smaller firms. 🔗


Wow, Business ABC sounds like a game-changer for small businesses! 🚀


It is the real: the challenges that SMEs face in the modern times of digital revolution. In the post COVID era that we live today, things are changing at lightning speed. Topped with AI advancements, one can only think of a 'guide' who can help navigate us through. Business abc is a ray of hope.


This means platform for credibility and accessibility in business. Very helpful for SMEs
