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IMPORTANT: I made a big mistake when talking about the Hall Effect Switches. I was describing optical switches by accident since I was recording so late 😅. When you press a key on a Hall effect switch keyboard, a magnet moves closer to a Hall sensor, which detects the change in the magnetic field and sends an electrical signal to register the key press. Sorry for any confusion!
Thumbnail: @Pokepigeon
Thank you @turtlebeachpc 💙

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#Bugha #keyboard #Fortnite
Рекомендации по теме

What's the construction of this board? Is the case all metal, or just the plate? Is there any foam in the board? How much does the board weigh? Are the switches hotswappable? What's the force of the switches? What's the latency of the switches? Who makes the switches? Are the keycaps pbt or abs? How bright do the led switches get? What are the pros/cons of the sofltware?

No offense, but your video seems more of a hands-on overview, than an actual review. More opinions than actual facts and data. Also, you say that you would rank this board in the top 10 of gaming keyboards, but not the top 5. Yet you don't bother to explain your reasoning.


Yet again a banger from the goat and the grinder of content W video as usual.


I love your videos bro I just wish you got more attention because your doing great things


Nice video but one correction. Hall Effect switches don’t use a laser, they are magnetic. Optical switches use a laser sensor.


should I use cru to get strech res ? but i've also tried to get rid of my cru and my monitor would turn on so I just wanna knwo what you think?


Is this keyboard gonna become one of the most used keyboards that u will use or will it be ur new main taking out the apex pro mini and tbh i'd say this is up there with the wooting and apex pro mini but i'd say the wooting and apex pro mini is just a bit better but tbh it still comes out to preference as well tbh I'm now having a hard time to pick which one to get this one or apex pro mini I may still go with apex pro mini


Does it have a version of snap tap tho 🧐


It looks so yummy I wanna take a bite 😋


Does Turtle Beach own Roccat because roccat has the vulcan pro tkl?


Do you need to use Swarm2 constantly with the keyboard or only once to setup the actuation ?


Can the rapid trigger be disabled/adjusted?
