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Over 25 massive iconic WCW superstars for the WWE 2K22 Roster. Most of these wrestlers were not in 2K20 and some of them are huge megastars!

This roster list features the following box office superstar characters; Scott Steiner, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Sting, Torrie Wilson, Stacey Keibler & many more.

Thanks for watching this wish list. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week! Let me know which other WCW wrestlers you want to make it on the WWE 2K22 Official roster!

I would like to see Booker T's brother Stevie Ray get added to the roster


Hopefully they actually do have more ECW originals and WCW stars in the game. I would love to have my own version of the WCW/ECW Invasion angle.


This is exactly what 2K needs to have a better roster for their 2K22 release.


Arn Anderson, Lord Steven Regal, Jushin Thunder Liger, Alex Wright, The American Males


man, 90s wrestling really makes the current WWE product pussified


Because the WWE owns all of the old video footage and all, I wish they would add gimmicks from some of those libraries, like being able to wrestle as The Handsome Stranger (Bagwell) or The Lightning Kid or 1-2-3 Kid (X-Pac), The Soultaker or Kama the Fighting Machine (The Godfather), One Man Gang (Akeem).


Be cool to do the invasion story line as a story in wwe 2k22. If they have a lot of wcw wrestlers in the game.


Eric Bischoff so we could use him in GM mode as he is the best GM of all time.


Sting, the Giant, and DDP won't be in the game, because they're obviously contracted to AEW.


I personally feel as a story mode they should do the Monday Night Wars and have it as a GM style so you're either Vince McMahon or Shane/ Vince Russo. And then after every achievement you do in that mode you unlock a new WCW wrestler.


Elements, As always I appreciate the video. The roster looks great. Not sure if Sting, Chris Jericho, Dean Melinko, DDP, and Paul Wight (fka The Giant & Bigshow) are gonna be on this roster since they're now associated with AEW. But, The Steiners brothers, Kronic, Jeff Jerrett etc. Would be great addictions. You can never have enough legends imo. Personally, I want more superstars and divas from AWA, NWA, WCW, ECW those are the guys and gals that put asses in those seats. Paving the way for todays superstars. But, the devs have fun putting 3 to 6 of the same person in these games. Claiming biggest roster ever! Look at these games man. They have so much potential especially now with the new systems. But, yet. Fall short! We need more enviormental interactions. Such as leaping /jumping from the Titontron, entrance sets, light trusses, barricades & guardrails etc. Ability to spear, tackle, gore our foe through the LED board. While backstage toss, irishwhip, launch our opponents into the loading dock doors. Lean them against rafters to pummel them. Even push or pull it ontop of them. Push wheeled equipment boxes into them, throw them at or use them like battering rams. Fight all around the arena. Without loading screens. Build and climb scaffolds to fight on. Push, propell, throw our adversary off of. Ability to stack, even line up erect chairs & tables both in and outside of the ring to perform various manuvers. Leap/jump off the turnbuckles and over the ropes to the outside. Including off the top of hiac cage roof. Toss, irishwhip, launch our adversary into the time keepers area utilizing their chairs and microphones as weapons. Grab the title belt, ring bell, even the time keepers hammer to pummel them with. Toss, launch, irishwhip our rival into the first row of the audience. Grabbing the spectators crutches, walkers, canes, even their chairs to use as weapons. Remove the matt surrounding the ring exposing the concrete. Tear up the canvas exposing the wood to slam our foe onto the framework. Ability to launch, toss, irishwhip them into the steel steps. Lean tables, guardrails, barricades, vanity plate against the exterior ring frame and slam our opponents onto. Fight through the audience, up the balcony on different levels. Even leaping from the banisters. Goring, spearing, our contender through closed doors, fight in the lobby, merchandise area, consession stand, promo area, through the parking garage to the parking lot. More omg moments. Drop toe holds, ddts, piledrivers onto erect/folded chairs. perform chair- con- tos, leap/jump off top turnbuckle while weilding weapons, perform vanterminators & coast to coasts, lean a chair or crushed trashcan infront of our opponent who's sitting in the corner. Than perform a baseball slide, cannonball, bronco buster, low drop kick etc. Wrap our foes limbs repeatedly against the exterior ring posts, perform submission holds against said posts. Such as figure four, torture rack, hells gate, triangle choke. Tie their arms in the top/middle ropes. Trap them inbetween the ropes and cage walls to pummel them. Perform grapples along the exterior ring apron, run up and leap from the exterior turnbuckles. While inside cage matches toss, launch, lawndart, monkey flip, catapult our foe repeatedly against the cage. Grate their head against the chain link fence revealing a crimson mask. Add a weapons wheel inside hiac. Pay homage to the past by adding Hacksaw Jim Duggans 2x4, Ironshieks flag pole, Honkytonk mans guitar, Sensational Sherries stiletto, Babydolls hairspray can. Last but not least. Add Cut scenes while pouring thumb tacks on the apron slamming our rival onto them. Watch as the blood trickles from their backs, elbows, sides. Grind a barbed wired 2x4 against their forehead even stiking them in their midsection. Perform moves onto barbed wired tables. Then watch as the ref tries to free them. Perform moves such as Freakish frogsplash, salida-del- sol, Shelton takes a dive, Viva- la- Planka, Elbow drop the boss, Boom of doom, Showcase spear etc. Off erect ladders. These my friend would infact add the realism, authenticity, and ingenuity. To these games keeping us playing for hours like zombies. Then it truly would live up to the sloagan. It hits harder! I mean break the monotony! We're tired of seeing the same commentators. Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, & Corey Graves. Then almost forced to listen to their commentary. Where's the authenticity in that? Why aren't the devs adding scripts from Samoa Joe, Beth Phoenix, Tom Phillips & Renallo as commentators? Why aren't they putting in real referees instead of generic looking npcs? Sure would enjoy having some retro referees. Such as Tommy Young, Earl Hebnar, Tim White, Mike Chaiota, Randy Anderson, Nick Patrick, Scott Armstrong, Charles Robbins and those from all 3 brands. Including guest referees from the roster both male and female to choose from. Add past ring announcers. Mike McGuirk, Mell Phillips, Garry Cappetta, Howard Finkle, Lillian Garcia etc. Along with those currently on all 3 brands. Add past commentators. Ventura & McMahon, Solie & Crockett, Heenan & Monsoon. Along with those on all 3 brands. This would improve these games dramatically. Adding realism and authenticity. And finally solving the commentary problems. Add promos. We've been begging to bring this back. Wouldn't be hard to have Braxton, Caruso, etc. Asking us some pre- written questions to answer through our headsets. Include Mean Gene Okerlund, Gordon Solie, Lord Alfred Hayes, Sean Mooney, Bob Caudle, David Crockett etc. Now that's ingenuity. Thanks for reading.


I hope we get another model of booker t with his short dreads and his wcw version


This game needs stunning steve austin, william regal, dave finlay, dennis condrey, giant gonzales, ron simmons, road warrior hawk, road warrior animal, barry windham and scott norton


If you're going to.have Mortis, then shouldn't you have Glacier as well?


Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, Super Crazy, Ultimo dragon, Jushin thunder liger, Raven, Disco Inferno, D-lo Brown, Chris benoit, Chris Kanyon, Bubba Ray Dudley, Devon Dudley, Stevie Richards, Tori, Chyna, The woman that Jerry Lawler dated in WWE. She was in WCW as Miss Kitty, Miss Jackie, she was also in WCW for a brief time. Sable, Hawk and Animal were in WCW, the guys that are in the tag team stable of Demolition were also in WCW. The two guys that are in the tag team The nasty boys were also in WCW.


Right off the bat Scott Steiner will never be in another WWE game ever again lmao


New generation era Ruthless Aggression Era Attitude Era


You forgot Rey Misterio, Steve McMicheal, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Meng, Raven, Perry Saturn, Disco inferno, Lash Laroux, Hugh Morrus, Alex Wright, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Mike Awsome, La Parka, Ron Simmons, and Butch Reed as Doom.


The midnight Express, Mr. Hughes, king ko g Bundy, koko b were, the killer bees, all the people in the hall of fame


Would love you to do a wwf vs wcw invasion story
