2 hours of Watch my chops | Corneil & Bernie - Compilation #1 HD

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Corneil is a young, refined and rather sophisticated pet dog. In fact, Corneil is a dog of exceptional intelligence, a genius some might say : he is fluent in several foreign languages, can skim read and count at the speed of light! Rather wisely, he has always taken particular care to never reveal any of these talents to anyone, especially not to his owners! Corneil has only one wish : to live the comfortable, quiet life of a pampered pooch. However, when his owners, John and Elizabeth, take on Bernie as a dog-sitter, Corneil's life is turned upside down.
Broadcasters: France 3 / BBC / ABC Australia / CanalJ / SVT/ Guili / .
2 hours of Watch my chops | Corneil & Bernie - Compilation #1 HD
Watch my chops | Corneil & Bernie: the complete Season 01