Phantom Call is one of the best HT yet, moody elegance with sparkle. Love how well it works with Curfew Crasher, similar shimmer shift 💅 tabularasa
Phantom Call is one of the best HT yet, moody elegance with sparkle. Love how well it works with Curfew Crasher, similar shimmer shift 💅
It's so gorgeous. I like wearing it with Ivy League in a skittle. Perfect nysaloudon
It's so gorgeous. I like wearing it with Ivy League in a skittle. Perfect
I'd love a silver version of this. as much as i love gold i never wear it myself. so beautiful though oh.sorry.dont.mind.meeeee
I'd love a silver version of this. as much as i love gold i never wear it myself. so beautiful though
Gorgeous! What a combo of colours. Well done 🤩😍❤🥰👏👍 louiseb
Gorgeous! What a combo of colours. Well done 🤩😍❤🥰👏👍
How do you make it look purple? It's always yellow/gold/green when I use it 😩 johanneriisbjerg
How do you make it look purple? It's always yellow/gold/green when I use it 😩