First jump on Magic this year!! | GoPro

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Actually rather pleased with this little pony in this lesson! I don’t know how much jumping Magic has been doing with his owner or other riders recently, but this was the first time I’ve actually jumped on him this year(!!!), so as soon as the tiny cross poles came out, it all got a bit too exciting! We were supposed to be practicing lengthening and shortening through the double. On the first go, we were supposed to get in two regular strides of canter in between the fences - we managed one stride… every other horse managed two strides perfectly, including Zubie who has a naturally longer stride, and Laddy, who is bigger than Magic, so I think that tells you all you need to know 😂
Next, we tried to lengthen our stride - the instructor pushed the jumps closer together to make it a bit easier for everyone, so of course Magic had absolutely no trouble, as he’s already managed to make it a one stride distance even when the jumps were further apart! Finally we worked on shortening our stride - trying to fit in two strides into the slightly shortened distance. At this point I knew there was no hope, not only had we already failed at fitting in to normal length strides, I’d also just encouraged Magic to stretch for a longer one while we practiced lengthening and there was no way he was suddenly going to start listening and stop being strong into the fences by this point.
Of course I was wrong. We came round the corner to the jumps and I thought ‘here we go again’ as Magic started pulling me toward the first fence. I gave a half halt to at least attempt the shortening exercise, and Magic immediately shortened his canter, sat on his hocks, waited for the first fence and then listened beautifully when I then asked him to add an extra stride In between the jumps, fitting in two shortened canter strides with no problem. I guess he just needed to get a few initial speedy/fun jumps out of his system before getting down to business!! It’s always impressive to me how well Magic does ‘come back’ when he’s got a bit over excited or strong. While a lot of horses would need to stop the exercise altogether or stay hot for the rest of the ride, Magic usually just needs 30 seconds of chill time and he’s listening again!

🚨Anyone who leaves negative criticism/tips/advice MUST donate at least £1 to a charity of their choice 😊

QOTD: Have any of you accidentally ridden a two stride distance as a one stride? Or my personal favourite, a one stride distance as a bounce?! 😂

Magic - 15.3hh piebald gelding

Helmet Cam: GoPro Hero 6

Follow me on social media for extra clips and photos!
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I hope I'm early enough for once for you to see my comment. Thank you so much for posting these; having a first-person POV allows me to "ride" even on days when I can't, which not only makes me happy, but has allowed me to work on my fear of jumping between my lessons. I can practice keeping my eyes up and feel how I'm riding in my mind. I've improved a lot mentally and in my riding from practicing with your videos. I ride a horse very much like Magic, and practicing with him has helped make me less afraid when he gets over-eager when he's jumping. Thank you!


Magic is gorgeous and you rode really well 😂🐴
QOTD: Bugsey tends to see doubles and take really weird strides to them: it was a one stride and he took a massive leap over the second then crow hopped over the other, I got thrown off balance but it was funny 😂💕


Magic should be your horse, you ride him beautifully


Awesome video! You ride Magic sooo well!!! xx


I fell off today and bruised my tailbone🥺. But magic is such a good boy🥰


So cute you are so good at riding mind giving me some tips


Love ur vids wish they were longer tho


Im so confused, is this an older video or have I just been dumb lol. Haven't you jumped him before this video?


Beautiful. Can I ask you a question? How are your hands on Magic? Strong, light, half opened, closed?


Myinstructor took me back to basics because we reckon we did the canter too quickly plus I still panic when cantering, we’re building up to it though. Just hope I don’t get Silver for a bit because I have left my crop there not realising and now somebody has helped themselves too it, if I get Silver I’d be sat there for the whole lesson going walk on, get up etc. Good job they have a load of crops in the office so if need be I can borrow one. Been riding my boy Painter. My instructor and the lady who runs the riding school say he’s the best horse to build my confidence in canter. So one step at a time back to basics, turn on the forehand is hard. I got my left and right mixed up last week.


What gopro mount do you use and with what gopro?


11th comment, 37th like and 95th view. 7 mins early xx


No 👎. That's no surprise! Also I did my first *notice today, my trainer had no idea it was my first, when I told him, he said "It didn't look like your first, " I'm so proud of myself!

*bounce, not notice


Magic is so cute!!!!😁 and you are such a good rider!!!!😁

Pls can I have more than one like as that is the most i have ever had!


Magic should be your horse, he's so cute!!!


I once rode a four stride as a two stride. 😂😂 it didn’t end well lol.


Wow magic is so beautiful!💜 like if you agree!


Great video. Magic is so great at jumping and u are so great at riding him. I've got a question. Is there any horses there u havent been on yet that u want to have a go on in a lesson?


Magic is great. Between the cross poles, was there 2 canter strides? 😍👍🏼🐴


I think my best striding mishap was a single cross pole just meant to trot in canter away easy enough right? My pony thought it would be far more fun however to bomb at the jump leap from 2 strides away then immediately stop. It was fun to say the least 😂
