Reforger RFI #4: Ivan (Creative Director)

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If you have questions, the Arma Reforger developers have answers!
The next episode of Reforger RFI is here, featuring Creative Director Ivan Buchta.

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Ivan is genuinely the best. I had the distinct honor of getting to meet him a few years ago in Prague. He is an incredible person and someone who cares so deeply about Arma and its community. Much love, Ivan! Be well!!


The best single-player aspect of Arma is and will always be the editor.


I don't understand why people complain about the controls. I have been a hardcore fan of the Arma series for many years now and the controls feel right to me. It's just that they are dependent on the interactivity of the world and all the items. So as long as interactivity increases, with all the vanilla and moded content, it's perfect. No UI and stupid scroll menus, and 500 shortcuts. Controls that adapt to your situation and let you interact with the world, its what we all wanted, wasn't it?


I do understand why the controls got "dumbed downed" or "Streamlined", but I feel like currently the controls for PC players are being super limited just to fit them on a controller, while PC could have a lot more actions, It could be that we need to get used to Reforger, but sometimes while playing I feel restricted, like someone tied my hands.


Awesome to hear from Ivan, thanks for the insight into Reforger and the look into the future of the Arma platform. I appreciate the streamlined controls as it helps bring more new players in without them needing to learn/map 100 keys and functions to be able to fully participate.


Once they add in AI being able to drive vehicles, I can then play the editor for ever. but without vehicles being usable its very limited now


Well at least we know tracked vehicles will be in amra 4


its kinda sad to hear how backblast probably wont be added, but im super excited for artillery and the simple destruction as he said, artillery especially though because of the cold war era technology.


I agree with this, playing since CWC 2001 and through every Arma version I find Reforgers control and movement system much more intuitive and a real evolution, there is still a lot of stuff needing improving in the project but I think the infantry controls at least are great.


I would see a video about someone from QA Engineer departament) I think Bohemia has a pretty unique approach with dealing bugs, with a help of the community. On the feedback tracker, there are tons of bug reports every day, and Greez, and others testers monitoring this very thoroughly


This is DA MAN! Yes, play it, no cheats like magic-maps and UI!! It add so much gameplay and team-play, even for veterans. Good luck with Reforger and Arma4 - we will support wonderful work of your team!


For better balance:
1. Replace RPG-7 with RPG-18.
2. Reduce damage resistance of armored personnel carriers.

Special thanks for the console version, I don’t know what I would play if it weren’t for Arma and Dayz!


@BAwesome here! Thank you so much for answering so many of my many questions!^^ I'm infinitely greatful for the "cruelty" and I love the added immersion :) Keep on rocking! o7


Only when we get an altis sized map and an Ai that can use vehicles that we'll see if the engine is truly more capable that the previous one. One thing is to look prettier and other is to support the same features at high framerates. Right now vanilla Reforger has perhaps what, 25% of the content and features of vanilla Arma 3? so under those conditions of course it should run 75% faster or better. A truly fair comparison would be when there is content and feature parity between both titles


Will PC players be getting custom controller Axis (Wheels and joysticks) support? All these lovely Vehicle physics are wasted in the keyboard.


very nice setting of talking about the Arma Reforger. loved it!! And nice to see you all have fun! I do wen i play your game! that is the main reason! Keep stong and peace out!


The fact that BI considers SP to be somewhat playable in Reforger made ma happy. I'm now slightly more confident that A4 won't run from SP like other tactical shooters do.


Were the forests in Arma Reforger inspired by the forest in this video?


So, basiclly nothing is ready, and we have to wait for another 3-5 years


Will there be 128 players in the vanilla conflict mode??? Because I wanna play vanilla conflict with 128 players and I’m getting tired of playing the same servers like the Vietnam server and the darkgru servers it would be cool if there was 128 players in conflict vanilla conflict mode