Nature and Trees Bird - Cattle Egrets

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This is another video of mine filmed during my holidays. When I was travelling in the countryside I saw a flock of Cattle Egrets at two places on a paddy field being ploughed by a hand tractor.This was for them to eat the insects thrown out and it was such an eye catching scenary. So I stopped the vehicle and I filmed from it as this was such an eye catching scenary. I couldnt believe my eyes to see so many Cattle Egrets. It seems that the ploughing is not an easy task. It is a wonder that they are still full white from such a mud splashing tractor :))

Cattle Egret
The Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) is a cosmopolitan species of heron (family Ardeidae) found in the tropics, subtropics and warm temperate zones.Originally native to parts of Asia, Africa and Europe.

It is a white bird adorned with buff plumes in the breeding season. It nests in colonies, usually near bodies of water and often with other wading birds. The nest is a platform of sticks in trees or shrubs. Cattle Egrets exploit drier and open habitats more than other heron species. Their feeding habitats include seasonally inundated grasslands, pastures, farmlands, wetlands and rice paddies. They often accompany cattle or other large mammals, catching insect and small vertebrate prey disturbed by these animals.

The Cattle Egret is a stocky heron with a 88--96 cm wingspan.It has a relatively short thick neck, sturdy bill, and a hunched posture. The positioning of the egret's eyes allows for binocular vision during feeding, and physiological studies suggest that the species may be capable of crepuscular or nocturnal activity. Adapted to foraging on land, they have lost the ability possessed by their wetland relatives to accurately correct for light refraction by water.

The Cattle Egret has undergone one of the most rapid and wide reaching natural expansions of any bird species.
Some populations of Cattle Egrets are migratory, others are dispersive, and distinguishing between the two can be difficult for this species. In many areas populations can be both sedentary and migratory.
During winter, many birds have been seen flying at night with flocks of Indian Pond Herons. on the southeastern coast of India and a winter influx has also been noted in Sri Lanka.

The Cattle Egret nests in colonies, which are often, but not always, found around bodies of water. The colonies are usually found in woodlands near lakes or rivers, in swamps, or on small inland or coastal islands, and are sometimes shared with other wetland birds, such as herons, egrets, ibises and cormorants. The breeding season varies within South Asia.
The male displays in a tree in the colony, using a range of ritualised behaviours such as shaking a twig and sky-pointing and the pair forms over three or four days. A new mate is chosen in each season and when re-nesting following nest failure.The clutch size can be anywhere from one to five eggs.

The Cattle Egret feeds on a wide range of prey, particularly insects, especially grasshoppers, crickets, flie and moths, as well as spiders, frogs, and earthworms. The species is usually found with cattle and other large grazing and browsing animals, and catches small creatures disturbed by the mammals.

A Cattle Egret will weakly defend the area around a grazing animal against others of the same species, but if the area is swamped by egrets it will give up and continue foraging elsewhere. Where numerous large animals are present, Cattle Egrets selectively forage around species that move at around 5--15 steps per minute, avoiding faster and slower moving herds.
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Before the plowing of agricultural land, there will always attract a group of Cattle Egrets feeding, nice captured, thanks for sharing.


Thanks always for sharing your kind thoughts loving wishes my dearest Catherine..I know that you love nature a lot..I hope your little kittens are keeping fine.I kone that you always look after them at it best..You are ao king and wonderful :)


How happy to see that you liked them my dear and thanks a bunch for your kind appreciations always.. It was a surprise for me too, to see such a lot together and how they feed off from the ploughing of the fields. Yes it is also amazing that how they escape nicely from the machine :) Once again thanks a lot for yout kind thougths my dear :) Have a lovely weekend with much love and happiness !!


Fascinating how they adapt to the noise and the interference of their natural environment. However ~ strangely fascinating! Thank you for sharing this unusual sight. Hugs, Karin


You are mostly welcome my dear Catherine.. It is a pleasure that you liked it my dear..They always love to roam at paddy fields and near harvesting..Bcz when they plough with the machine all the insects and worms come out and so they can easily have some lovely treats..That is why they gather like this :)))) How cute they are isn't it...Thanks a lot for your lovely words.Pls tc and wish you a very happy and loving weekend :) With love Menu :)


Great video! Wonderful bird, the Egret.Saw many of them in my travels in Africa. They even piggiback on the back of cattle, cows, buffalos etc..Quick reaction abilities, for sure. I think the raven is faster than the egret. I see "suicidal" ones on highways, feeding on carcasses of hit birds or smal animals, avoiding the trafic, as if by miracle! Extreme sport of a sort! Cheers for our friends, the birds!


Dear Karin, Thank you very much for your visits and wonderful comments..Really appreciate it and glad that you liked it ..Yes they are not worried about the sound of the tractor but hang around to have a good meal from the ploughing of the fields.Once again a big thank you for your kind words..Wish you a wonderful weekend !!


Thanks a lot for your visits and wonderful comments my dear..Really appreciate it and it is so nice to hear your lovely stories about your birds.. Yes, they are amazing to watch and I have never seen a big crowd together before. I am glad that you liked it and once again many thanks..Wish you all the very best !!


A scene like this I've never seen! What a spectacle! At first I thought the birds in great danger. But not one was run over. It was amazing how many birds will be fed from such a small field. Once again, a wonderful video from you. You made my day, dear frind :)))


Many thanks for your kind response my dear..Pleasure to see that you also loved them and it was a big surprise for me too to watch these amazing activity .. Once again thanks a lot and really appreciate your visit..


Dear Sean, It is a great pleasure to read your lovely words and you have nicely described what is happening in the videos :)) Even I was also a bit worried that they might get caught to the machine. But they know how to escape nicely. I missed another amazing lot similar to this :( I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it my dear and how to thank you for your valuable visits and comments..Really appreciate it dear Sean. Wish you a lovely wekend with much love and happiness!! Love Menu :)


As usual you can understand the essence of any video & make such useful comments.I really appreciate you my dear friend :)Yes indeed they work much harder under trying conditions.As for the Egrets they get a variety of food when they start ploughing the fields & they know how to escape for the machine too :) Many thanks for your kind response always dear.It is such a kind gesture from you :)Have a lovely weekend with joy & happiness.May wonderful nature be with you always! Much love & hugs Menu.


Glad that you liked it and many thanks for your visits and wonderful comments my dear..Appreciate it very much..Have a bright and peaceful week ahead !!


You are welcome and many thanks for your wonderful comments as always my dear :) Yes, they are not worried about anything, they know for sure the tasty meals are there to get easily :)) Once again a big thank you and have a joyful weekend with lots of love and happiness !!


That is so interesting to watch people working hard and Egrets, that take advantage of the situation to get an easy food. Great captures, Dear Menu! I want to mention, that people in Asia do work hard - something in the western world we forgot...:( not absolutely, but some work we do not want to do anymore...sadly. Have a wonderful rest of the week! Much Love and Hugs, my35Xvision. :)


Yes Pat, I was so happy to see such a lot in one place.But I missed another similar lot like this..They wait patiently for their food from the churning mud.It is great that you liked it and thanks always for your visits and valuable words.It means so much to me :)


Thanks a lot for your wonderful comments my dear and you have well spotted it :) Yes, they are not worried about the sound of the machine but they know for sure the tasty meals are there..I am happy to see that you liked it and once again thanks a lot. Wish you a joyful weekend !!


Dear Menu, This young boy, doesn't look affraid to kill those birds. Very impressive. I would like to know, why so many birds seem to love this place ? If you have any ideas, of course. Thanks for showing this precious moment.


Love you very much too. Catherine xx ♥


You are mostly welcome ..Glad that you liked it and have a wonderful weekend :)
