Laughing Gas at the Dentist | What to Expect from Dental Nitrous Oxide

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Let's talk about LAUGHING GAS! What is it? How long does it last? Is it safe for all ages?

When it comes to laughing gas, dentists need to make sure you’re healthy enough for any type of dental sedation, including nitrous oxide. Be sure to review your medical history—including any allergies you have to things like eggs, medication you’re taking, or if you’ve had recent surgery—well ahead of your planned appointment. And if you feel super congested to the point you can’t breathe out your nose, then you probably won’t be able to get laughing gas that day or will want to reschedule.

Can you feel pain with laughing gas? Usually not. But it’s not because of the laughing gas, it’s because your dentist will still numb your tooth. Without any local anesthetic, you’ll still enjoy general relaxation from head to toe, making your brain less perceptive to uncomfortable stimuli.

Not all dentists offer laughing gas, so be sure to ask your dental provider if nitrous oxide is an option. Some of them may not use it if they or a staff member are pregnant, for example.

Bottom line: nitrous oxide is safe, effective, and used worldwide because of how well it works. If you have anxiety or don’t like trips to the dentist, laughing gas may be all you need to take the edge off!






***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.***

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Just tried NO2 for the first time yesterday for a wisdom tooth extraction. Had severe anxiety before the appointment and requested it. Felt great the entire time, not so much giggly but more so I didn’t care what was going on. Would definitely get it again for future dental procedures.


I had all 4 of my wisdoms pulled in 2018. Had nitrous oxide first then anesthesia. I woke up and busted out laughing my ass off and was hitting on the hygienist. The funny thing is that me and her are together and adopted a child from her home country. Amazing.


Yesterday I had my first laughing gas experience. I was TRIPPING HARD. I was tingling all over, moved like I was SUPER out of balance. I was listening to Kids Bop, of course, I am a child, and I THOUGHT IT WAS AN ANIMATION. The way I was tripping made it seem like EVERYTHING WAS HUGE. The dentist's face looked unreal, and I was closing my eyes because of how relaxed I was. Don't be afraid of laughing gas. I honestly think you trip the hardest during your first experience. The procedure I was having was getting a cap on my tooth. Teeth Talk Girl, why do they take a plastic thing that has a powder mixed with water and put it in your mouth to get a mold of your teeth? I only got one cap, but they molded both top AND bottom.


I have PTSD and severe anxiety, even moreso at the dentist. Anything more than an extraction, and the laughing gas is necessary and worth any additional costs if needed per your insurance. My eyes go from adult man who has experienced terrible things to as fearful as a child. It's necessary and worth it.


My heart is racing judy reasing these comments and i hsve a tooth infection this fear of dentist has been horrible 😢


I had laughing gas when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I could barely keep my eyes open, didn't care about what they were doing, and it smelled like bubble gum. Made a 30-minute surgery feel like 2 seconds


I am getting 12 teeth removed and have been stressing for ages about it. This video answered all my questions and was straight to the point. Thanks a ton, you definitely earnt a subscriber.


I’m 42 and between the bad experiences as a child and years of military dentist .. I absolutely have to have Nitrous At The Dentist..


I experienced it but not in a dental office. I was at this guy's apartment I used to know in New Orleans in the '80's and he had a canister of it. We all passed it around a few times and literally had a GAS! It was as I remember a nice high. But I was already buzzed from alcohol. It just made the high even better!


My dentist offers laughing gas for free, so i will definitely be doing this. i feel like a wimp at 25 years old, but the last time i had an extraction, i went pale and almost passed out from anxiety, my appointment is tomorrow morning so im in the feels right now hopeful this makes it a better experience


Thank you for an awesome description! Going tomorrow for a tooth extraction, and never had analgesia nitrous oxide. Thanks again!


I actually got it when I had surgery in my wrist so it’d be easier to put in the IV. I was laughing at first because it was like I was in a bubble and everyone got funny voices. Then I started panicking. Yeah, safe to say I was not relaxing.😂


I always get it when I go because I'm autistic and have a lot of sensory problems, including with dental work.

One time they got it started and then the dentist left for a bit to go do something else. The assistant asked if I wanted the TV on and she turned it on and asked if Spongebob was ok. Of course it was!! And they had all the old, nostalgic episodes on then for some reason. The dentist took a while to come back but I didn't complain. I got to sit there on nitrous and watch Spongebob. That was an awesome experience


Thank you for uploading this. It helped put my mind at rest and ease my anxiety. I have a dentist phobia and have recently attended for the first time in ten years. I was so anxious at the first appointment, that I had to go back to finish off with gas. I was also super anxious about the gas. Anyway I watched the video and was able to have gas without too much drama and the appointment went well. Will definitely be having gas next time too. I do however still feel a little "out of it" five hours later.


last time (and all the times before) that i had nitrous oxide at the dentist i freaked out and panicked so bad they had to reschedule everything. it was like someone turned the saturation up all the way and made me hyper aware of everything (especially the scraper, i've got sensory issues so even if i'm numbed the noise alone will cause my teeth and jaw to hurt). let's just say that's most definitely the reason i've got a severe fear of the dentist


I was given NO2 at my last visit to get a root canal, and I discovered at its highest setting combined with the lowest O2 setting (and my completely breathing as deep and as fast as I could because I was freaking out they were drilling a long time, but it didn’t hurt) is the perfect level to feel NOTHING. One moment I was with it, then I lost my sense of hearing except for what was going on right next to me. Music? Gone. Voices were muffled. Tunnel vision and it was getting narrower with every deep breath. Then I couldn’t feel my body at all, super muscle relaxation and my vision was wavy and focus severely diminishing. I realized I was about ready to lose consciousness (of which I didn’t care and actually enjoyed) then my hearing came back and I could start to hear the O2 sensor on my finger beeping. The dentist was calling my name and asking me questions, which slowly came into hearing focus as well. This happened twice during a 2 hour root canal.
I can say I didn’t feel any pain at all and my anxiety was self made. The nitrous totally helped, but I will say do not hyperventilate…’ll be cool for a moment then you are off to another planet. lol


I got nitrous before my wisdom tooth surgery cuz I was nervous. They put that thing on my nose and maybe 30 seconds later I started thinking to myself "I must look dumb with this thing on my nose" and I started giggling like an idiot. The surgeon said, "That's pretty good stuff, huh?" I said "Ooooh yea" then I got the whole "count backward from 100" and I don't even remember getting to 98. Then next thing I remember my friend was helping me to the car. I could barely walk on my own. My mouth was all swollen and packed with gauze. All I could taste was blood. What a fun visit!


In 2017 I had to get a couple of teeth extracted for my braces to work. I loved the gas. But during the second half of the procedure I felt very scared and frightened about what was happening. After the procedure I was smiling and I felt like I wanted to give my dentist a hug.


thank you you made my appointment go earlier


Thank you for the boost of confidence 🙏
