Gems of War: Event Objectives | Journey Re-Rework,18th Campaign, +1 Magic 30 Star Karakoth

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Hello everyone! Today I go over the event objectives for the Gems of War Witch Way? event in which the Book of Witches is added to the game. This week sees a re-rework of the journey event making level scaling slower and buffing the gem spawn of the journey troop by 1. This week also brings the 18th campaign and with it angel gems for bless. Karakoth also reaches 30 stars for an extra +1 magic.

Here are all the teams mentioned in the video:

Journey Event:

Journey Event Low:

Level 20-100 Faction:

Level 100-500 Faction:

Pure Faction:

Sorcerer Class Event:

Karakoth Underspire:

Karakoth Underspire Low Rarity:
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Those guides are always good! And also showing some new stuff that have been reworked is pretty useful as well. ❤‍🔥


Thanks Tacet! @7:20 Yea, I was spamming Central after the change. But then the VP doubler landed on Mystic, so I said "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". IP2 are great at creating toxicity in their games.


Interesting that the new pathfinder troop produces more mana. Thanks for the video Tacet.


It went to purple deed books because u have spent all writs, deed books don't require writs so it jumped there .


better team than titania spam: Wand of Stars, Kronos, Lyrasza, Cartographer.

Lyrasza for perm blue/purple storm meaning there's always purple on board and always blue to convert to hourglass gems so nearly impossible to unloop once kronos gets going. Wand for purple/yellow unless you need the bless. Kronos also keeps everything enchanted. simples.


Hello tacet,
Concerning your team for journey, i advise using the new purple doom weapon that replace the useless journey troop.


Luckily i got a lot of purple deed books from gold marks that i can 30 star Karakoth.


Not for f2p, +1 magic 30 star Karakoth.


Not related to this week's objectives, but is there any reason to use or not use shiny keys? I've got a bunch and not sure if I should open them.


PvP is an absolute joke for anyone who isn't a whale. no point in playing anything where takasha can be used. multi stellarix teams everywhere. I preferred to lose places to people who wanted to grind PvP more than me than simply hate every second I spend in PvP dying over and over and over waiting for a beatable team. So now I don't do PvP and instead of spending lots of time in the game I spend enough to do my guild event sigils and then close and forget. If they were bringing in the level cap to even out the scores the teams change was utterly pointless.
