Part II: Hysterectomy & Excision Surgery Prep

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After years of ‘dealing’ with painful periods, recurring GI issues, and chronic pain, I will be having a hysterectomy and excision surgery for suspected endometriosis & adenomyosis. In today’s video I explain how I'm preparing my body and surroundings for recovery. Unfortunately, these chronic conditions are still drastically underrepresented in society, but by sharing and being open about this situation I hope you feel less alone. I’m extremely grateful to the friends, family, and medical professionals who have helped/are helping me navigate this process. Please be patient with us if there is a slight lull in our regular content.

I am not a medical doctor; this video contains my experience and opinions.



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After my surgery the 45 minute car ride home was the worst. But I don’t wake up from anesthesia too well. If I could recommend anything it would be to have something squishy you can hug on your way back home. Something with a comforting smell like your pillow or a blanket. Good luck, I hope you recover quickly!


I had a robot-assisted hysterectomy almost a decade ago, at age 32-ish, for a lot of the same reasons you're going to. The biggest help to me in surgery recovery was a pillow to hug, at hand always. Also, it felt a bit like my organs were sliding around inside me a little bit, which was weird but not gross or concerning: things were just readjusting.
Having the surgery at a relatively young age was immensely freeing to me. I have had zero regrets about going through with it, and when you realize you haven't had to go down "that aisle" at the store in months...bliss!
I wish you a speedy and complication-free recovery. Welcome to the club.


I just had a laproscopic hysterectomy yesterday. No pain, just soreness and trapped gas. Get some Gasx and Miralax!!


I, too, went into surgery with my period. I always felt I got the ultimate revenge by having the entire body part removed. Good luck!


I love how honest and open you are. So many youtubers seem to put on a front and “present themselves” you are just so real and I love it.


Gurlfriend, THANK YOU!!! This video was desperately needed on YouTube. Thank you so much for using your platform to get this knowledge, preps, tips out there. I’m a week out from my surgery, and I’m so thankful to hear there’s someone out there with pretty much, my EXACT SAME STORY. Can’t wait to see you in the other side. Hoping you’re catching all the ZZZ’s & bingeing on best shows with a splash of love by all who love you!
PS- that Spotify playlist is 🔥 & my matching tee is en route 👏👏👏


You've got this Danielle. All good vibes your way. One thing I would suggest for your bedside basket would be a notebook and pen. If you are given more than one med to take it is helpful to write down what med you took at what time. Don't want to be guessing on that. Thanks for sharing your story.


Me, sitting here as a Virgo, over preparer...watching the videos i can find of hysterectomy preparation. I'm having my surgery 2 days before my bday this month, on Sept 19th, and it's LONG OVERDUE. I've had endometriosis since I was in high school and then began having issues with extreme menstrual bleeding all of sudden back in Dec 2022. I have an IUD in place to help with controlling my period and my endo symptoms, so the sudden return of my period and it being *that heavy* was def not normal for me. I chalked it up to being an indication of premenopause because of hearing other friends going theough similar experiences when they were heading towards menopause about the same age. April my body decided to basically throw out what was no holds barred. I wound up in the ER with my blood pressure bottomed out at 64/35 and my labs just high enough that i didnt need a transfusion. They admitted me for observation and to run IV fluids because i was definitely dehydrated (i had been horribly nauseated for two days and had not eaten; I had been drinking lots of water, but i was in so much pain i was sweating out almost as fast as i was trying to take in). I found out then that i have two uterine fibroids: one is 10 cm and one is 6cm. So, because of their size, we wknt be able to do a laparoscopic surgery, it will have to be an open abdominal surgery. Depending on what they find when they get in there, that will determine whether they will remove my ovaries & fallopian tubes, too.


Prayers your way! I had a total hysterectomy 3 years ago and you will be good. Just a little discomfort. Rest and take it easy afterwards. Limit your weight restrictions. I will be thinking about you. Keep us posted, you got this girl!!!! ❤️🥰


Thank you- I'm 22 and scheduling my own hysterectomy soon after 3 previously failed surgeries in the past year. Your story and tips and tricks are so helpful and make me feel not as alone.


I just found your channel and I love it !!!! I am day 3 of my hysterectomy and the pain is real but I still don't regret it. I am wishing you all the best ❤


Early surgery time is better, less chance you get delayed and less time to stress in pre-op. Best wishes for an easy (ish) recovery. 💞


Thank you for this. I’m 30 days pre-op my anxiety is extremely high and I have not considered any of the comforting advice and items you shared here. This will definitely help me prepare for my pre and post op care. All of this was so comforting!!


This video was tremendously helpful in helping me prepare for my hysterectomy three days ago. I ordered the Barefoot Dreams blanket and Solmate socks, both of which have been wonderful! I was able to put together a bedside bin and a couch bin, thanks to your video which have been tremendously helpful in my recovery.


thank you so much for sharing and posting these videos! I'm 60 and it took too many years-until final diagnosis and then full total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. I'm on the other side now and slowly recovering but So Glad this is behind me. Thank you!


Good luck. To get anthestheia out of your body be up and walking it helps so much.the more you move the faster it gets out ask about it. I had a hysterectomy when I was 31 ( I'm 63 )from endometriosis (severe) I did well after surgery It will be easier than you think once its over you will do good. You will not be laying around much you will be up and around fast. A little Slower and a little tired faster though. Take care.


You will do wonderful. I felt better almost immediately after my surgery. I was so grateful to get rid of all the pain.


I really love your personality. On explaining everything this is my first time going through a hysterectomy I'm afraid but I got God on my side. Thank you so much your video was so helpful for me. THANK U SO MUCH💜U HAD ME LAUGHING ON THE FLEET...


Your part 3 video was so validating for me and pain & emotional roller coaster I’m on right now I’m on day 3 after hysterectomy and prolapse surgery! And I am in so much pain 😢


The oxygen from surgery dried out my nasal tissue so the saline you can squirt up your nose helped me. Real fruit popsicles were one of the only thing I ate the first couple days. I was surprised to need size large leggings for so long having been an extra small before. Got sick of jammies real quick. I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. You are super ready. You're going to be great.
