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" i just wanted it to be a baddie vacation, " had me dying. I hope ur eye feels better


The thing on your eye that you're worried about is called a stye and it happens when there's bacteria under your eye 👀 but it can also be used by changing your mascara too much and it can also get under your eye and get it infected.


Hey girl! EMT here- it’s a Stye, or a small infection of the eyelid. Warm compresses 3x a day at least with CLEAN cloth. If you have topical antibiotic ointment, you can dry dabbing a little on to see if it helps. Do NOT put eye makeup on it (this will irritate it more and possibly contaminate your makeup and tools), try to leave it alone, don’t put any serums or creams on it until it gets better. The hot compresses brings the infection to the surface and increases blood flow to attack the bacteria. If you have any change in vision or it gets progressively worse after 2-3 days of the compresses, go to urgent care! Bottom line- keep it clean, don’t touch it except for the compresses, it’s a tiny infection or inflamed lash follicle, and usually goes away on its own if treated right. Hope this helps!! @truleerodney


It’s a stye
I’ve had many in my life. Sometimes just a warm towel holding on your eye multiple times a day for 10 minutes helps. Otherwise you’ll have to go to a dr. They are painful and annoying but they go 😊


You could have a stye. How often do you change your mascara brushes or anything that goes on your eye. Have you let anyone use your eye makeup or the brushes for your eye makeup?


Awe I hope you feel better soon trulee!
Love you!! 🥰


Oh no atleast you have alot of advice i hope you get better ❤ sense its bacteria relatated wipe down whatever you can with bleach and soap so that the strong smell isnt eye watering ❤


Warm compress on your eye. About 10 min per day til it's gone. Works everytime. I use my green tea bag after I drink it in the mornings.


(PLS READ) so basically what you have rn is a stye ik what it feels like i’ve had two and it’s not fun.basically it’s like a pimple in your eye and you should put a warm compress on it to keep the swelling down but not too hot to not burn yourself.BE VERY CAREFUL AND DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYE because styes are very contagious so if you do touch it accidentally wash your hands very well after.You should get some stye wipes to clean your eye as well in the morning and night.After a few days there should be a white head on your stye like a pimple (for me i popped it and the stye went away soon after that but idk if your supposed to pop them


I think what you have is a stye. I should be gone in a couple days. I hope you feel better.❤


Omg the same thing happened to me about two months ago the doctor prescribed me antibiotics eye drops & told me to do warm compression over my eye 👁️. Its better now! I woke up and didn't know how it happen too but it get better 😊


Basically it is a stye that is on your eye and if you go to the drug store you can get a special soap for it and wash it twice a day and it should be gone in about two days and they are caused by bacteria under your eyes and it can be from not washing your face well enough or just leaving your mascara on for too long hope this helps love you truly❤❤❤❤❤


Soak your eye with a warm tea bag! As the bag starts to cool down, gently press the tea water to wash your eye out as well. Black tea or chamomile is the best on hand to help reduce swelling, redness, and irritation🤍


To help get rid of it is to put a warm wash cloth on your stye but a CLEAN wash cloth


I have this too and I am dealing with it right now 🥲
Warm compression with a clean towel definitely helps to decrease the swelling 🫶🏼


It a stye I hope you fell better I am going through a stye too


Omg this happened to me. It's a cyst on your eye. It took me around 3 weeks to fully recover but the lump should go down in a week with some hot water on a towel. Get well soon 😢


lol your eye just has a stie ( an eye pimple somewhere ) and you don’t have to see the pimple just feel it lol. The way to get rid of it is: get a sock fill it up about half way (or what ever forms a good size ball) with rice. Tie it off to make sure the rice doesn’t fall out. Microwave the sock for 30 ish seconds and put it on your eye until it’s mostly cooled down. I recommend doing this before bed. And also this is nurse approved and it helps me every time :)) hope this helps!!


It's a stye and it goes away eventually also dipping a clean cloth in warm water and dabbing it on the eye helps to get rid of it sooner❤❤


As someone with severe allergies, I know exactly how you feel. My eye gets so swollen I can't even open up my eye completely 😭😭
