Python Introduction to Plotly

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In this python tutorial, we will go over the plotly package.
The first part of the tutorial covers frequently asked questions (FAQs). To skip the FAQs, the tutorial starts around 7:58, however the details covered in the FAQ section can be very helpful in understanding the package.
Topics covered include:
plotly FAQs
plotly plot using dictionary
plotly plots using graph objects
plotly express
plotly line plots
plotly bar charts (bar, stacked, grouped)
plotly scatter plot
plotly stacked area plot
plotly treemap
plotly sunburst
plotly boxplot
plotly violin plot
plotly histogram
plotly stripplot
plotly correlation heatmap
plotly density heatmap
plotly scatter matrix
plotly density contour plot
plotly radar chart
plotly marginal plots
plotly facets
plotly subplots
plotly maps (plot locations, change projections, choropleth, etc.)
plotly with ipywidgets
plotly animation
plotly save to HTML
plotly change theme
plotly configuration options
plotly annotations
plotly rugplots
plotly move legend
plotly rotate axis labels
The first part of the tutorial covers frequently asked questions (FAQs). To skip the FAQs, the tutorial starts around 7:58, however the details covered in the FAQ section can be very helpful in understanding the package.
Topics covered include:
plotly FAQs
plotly plot using dictionary
plotly plots using graph objects
plotly express
plotly line plots
plotly bar charts (bar, stacked, grouped)
plotly scatter plot
plotly stacked area plot
plotly treemap
plotly sunburst
plotly boxplot
plotly violin plot
plotly histogram
plotly stripplot
plotly correlation heatmap
plotly density heatmap
plotly scatter matrix
plotly density contour plot
plotly radar chart
plotly marginal plots
plotly facets
plotly subplots
plotly maps (plot locations, change projections, choropleth, etc.)
plotly with ipywidgets
plotly animation
plotly save to HTML
plotly change theme
plotly configuration options
plotly annotations
plotly rugplots
plotly move legend
plotly rotate axis labels
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