The Deeper Meaning Behind Our Desires | CS Lewis Quote #faith #Jesus #CSLewis #truth #christianfaith

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In this video, I share one of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis that has deeply impacted me: "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

Have you ever felt like nothing in this world can fully satisfy your longing for peace, beauty, or wholeness? I know I have. And it’s in those moments I’ve realized that our desires are pointing us to something greater—someone greater. Jesus is the fulfillment of every longing we have. The fact that we even desire these things tells us there’s a place for them to be fulfilled, and that place is in Him.

In this video, I’ll explore what this means and how you can find hope and healing in the person of Jesus. If this resonates with you, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more content that helps connect faith to everyday life.

#CSLewis #faith #Jesus #spiritualgrowth

CS Lewis, faith, Christianity, Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, longing for more, desire, eternity, broken world, peace, healing, hope, wholeness, fulfillment in Christ, Christian inspiration, purpose, meaning of life, spiritual fulfillment, healing in Jesus, personal growth, Christian reflection, divine purpose, CS Lewis quote, theology, Bible study, Christian motivation, Christian video, longing for eternity, spiritual wholeness, peace in Jesus, Christian content creator

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