Part 2 Conclusion of Introduction from Decoding the Human Body-Field

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This book explains the NES model of the human body-field and the body-field’s influence on health in a nontechnical manner that we trust will be accessible to most readers. We have included a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar, both NES related and scientific, at the end of the book. Feel free to refer to the glossary as needed while you are reading. Although we strive in part 2 to preserve the personal narrative quality of how NES came into being, we understand that most readers will need to context and background information about physics and bioenergetics that is provided in part 1. After all, these are not subjects we think about during the course of a normal day, and if you are interested in the revolution in health care that is already upon us, you surely will want to know what all the excitement is about. Don’t worry: you don’t have to be a physicist or biologist to understand what your body is really like and how it functions at its deepest energetic level. You need only an open mind and a healthy curiosity. Although you could jump ahead to read parts 2 and 3 first, the perspective you will gain by reading part 1 is bound to alter your perception of yourself and your place in the world. Beyond providing the framework upon which NES is built, we hope that the information in part 1 also will inspire you to see yourself as more than your body and foster a greater sense of the wonders of nature.
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