Marshall and Robin: The Only Platonic Relationship (According to Barney) - How I Met Your Mother

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The only platonic relationship that Barney can think of is between Marshall and Robin.

From How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 9 "Platonish."

I couldn't find this clip anywhere on Youtube, so I wanted to upload it.

Update: After reading the comments, it felt necessary to update the video title to reflect that it's more of Barney's opinion than my own.

All copyrights go to: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
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I love how Barney drops the mom line and then immediately gives himself an out.


I really, really wish Ted and Robin had remained platonic for the entire series after breaking up. The whole Christmas lights thing was to me a sweet gesture from a friend, but then they had to go ahead and make it so Ted was still in love with Robin. It feels like men and women can't do nice things for each other without being in love.


Ted and Lily?
Ted and Wendy the Waitress?
Robin and Carl?
Lily and Carl?
Marshall and nearly any other woman than Lily?


Remember all the times when robin was eyeing marshal for his masculinity and strength and lily was like 'bitch dont even'


Hello people! I just want to clarify something; TED AND LILY DID NOT KISS.

In the episode “how I met everyone else” Ted says he is certain that he kissed Lily at the college oriantation party. However, Marshall says Ted did not kiss Lily but another girl named Alexa. At the end of the episode they show a scene from the future reunion of college members, and Ted comes across with Alexa. She confirms that Ted and Alexa kissed, but Ted thought she was Lily. When Ted learns about this, he goes to Lily and says “we did not kiss” and Lily says “I know” and they show the real people they kissed at the end of the episode.


Jason and Cobie have more chemistry than Marshall and Robin. There was a gossip years ago that the two had a secret relationship.


Barney is wrong because Robin has found Marshall attractive on multiple occasions, such as the time when Marshall was in a fight outside the bar. Also, the same probably can be said of Marshall and any woman that's not Lily.


In order of completely platonic relationships from most to least platonic it goes

Marshall and Robin
Marshall and Barney
Lily and Ted
Ted and Barney
Lily and Barney
Marshall and Ted
Lily and Robin

then all the actual couples (Ted and Robin, Barney and Robin, Lily and Marshall)


Soo according to Lily, her and Ted are not platonic?


i think ted and lily have compatibility but would never be together at all because marshall is her soulmate and he’s his best friend


what about Marshall and Barney, or Marshall and ted, or lily and ted, or Barney and ted


These moments and these songs:
•Sit And Wait (Inside of Love)
•Thanksgiving in November. Weird (You Belong to Me)
•Ted sees Victoria (Soul Meets Body)
•Ted kisses Victoria (Spit on a stranger)
•It's not really a MISTAKE. (Mother of Pearl)
•I made it RAIN (This Modern Love)
•Only thing that can heal a broken heart, is time (Boys Don't Cry)
•You Stole a Blue French Horn for me (No One Here)
•The Platinum Rule (Black Tears)
•The Yellow Umbrella (Beautiful Beat)
•Two Minute Date (Thirteen)
•Never invite an ex to your wedding (Waiting for an Invitation)
•Perfect Ending to a Perfect Love Story (Better)
•The Fight (This Man He Weeps Tonight)
•Right Place Right Time (Glad Girls)
•As Fast as She can (Careful)
•Take the Leap (Prophets)
•Definations (Oxford Comma)
•You'll find your SHELLFISH lady (Rewind)
•Put a Baby in my belly (Lifesize)
•A Kid needs a Hoop (I'll Come For You)
•Challenge Accepted (Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp)
• We're having a Boy (Throwing Stones)
•I was about to be Remembered (Victoria)
•That day is just not good (Hey)
•Tick Tick Tick (Heavy Hours)
•Not Yet (Shake it out)
•Meet Marvin Eriksen (You Were Born)
•The Bride wants to see me (The Wind)
•Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz (The Funeral)
•I Really Hope You Get Her Someday (Low Rising)
•The Pit (If the Hudson Overflows)
•Step 16. Hope she says YES (Let Your Heart Hold Fast)
•Lucky doesn't even begin to describe it (Guiding Light)
•Something Old (How to Fight Loneliness)
•One Ticket to Farhampton please (Simple Song)
•I'll be right back. I'll be right here. (Souvenir)
•Bass Player Wanted (Forrest Whitaker)
•Challenge Completed (It's Only Time)
•I have to let you go now (Eternal Flame)
•Funny how sometimes you just find things (Downtown Train)
•OR... (Heaven)


Actually, Ted and Lily have kissed before.


Wait so did Lily think that Barney had a more platonic relationship with her than Ted? 😂


But what about that time Robin hit in Marshall in S4 Ep 13
