Who Should Get Shadowmourne Prio in Wotlk Phase 4

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EVERYBODY will want to get their hands on a Shadowmourne once Wotlk Phase 4 releases, but which DPS Spec should have prio over this Legendary Axe? Let's Talk About it!
Follow my socials:
0:00 - 1:26 How to Get Shadowmourne in Wotlk Phase 4
1:26 - 1:44 Stock up on Primordial Saronite
1:44 - 2:14 Trash mob and Bosses
2:14 - 2:34 How long It'll take?
2:34 - 3:50 AVOID These Mistakes
3:50 - 4:14 Prot Paladin, Blood DK, and Prot Warrior
4:14 - 4:37 Frost Deathknight
4:37 - 4:49 Arms Warrior
4:49 - 5:28 Unholy DK
5:28 - 5:46 Blood DK
5:46 - 6:05 Ret Paladins
6:05 - 6:51 Top Class PRIO

#shadowmourneprio #wotlkclassic #wotlkphase4

saw the discussion in the Warr discord. love that u go all in and try to give us the best infos!



damage per second per second


Most recent sims are showing a 1200 gain on ret due to TAJ simming correctly, and and only 1000 on fury, so I'd say this video is due for a followup


This is how I view legendaries from vanilla - wrath

Hand of Rag = a fun toy. Not a guild progression item (even thou it can help someone's dps)
Thunderfury = HUGE guild progression legendary. This weapon 100% helps a guild progress thru vanilla raids.
Atiesh = a reward Legendary. It's amazing but by this point it's not helping progression of a guild. Should go to who deserves it.
Illidan Blades = ultra toy / minor progression. dream pvp / pve weapon. Yeah it helps progression thru sunwell but IMO should also go to someone deserving.
Val'anyr - progression / deserve / reward legendary - helps progression thru ICC especially the more healers that have it. Also a reward thou to those who deserve.
Shadowmourne - toy / reward - this weapon is not helping any progression, should be rewarded to someone who deserves it.


Tiny Abomination in a Jar] aka TAJ is a phase 4 trinket that USED TO BE bugged on the sim. It is a uniquely powerful trinket for Retribution, because every TAJ proc is also a seal proc, over doubling it's damage. It synergizes with Shadowmourne, as every TAJ swing is an SM mote, and every Chaos Bane proc is a possible TAJ mote.

TAJ should proc off these:

seal damage
SoV debuff application
crusader strike damage
divine storm damage
righteous vengeance debuff application
judgement debuff application
judgement damage
auto attack

According to historical data, the Manifest Anger (swing effect - no seal) should account for around 4% of our damage. The average hit of Manifest Anger is 3200. The average hit of Seal of Vengeance is 3700. The total combined damage would be 6900. At the alleged proc rate of 20 TAJ swings over a 2minute fight, the trinket proc would be worth 1150 DPS. 4% of our 15k damage in Phase 4 is 600 DPS, which is multiplied by 2.1x to account for the extra seal damage.

That leaves us at 1260 DPS from TAJ proc, in totality, which is again, pretty close to our 1150 DPS number.
On the sim it is currently worth 360 DPS from the proc & seal both combined, which means there is about 1150-360 = 790ish DPS there that we are missing.


It’s a DK weapon and I won’t hear anymore of it


My raid leader is Fury Warrior, so that's probably a definite :D
Icc hype


"How long it'll take?" section needs updating after they buffed the drop rates, and included them in normal bosses as well. You're looking at a much faster rate of crafting. Most guilds will probably have 3 done by time phase 5 launches


Helo Bro whats hapen if i join with my rogue to other rogue gp he cleared 3 boss before and i accept 3 boss down?some body whisper me:i have lockout precleared i will convert to raid you enter and take the lockout.skip the whole process and save the gold the bosses are alredy dead on my lockout so when u enter u accept and recieve the lockout


Im so glad to be the first one on my guild picking order, been a pal since and the only ret on guild since wotlk classic.


Love the shout out to blood dks, howeer, just gotta say that blood DK is only good because they self cast unholy frenzy, which is pretty much a party foul if you ask any of the other physical dps classes. Using that unholy frenzy on a feral druid or fury warrior will be a lot more impactful than using it on yourself as a blood dk dps.


Fuck yeah, my guild said they will bless me with first ShadowMourne in the guild. Blood dk dps is going to be fun on a bun.


WOW! Love the research and statistics you used to reach your list... very cool stuff! :)


lol he put fury warrior as #1 cuz he probly main one himself.


What kind of sim set up do you have going on? Ret and Fury do not sim 16k unless you put your fight length down to a minute. I put your exact gear and gems and its only giving me 15.3k on a Fury.


at the end of the day its just one person in your raid can use it and if a dps is what makes or breaks your group then your in the wrong guild.


Need to redo this vid now with the changes coming with p4


blood dps sims for ~16, 500 dps with the right gear+shadowmourne, show some respect


@Nohitjerome dont forget that Rets have a glyph that makes them do more damagae to undead... and ICC is all undead and the sims wont factor that in since it cant tell a undead or not i believe could be wrong


I normaly like your videos. But this a 100% personal opinion of yours. Im a fury war main and i hope guild gives it to me. But saying the group needs it for progression at the end of expansion is bs. If there not killing LK hm or smth 1 shadowmourne wont cut it. Item should be given to the most loyal members or persons that put allot of work in it first. And ofc dont give it to your tanks thats inting it.
