Case-Based Learning Collaborative: Medications with Evidence for Stimulant Use Disorder

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This is the 1st session entitled "Medications with Evidence for Stimulant Use Disorder," of the Case-Based Learning Collaborative on Stimulants CME Series featuring Steve Shoptaw, PhD, Center Director, UCLA CHIPTS on Friday, October 20, 2023, from 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT.

The objectives of the Case-Based Learning Collaborative on Stimulants are:

To use a case-based learning approach to share experiences, educate, and disseminate the latest evidence-based data on the use of medications and other therapies for treating stimulant use disorders.

To generate a network of providers and provide a reliable forum to discuss stimulant use disorders and their treatment.

To present the latest evidence for treatment of stimulant use disorders to guide treatment decisions and to destigmatize treatment of stimulant use disorders
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