15 Prayers of St Bridget Explained (Catholic Speakers Ken and Janelle)

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Have you heard of the 15 Prayers of St Bridget? Should we believe in their promises? Has the Catholic Church approved these prayers? Catholic Speakers Ken and Janelle get into these questions and share how they were introduced to Saint Bridge of Sweden. They are beautiful Catholic prayers.

To pray these prayers

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Pray the 15 prayers of St Bridget here:


I prayed these prayers when I was 15 years old. I have recently started them again. I can tell you with certainty that these prayers are powerful. Let's just say at a very difficult time in my life looking for a house to buy for my children and I and not having much success, I prayed and asked for help in finding the perfect home. The next day I found our forever home. I knew immediately when I walked in. Guess what?? I live on Saint Bridget Street. Just up the hill from a beautiful Catholic Church.


My sister had 8 children and would pray these prayers at night while sitting in the hallway outside her childrens rooms usually with her baby in her arms that was 28 years ago and each one of her children are devout Catholics and are raising their children as devout Catholics. Miraculous


I had begun it on 21st March 2020 and within eleven days, I will complete one year prayer! So far I have done it without failing for a single day! I hope to finish it without failure!


I started praying the 15 prayers of St Bridget in 2012 and have them memorized. Love praying and don't want to stop reminds me how much he did for us and giving us such an extravagant gift. Truly beautiful.


Like Jesus said “Your faith has healed you.” Yes, it really works! I prayed a year for my son’s conversion, and he now wants to be a priest. Keep praying for his perseverance on the path God called him to be. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! May God bless you abundantly.


doing the 7 pater noster from st bridget for 12 years and it absolutely has changed my life. i give way more thought to my sins now and have a way bigger appreciation for the lord. they are amazing. just finished my first year today and have 11 more to go. wish me luck


I am on my 3rd Pieta Book, after starting with the discipline of the Fifteen Saint Bridget Prayers, some 32 years ago. These 15 prayers, (Our Lord's Ultimate Passion) have transformed my life!!! The power of these prayers, along with The Rosary, The Divine Chaplet and a special family litany I pray daily, have unfurled a passion and joy for Our Lord that is AMAZING!!! I truly believe in the promises and the incredible healing power of venerating Our Lord's Ultimate Passion!!! I am delighted to discover Catholic Minute enthusiastically endorsing prayer and the Blessings of Faith!!! I am excited to serve each day in prayer and join all prayer warriors with zeal and Thanksgiving!!! Thank you for bringing these prayers and the beauty of prayer life into focus!!! As it says, in the Pieta Book on page 23, "God Must be pursued and the more you chase HIM, the more you catch HIM"!!!


Hi, I’m doing the 7 prayers to St Bridget, a shorter version but for 12 years, five years completed, amazing powerful 🙏 God bless


I have 20 more days to go. When I first started I cried and cried, which takes Much more time to say them. I asked God to never let me grow cold, even though I do not like crying, I never wanted to lose that feeling of great Love. God said yes and I still have many tears. These prayers take a lot out of me, but my tears and my heart are the best experience I have ever known. I don't think I could ever stop these prayers. God Bless you all. It is so nice to read all your comments!


A friend of mine recommended this novena to me yesterday and I decided to try it. I had a sort of a hard time understanding some of the prayers for some of the words and style are old English, but I was determined to finish it. Then towards the end, I smelled the sweetest scent of flowers. It was so strong but I know it couldn’t be from anything I have inside my room for I don’t have anything like that at home. Plus, I was alone at that time at my home and all the windows and doors are locked. Anyway, I turned my head around the room
to see where the smell is coming from and in an instant, the scent is all gone. Now, I am definitely gonna pray that novena for I sensed a presence of something supernatural that time .


Just finished the prayers today after a full year. I will update on any life changes!


My husband I did these prayers a few years ago. It was hard but it brought me closer to Jesus. God Bless you guys in all you do.


I've prayed these with my parents for 3 years, and I can't even realise how many blessings we received. But I have one special which is worthy to share with you. We did some interval and then in 2016 after a long period of depression and confusion about my way I was with my mom in a chapel and I said to her that I had no idea of what to do with my life. She suggested that we should ask God and both started to pray. After a few minutes I said to her that God had inspired me to start praying these prayers for one year again but then in this intention and she reveled that God had said the same to her. Thus we started again with my dad and exactly in the 365th day, in the end of 2017, without having planned this perfect timing, I was arriving in Poland, for the new life God had prepared for me. But even so I think that it's worthy to pray, even without any evident bless, only because we must consider Jesus's Passion, and He deserves it. You're totally right! And on last Good Friday I remembered that these prayers would be a good help to meditate Jesus's Passion and wanted to pray them. I wanted to pray only on that day, but I was convinced to continue. That's how I found your video. I must say that although it's recited a little bit too quickly (I prefer to say it more slowly to "savor" such beautiful words - even though it's a very good option for days I have less time, because it's the shorter we can find on YouTube 😆) it do is the most beautiful version!!!! Those paintings so intentionally chosen, wow. Thats is amazing for contemplation. Thanks for the work! And yes, after one year it's easy to know them by heart, and that's why I started searching for videos on YouTube. I'm Brazilian and I already had the prayers in Portuguese in my head, so I started watching in English because even if I didn't know some words in English I knew exactly what the prayer was, so I could learn new vocabulary. Now I'm praying most of the time with videos found when searching for "15 oraisons" to learn French better :) to pray is a very good way to learn languages! And to conclude, I would like to say that as I was using your video with the prayers, YouTube has suggested me this video. I watched and loved so much the content and felt a sympathy for you two that I subscribed even not checking what is the channel about. God bless you and may Him make you great saints!


I've had the Pieta Prayer Booklet long before I left the Philippines Jan. 28, 1996. I'm still praying it. I've given the Pieta to my family. When I went to Rome I bought 2 pictures of the Pieta for my altar. I don't leave the house without it. I have one on my altar, one on my bed, and one in my purse. These prayers and the prayers contained in the booklet has helped me a lot in my prayer life. Warm regards to both of you and your family. Godbless.


Hello from Canada, Thank you for your video !
I'm almost at the end of my second year on these prayers of St Bridget. I have not have them memorize yet. I'm a senior and my memory is not good, but I'm doing them not only for myself, as a sacrifice, but also for my children's conversion. God is always good on His promises. According to what we deserve. I know there's a reason why God guided these prayers to me, I will find out one day. May God inspire more sinners to these prayers in our time of crisis. God bless !


I found this video when looking for a link to share the St. Bridget prayers with someone. I've prayed them for a year, then skipped a year. Now I'm 2 weeks away from completing my second year. As a mother of 4 and grandmother of 9 doing these prayers, along with daily Mass, rosaries, and other devotions helps me believe I'm doing something to help those that I dearly love here on earth and those who have gone before who are lingering in Purgatory.
I've subscribed to your podcast and look forward to seeing and hearing more. It blesses this mom/grandma to see that there are still some of the younger generation that are practicing the faith whole heartedly.
God Bless you both and your family as you continue to be a light in the darkness!💝


I have been praying this prayer of St. Bridget for 4 years now. It really helped me with my prayer life. I make special intentions every year and it works. It is a powerful prayer. God is true to His promises.


I'm praying it.. it's hard... There's always a time.. I'm too much sleepy as I'm reading it "15 prayers.." but still I wanna do it..
Thanks for your video... It lifts my spirit up & encourages me to pray it even more... daily 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you..God bless & more power! 💕 Stay safe!


When I started the 1 year prayer, I was scared that I might lapse on the prayers, or back slide and dump the prayer. But when I started, the beautiful prayer not only brought me closer to God but changed my life for the best. I fell in love with the prayer and gained a deeper understanding of Christ's passion, as I mentioned each word from the prayer.
Now, in 2021, I am about to begin the 12 years prayer just as soon as I finish my 54 days miraculous novena. Being catholic and having access to these wonderful prayers, and promises is a big privilege. I am happy and thankful to God.
