Grade 3 Science: Parts of Plants and their Functions - Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds.

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SCIENCE 3 : Lesson 14
I. Objectives:
- Identify the parts of the plant
- Describe each part of the plant and its function
- Compare the flowers, fruits, and seeds
- Describe the parts and functions of each part of the flower
- Appreciate the importance of each part of the plants
II. Subject Matter: “Parts of Plants and Their functions – Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds”
III. Summary ( see pictures in the video )
Roots, stem, and leaves are present in all plants. However, only some plants can bear flowers and fruits.
Flowers are the most beautiful and colorful part of a plant. Their various colors and fragrant odor attract insects
such as bees and butterflies, which are drawn near to suck nectar. When they do, the flowers become pollinated. Pollination is
the first step in the reproduction of plants. This happens when the pollen grains transfer from the stamen to the pistil of a
flower. Flowers are the reproductive part of a plant. They develop into fruits that have seeds which then will grow into new
plants. They have different parts. The main parts of a flower are petals, pistil, stamen, and sepal. Flowers that contain all these
parts are called complete flowers. Those that lack any of these parts are called incomplete flowers.
The petals are the colorful parts of the flower, which attract insects. Collectively, these petals are called corolla.
At the base of the flower are tiny leaf-like structures that cover and protect the bud and hold the petals together called
sepals. They are called calyx as a whole. The stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower. It consists of the filament and
the anther. The filament is the thin stalk that holds the anther. The anther bears the pollen grains that carry the sperm cells.
The pistil is the female reproductive part of a flower. It contains the stigma, the sticky part that traps the pollen grains; the
ovary which contains the ovule, which carries the egg cell; and the style, a stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.
The ovary later becomes the fruit, while the ovule becomes the seed.
Fruits come from the flowers of plants. They vary in size, shape, color, and taste. They are important because they not only
store food but also carry and protect the seeds.
The seeds are the part that grow and develop into new plants. They are found inside a fruit. The fruit protects them.
Seeds differ in shape and size. Some seeds such as beans and peanuts are edible or can be eaten. There are two kinds of seeds.
Seeds with only one seed leaf are called monocot, while seeds with two seed leaves are called dicot.
Coconut is an example of a monocot.
Tamarind is an example of a dicot.
Seeds have parts too. The seed coat, which is the outer covering, protects the seeds. The seed leaf or cotyledon contains the
stored food. The young plant that grows into a new plant is called embryo. The endosperm provides food to the embryo.

REMEMBER : Each part of a plant has an important function, from the roots that absorb water and nutrients, to the stem that
distributes water to the different parts, to the leaves that make food using photosynthesis, and to the flowers and fruits that
spread the plant’s seeds. Humans need plants to provide us with both oxygen and food.

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