Pre-Tribulation vs. Post Tribulation Rapture End-Times DEBATE

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Josh Barnes and Quency Gardner debate the subject of the timing of the rapture, Matthew 24, I Corinthians 15, Revelation 4, and many other passages. Comment in the LIVE stream with questions for each side.

For more content from Quency Gardner check out his YouTube channel here:
Mr Gardner is the author of several books on the rapture and other theological subjects. Purchase his books here:

For more content from our moderator, Justin Barnes, subscribe to his YouTube channel here:

For more content from Josh Barnes, subscribe to The Bible Explained!
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And God bless the moderator! Very fair and orderly!


I am very happy to see this debate, the delicateness, the pointedness, the courtesy, the order, the love, and the godly contention. God bless you all!

I believe scripture teaches very clearly about the post-tribulation rapture/resurrection.

God bless you all for the brotherly discussion.


I myself believe that the rapture and the second coming of Christ are after the tribulation. But in the meantime let's continue to spread and preach the gospel without fear.


📢 I am pre-trip rapture 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Amen Brother Amen


Anyway thanks for your comments. Me I'm in the Pre Trib Rapture. 😘💙👍🇵🇬


📢 amazing brother Josh awesome message on pre-trib.👏👏👏👏👏👏


Why was revelation written to the church pertaining to the things of the tribulation if it's not going to be there or.going through it? Seems pointless and out of God's nature to give information without a purpose.
"Here is all this information but don't worry about it bc you won't be here."


i enjoyed this debate very much. I don't believe in the pretrib rapture for several reasons but i love it would brothers can respectfully debate one another to really put their ideas to the test


This is the most friendliest debate I've seen.
I agree with brother Quincy


I really enjoyed this. I like how Josh behaves and is not proud and demanding like many people his age. My time is more important to me and I enjoyed myself watching this


Also it's like Noah's days Today. It won't be nothing like Noah's days at the End of the 7 year Tribulation when Jesus comes back to the Mt of Olive. Have a blessed night Amen 🙏


Okee doke. I made it to the end and have one final comment.

As a fellow North Carolinian…I would love to have lunch with Bro Quincey so he can advise me as I am sure he has his congregants, on how we are to navigate our way through the coming Trib….because where I am sitting….it is SOON!



1 Thes. 4:16 says that the dead in Christ will rise first and then we which are alive will be caught up. That passage has no mention of the unsaved... So, why would we conclude that this passage is talking about the 2nd coming at the end of the Tribulation? Chapter 5- continues to describe that time but still no mention of the unsaved except for calling them children of darkness.


Always wanted to see a scholarly debate on this topic. Still on the post tribulation rescue side. Great points on both sides but I still think since God didn't magically rescue His chosen people (holocaust, inquisitions etc), he most certainly won't magically help His new favorites.


The guy in blue has timeline in Revelation messed up


I just found your channel an I am hooked! Thank you very much for all the insightful input and teachings. I respect what you stand for and will continue to watch your videos and learn more, however I lean towards the Post-Tribulation, instead of the Pre-Tribulation... Here is the proof.

For this I will use the KJV 1611 bible, and there is a couple of key-points we need to understand before we start the interpretation

*The day of Christ refers to the Rapture, The day of the Lord refers to when Jesus comes back and set on the mountain of Armageddon (1000 years) 2 Peter 3:8 (" But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.". This is a very key point that needs to be understood. The day of the Lord refers to the 1000 years Jesus will rule on earth, just as 2 Peter 3:8.
* There is a difference between Wrath & Tribulation. Tribulation is what the world does to us, Wrath is what God does to the world. There is a lot of scripture that clearly says we will have tribulation in the world. John 16:33 / 1 Thessalonians 3:4 / 2 Timothy 3:12-13. But we will be saved from Wrath ( Romans 5:9)

Scripture that proofs the rapture is Post-Trib

Read the following : Matthew 24:2-31 / Mark 13:4-27 / Luke 21:7-16

*All three are talking about one event, from three different perspectives, each perspective giving more details about itself (The bible interpret itself).

Common key-points within each of those scriptures:

*All three mentions "After the tribulation of those days"
*The sun and the moon will go dark
*Son the Man coming in the clouds
*Gather his elect

Common issues with Pre-Tribulation

*If The tribulation start and the mark of the beast is released, there will be "Great falling" away from Christians, why? Because most Pre-Tribulation people will take the mark of the beast, why? Because their response will be "It cannot be the mark of the beast because we have not been raptured yet".
*The Pre-Tribulation is based on the foundation of dispensationalism, invested in in 1830 by Darby, this was never taught from the Church, before that time period.
*If 100 million Christians all the sudden disappear BEFORE that tribulation, how will Satan deceive the "Entire word" if an events takes place, proving the authenticity of the bible? The world will register and repent, which is the opposite of the of the goal of Satan.

*The goal of the gospel is to be simple, not complicated. If any person reads the bible, without prior knowledge of Jesus and I ask them when is the rapture... They will say "After the tribulation". Explaining the doctrine of Pre-Tribulation is based on dispensationalism and requires a lot of cross refencing of passages and foundation understanding, to complicated for "Any" person to be saved.
*Being saved is to accept the Blood of Jesus Christ and repenting of all sins. Standing with Pre-Trib or Post-Trib does not dictate if you are saved.

If we think we will be saved BEFORE the tribulation, what makes us so special? How many Christians have died in the past? Were they teached the Pre-Trib? Because its to late for them now is it not? The apostles walked with God himself, and yet looked the tribulation they faced? What makes us more special than them? God clearly says all will face persecutions of his name sake. Which proofs the death of Christians in our current history. Read fox book of martyrs.

Thank you.


2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction…
Ephesians 6:13-14
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness…”
You can only stand on or for something if you know the truth about it. It is interesting that truth is worn like a belt. Belts were used to gird one’s loins to prepare oneself for work or battle.
If you don’t know or believe that you must withstand in the evil day, you are less likely to take a stand.


In revelation 5 Jesus opens a scroll with 7 Seals, that scroll is the title deeds that Adam lost to Satan, Jesus opening the scroll is the redemption of the earth, that which Adam lost in the Garden which is man on earth in flesh and blood in the presence of God if the rapture happens at the end of the tribulation then there's no flesh to occupy the earth because everyone will have a glorified body therefore the rapture has to happen before the tribulation


Also Josh, argument stating that the rapture must come first bc the scripture says that people will be carrying on in "happy times" getting married and so forth and that these things womt be happening at the end of the tribulation doesn't make sense... God's people will be persecuted and will only be a small percentage of the population of the earth. The rest of the world will be following the beast and his rule which will be lawlessness. People will then have the freedom as wickedly as they want. Those who are blind to the coming of the king will live oblivious lives satisfying thier own desires just as the people of Noah's time did right before the flood.


We know pretribers believe, the rapture comes first, then the 7-year tribulation begins, and everyone left behind will be subject to the 21 (seal, trumpet, and bowl) judgements of God before the second coming of Christ. "These are known as the tribulation saints." After the wrath of God is complete the tribulation saints are caught-up by the angels to heaven where the marriage supper of the Lamb is in progress. The 6th and 7th seals' show not only that there is no pretribulation rapture, but also distinguishes between the tribulation and wrath Of God.

In the books of Matthew, and Mark Jesus speaks of the "abomination of desolation, " and also "great tribulation." Revelation 13 tell us, those who are alive at that time are subject to the mark of the beast, his image, and the number of his name. This is important because, doing the 6th seal in Rev 7:13-14 we're told these dressed in white robes come out of the great tribulation. Then the 7th seal is opened, and John sees 7 Angels with 7 trumpets, which is the wrath of God. So, now we can see the so-called Tribulation Saints in heaven before the wrath of God starts. "At least sometime after the halfway point."

We have the same thing happening in Rev 15. We are told those standing on the sea of glass in heaven, (this sea of glass is empty in Rev 4) are the ones that overcame the beast, his mark, and the number of his name, placing them dead in the middle of the last part of the tribulation. What fallows this is the bowl judgments, which completes the wrath of God. The large group in Rev 19 at the marriage supper of Lamb, we are told, it (MSL) has come, and not that it is already in progress. The Point is this. We see the so-called Tribulation Saints in heaven before Gods wrath begins. Also, this distinguishes the tribulation period from the wrath of God! Thlipsis/Orgi. Here is where Rev 3:10 applies. We are not appointed to wrath.

Lastly. There is no mention of any chapter or verse whatsoever in scripture showing a great multitude of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, being raptured before the tribulation begins, or after the wrath of God is complete. There is only one gathering, and that doing the Day of the Lord!!! No pretrib rapture folks!!!
