as an indecisive introvert who's too shy to ask and has decision-making issues, i really appreciate this type of barista sem
as an indecisive introvert who's too shy to ask and has decision-making issues, i really appreciate this type of barista
Oh you forgot the type of sugar: white, brown, sugar freee, stevia 😂😂 nematsache
Oh you forgot the type of sugar: white, brown, sugar freee, stevia 😂😂
Barista: Giving million options for a single coffee. My local tea stall: "Chetta 1 tea"😂 lohitsai
Barista: Giving million options for a single coffee. My local tea stall: "Chetta 1 tea"😂
"Abhi masala bhi dalne ko puche ga" That's what I was thinking Tf 💀 Giyu_Tomioka...
"Abhi masala bhi dalne ko puche ga" That's what I was thinking Tf 💀
He remembered everything except to ask them to pay 😂 joannejames
He remembered everything except to ask them to pay 😂
That typical Indian response "Masala bhi dalne ke liye bol de"! 😂😂 Unlearning
That typical Indian response "Masala bhi dalne ke liye bol de"! 😂😂
He is a natural actor. I will not be surprised if he gets hired in a movie. consorciasantiago
He is a natural actor. I will not be surprised if he gets hired in a movie.
They didn't make any payment and khalid was thinking about more type of syrups to offer...😂 MuhammadAwais-pipw
They didn't make any payment and khalid was thinking about more type of syrups to offer...😂
Give the man the best customer service award he earned it rockinkhalid
Give the man the best customer service award he earned it
"any milk"....the desperation🤣 thiagseeban
"any milk"....the desperation🤣
Lovely your videos bro love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ WifiLOVEU
Lovely your videos bro love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sometimes it's better to be simple like...'Chetta....Two Tea' muhammedramees
Sometimes it's better to be simple like...'Chetta....Two Tea'
That "Any Milk" was hilarious 😂😂 NehaRizvisoulartist
That "Any Milk" was hilarious 😂😂
And without any option, they have their coffees without paying. That's the spirit loictalbot
And without any option, they have their coffees without paying. That's the spirit
Aww he is just trying to be nice and helpful. So sweet ❤ princezicco
Aww he is just trying to be nice and helpful. So sweet ❤
The 'any milk' coming from the woman is a cry to be fed😂 LetsTalk-tkfp
The 'any milk' coming from the woman is a cry to be fed😂
Broooo all your videos are awesome. It flush my mind 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 DiamonD_CreaTion
Broooo all your videos are awesome. It flush my mind 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They sit down in the car with their coffees Guy pops up behind them "Dont forget your coffee lid!" geldbeutel
They sit down in the car with their coffees Guy pops up behind them "Dont forget your coffee lid!"
For a great ☕ coffee, I actually would highly appreciate one barista as vivid as this gentleman. minisworld
For a great ☕ coffee, I actually would highly appreciate one barista as vivid as this gentleman.
“Want masala in your coffee” got me crying 🤣😂😂😂 DAFBDHGKJHLK
“Want masala in your coffee” got me crying 🤣😂😂😂