FINNALY AN UPDATE! I have EVERYTHING ready for printing the blaster I just need the hardware kit and files. I upgraded my printer for this and need something worthy to print on it
Ooo man i cannot wait for the release. Soon everyone in the club will be running a SLAB.
I must have one, saw pics from foam con..I need to own one!! Cant freaking cool...
Random idea but perhaps a mag well version that instead of taking mags is either: higher up, and is breach load only, or an internal mag in the current mag well shape. Mostly because it would feel more like some actual lever actions. Loving the work your doing on the platform I’ll need to make one eventually.
Damn, the new Alpha Strikes are looking great.
As always great work...ill be ready to print another one when you
I love the slab keep up the good work I tried to come out to foam con but I was away until the next day
Well done as usual. That thing is too sexy bruh.
:D I love it, think I’m going to build one
Oooh, I can't wait! I might make one in purple with green accents, could look sick.
Hey Sillybutts, I was wondering what type of filament you use? I am new to the 3D printing hobby, and am just learning how to use my printer effectively and efficiently. So far PLA + seems to be extremely smooth, whereas ABS is much more finicky. I have a fully encased printer, however I believe it is the filament that I am using, as my machine is not a bad or old printer. (Qidi x max). Sorry to bother you, but I am just awfully curious!
This is the first I've seen your awesome blaster! Does it use katana or talon mags?
I might have missed this in a previous update, but will there be a Nightingale magwell?
Will their be pre built version and if so where can I buy a pre built