15 Heavy Battle Where Rhinos And Lions Take The Stage

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Rhinos and lions are legit contenders for the throne when it comes to Africa’s most powerful animals. Lions are at the top of the food chain, but rhinos are no pushovers either. Which of the two would choose if you had to go into battle? Let’s find out who rules between rhinos and lions as we count down 15 heavy battles where rhinos and lions take the stage.

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Rhino VS Buffalo

Rhinos, unfortunately, are much larger than buffalos. The rhino would easily defeat the buffalo since it is significantly more powerful. A young rhino decides to confront a huge cape buffalo. Meanwhile, the mother rhino and the other buffalo are both marking their territory. After a lot of staring and waiting, the rhinos figure they have better things to do than stare at buffalos. The rhino in this video is huge and it uses all its power to run through this cape buffalo and plow it to the ground. I’m quite sure the buffalo felt like it was on a ride at the amusement park and got out of it full of bumps and bruises. This rhino is so angry at this buffalo, it doesn’t stop pouncing into it with its deadly horn until the buffalo is incapacitated and falls to the ground. Even with another buffalo trying to help, it doesn’t stop the furious rhino. What a determined beast this rhino is! I’m quite sure the rhino perforated some of the buffalo’s organs and the buffalo is in agony. Members of the herd surround their friend to give him his last rites.

Rhino Fighting

These two rhinos go head-to-head over territory, and it’s obvious one of the rhinos is stronger than the other. The pushing and shoving go on for a few seconds, until the stronger rhino pushes the other rhino into the grass, behind the tree, where we no longer can see what is happening. In a game reserve in southern Africa, a baby white rhino suckles its mother. When a large bull rhino appears, the atmosphere changes in an instant. Around the still-suckling mother and calf, the bull begins spray-marking its territory. It then turns on the mother, much to the calf's chagrin. The calf is then attacked. The calf is tossed into the air by the bull and its mother rushes to its rescue. The bull turns on the mother as the calf flees for safety, driving her backward and lifting her front legs clean off the ground. The battling duo closes in on the automobiles of onlookers, causing them to flee in terror. Finally, as the terrified calf circles the struggle, the mother retreats down the road, away from the camera and the bull.

This appears to be a territorial conflict. The spray-marking that the male does is the clue. White rhinos are lonely and possessive of their territory. Females, on the other hand, are not, and they frequently travel beyond territory claimed by various males. In this video, you can see this rhino delivering it to another rhino. I mean, this rhino is being attacked from all angles, and the rhino being attacked has numerous injuries to show. When one of the dueling rhinos succeeds to flank the other, he inflicts a lot of damage. Rhinos have strong skin, yet their horns are powerful and may pierce through other rhinos' skin. It looks like it’s the end for the weaker rhino as he falls to the ground. During this bloody battle, these two rhinos inflict major injuries to one another as they battle through the grass and mud. One of the rhinos is badly injured and it is rumored it died moments after the battle.
Рекомендации по теме

"Who you think rules Africa? Lions, or rihnos?"

Elephant: Am I a joke to you???


Always warms my heart that elephants always come out on top. It’s good to know they’re gentle giants but also the biggest bad asses.


Rhino is a big and agressive, fearless, active animal 👌


Lions are majestic hunters, but Rhinos are like natural tanks. A healthy rhino vs a healthy lion, a rhino wins 🏆.


The Cheetah is the fastest land animal… but the lion isn't far behind.

Lion = 35, 40mph.
Cheetah = 70mph.

That's nearly double the lions speed.

Yes, it is. (far behind)


The crocodile impressed me the most. Even with the land disadvantage it had the lions dancing to get away from those jaws of death. Crocodiles are amazing.


"African rhinos are the world's largest land mammals" What? No they aren't. Elephants are the largest land mammals, elephants actually trump the sizes of African rhinos


5:34 Rhinos be like: you like flying?

warthogs: nah im falling and breaking

my back!


Surely you aren't unbiased if you call it a draw. One on one, the strongest rhino would destroy the strongest lion. The strongest rhino would probably destroy the two or three strongest lions. This shouldn't even be a debate. A rhino is damn near a living tank.


04:13 These lions are absolutely incredulous that anyone would have the utter audacity to walk up on them while they're napping. This was so hilarious!


Lion vs Cheetah, I've watched the full video. The Cheetah just had a brutal territorial fight and was exhausted, that's why it was running slow.


I love the fear lion's have for Rhinos


Aww the cute cub rhino jumpin in the air like that😂


2:35 its like the baby rhino chasing both the big rhino so cute🤣


“these animals are about to fight and it’s going to be awesome” *switches clip*


I don't know why the makers of these videos seem incapable of describing their content honestly.


The buffalo just pissing freely at :30 😂😂😂🤣🤣


Pretty sure two well experienced in battle Rhinos, with full front horn, would take down a pride of lions.


To launch the one of them into space.. Wow! okay, not space but pretty high up of there 🤣


Just show the clips and pipe down. We're not children here.
