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In today's ASK AN SDA featuring Pastor Kevin Morgan we will examine how inspiration and authority works in the Bible, and though the Bible principles on this refute the idea that Ellen White adds to the Bible when she provides details and back story of biblical events. Stay tuned!

0:00 - Intro
2:13 - Today's Topic
3:58 - Subscribers
4:38 - Featured Sponsor
7:00 - Pastor Kevin Morgan - Reason for today's topic
12:53 - Difference Between Canonical and Non-canonical Prophets
17:33 - Inspiration
23:19 - Adding to Scripture
33:20 - How do Non-canonical Prophets function?
52:27 - The Role of A Prophet
59:08 - EGW pointed to Scripture
1:03:18 - Principles vs. Doctrine
1:08:15 - Prophetic Authority
1:13:11 - Examples of people who rejected Counsel
1:22:55 - Why did people reject counsel from EGW?
1:35:49 - Can a prophet give a vision that isn't written in the Bible?
1:46:56 - Did Ellen White ever perform miracles to confirm her gift?
1:51:57 - Must every prediction come to pass?
2:03:09 - Did you Subscribe yet?
2:03:40 - Connect with Pastor Morgan
2:09:50 - EGW and 1 Timothy 4
2:10:39 - EGW's Differing Statements on the Scapegoat
2:12:34 - Contradictions in EGW writings
2:14:28 - Closing Thoughts/Announcements
2:17:15 - Are Your Comments Being Deleted?
2:20:26 - Awesome Sabbath
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Good questions; adequate answers. I learned a few things this session. Thank you.


Thank elder and Dr(LORD'S servant) for your work. God will surely take notice.


Great program again, praise Father Son and Holy Spirit. I have a question concerning the food laws and how they aren't ceremonial (they seem ceremonial to me) or how they aren't included in Colossians 2:16. I see only parts of the Kosher laws in Acts 15: eating food without blood and that has not been strangled. I dont want to be a bother so I would just like to know the next time you guys have an open question segment. Thanks.


0:00 - Intro
2:13 - Today's Topic
3:58 - Subscribers
4:38 - Featured Sponsor
7:00 - Pastor Kevin Morgan - Reason for today's topic
12:53 - Difference Between Canonical and Non-canonical Prophets
17:33 - Inspiration
23:19 - Adding to Scripture
33:20 - How do Non-canonical Prophets function?
52:27 - The Role of A Prophet
59:08 - EGW pointed to Scripture
1:03:18 - Principles vs. Doctrine
1:08:15 - Prophetic Authority
1:13:11 - Examples of people who rejected Counsel
1:22:55 - Why did people reject counsel from EGW?
1:35:49 - Can a prophet give a vision that isn't written in the Bible?
1:46:56 - Did Ellen White ever perform miracles to confirm her gift?
1:51:57 - Must every prediction come to pass?
2:03:09 - Did you Subscribe yet?
2:03:40 - Connect with Pastor Morgan
2:09:50 - EGW and 1 Timothy 4
2:10:39 - EGW's Differing Statements on the Scapegoat
2:12:34 - Contradictions in EGW writings
2:14:28 - Closing Thoughts/Announcements
2:17:15 - Are Your Comments Being Deleted?
2:20:26 - Awesome Sabbath


@1:05:30 I cannot be a vegetarian because of my RA. In fact, only a carnivore diet works for me. And it works fantastically well, by the way. All my metabolic numbers, cardiovascular system, etc are in fantastic condition.


What is the topic of discussion please


Regarding diet: "I have never felt that it was my duty to say that no one should ever taste of meat under any circumstances. To say this when people have been educated to live on flesh to so great an extent, would be to carry matters to extremes. I have never felt that it was my duty to make sweeping assertions. What I have said, I have said under a sense of duty, but I have been guarded in my statements, because I did not want to give occasion for any one to be a conscience for another. ... 'I would not take the position that meat be wholly discarded by everyone.'—for instance, by those dying of consumption." {EGW, SpM 80.4; 81.1}


I don’t think anyone exists who cannot follow the diet God gave us in the garden of Eden. I practiced medicine for many years, and never even heard of someone who wouldn’t benefit by following a diet consisting of whole plant foods, let alone encountering such a person myself.


The bible clearly says thou shall not add or remove anything from the bible


Good evening i wuld like you all to give the rightful befanition of 1

The word prophet 2 proesier etc .


Yes Ellen White did add to the scriptures. 2000 books wow man.


should a christian keep the seventh day sabbath


There was a YouTube 2.46 minute clip entitled ‘Jesuits Believe Ellen White is a Prophet.’ Although it is 13 years old, it still brings home why critics do not like her.

The issue for me is that a solder do not throw away an effective valuable equipment because the opposition does not like the effectiveness of the equipment whilst the opposition keeps all their equipment. Unfortunately, some Adventist have set aside EGW’s writings because of the criticisms against her.

No SDAs hold EGWs writings above or equal to the bible. Critics who peddle this point are being dishonest. No matter how much they peddle this point, it will not make their statement right and they are lying. Lies will continue to be a lie no matter how much it is spouted.


EG White said she hod not written one false word or statement.
Yet she did speak falsely. Making up a story regarding the 1844 great disappointment, that Jesus moved from the inner court to the most holy place or the holy of holies. Anyone with an ounce of discernment can can see through this one. What about the womens attire she came up with, or the apparent disdain Jesus has for meat eaters. Except Jesus himself ate meat. And fed the 5000 with meat. All the little gaffs add up to a very great false prophet in EG White.


Ellen White would not have added to the scripture she was given truth directly from God to relay to the world just like all of the other Prophets did. So if anything new scripture was created. For the life of me I can't understand that people can't wrap their minds around the fact that God told us there would be prophets in the last days. Not shocked at all that God used EGW to provide us with crucial information for such a time as this. Sunday law will come and those who do not keep the false 1st day sabbath will be persecuted. 😊

NOTICE: "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy"

Acts 2:
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:


When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, we should take into acct that Moses had NO authority which was why Moses did not feel qualified to undertake such a task.
When Moses finally relented to God's persuasive power, Moses asked, "whom shall I say sent me?". God then showed Moses who was AUTHORIZING him by affirming to Moses who was giving the order..."tell them that I AM, WHO I AM sends you" [paraphrasing]...
So when you speak in the name of God as a messenger or prophet, you are essentially speaking under the AUTHORITY of God (he/she is 'authorized' by God to speak).
My question would then be, her writings often indicate that God revealed, or spoke to her saying this or that...but it is unclear when she says it's a message from God vs her writings based on her own impression or thought with regard to a certain subject matter. There doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between one or the other. Consequently, this often causes great confusion, especially to a non believer or ex believer.... Can you clarify that point?


My brothers she is no Prophet! ALL THE VISIONS SHE CLAIMS TO HAVE HAD WILL pretty much every day literally would make you the most important person in the bible and Christianity outside of Jesus, more important than his Apostles and Prophets, more important than Apostle Peter who Jesus gave the keys to The Kingdom Heaven in Mattew 16:19, you would have to be more important than the Apostle Paul who wrote 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament and was the Apostle for the Gentiles. You should be more important than the minor and mayor Prophets of the Old Testament including Isaiah who God used to prophesied the Virgin birth of Jesus. Also the test of A TRUE PROPHET IS NEVER WRONG!!!! AND NEVER CONTRADICTS THE WORD OF GOD!! SHE WAS

Scripture records that on eight different occasions during the Old Testament period God took on a human-like form. Some of these appearances were as the Angel of the Lord. They include an appearance to Hagar - the mistress of Abraham. The Lord also appeared to Abraham and Sarah at Mamre. There was also an appearance to Abraham at Mount Moriah.
God Appear to Moses, and Why? God may have appeared to Moses more times than we know, but we do have the biblical record of at least nine appearances that came at different times whenever Moses ascended Mount Sinai.
If we look back to the Old Testament, there were indeed prophets—some of which spoke God’s word, but some of which also led God’s people astray. This is why the Israelites were called to test the prophets. There were of course the prophets, whose prophecy was considered the infallible, inerrant revelation that we find in the Bible.
Prophet Amos: 5 Visions, Revelation by Apostle John: records total 7 visions, Zechariah: 8 Visions, Daniel: 4 Visions (Over period of 70 years), Prophet, Ezekiel:9 Visions, Isaiah: 2 Vision, Jacob: 1 Vision, Jeremiah: 2 Visions, Apostle Peter: 1 Vision, Apostle Paul: 3 Visions

In the early days of Christianity, prophets played a crucial role. They proclaimed messages from the Lord to believers, filling the gap when the New Testament was not yet complete.
Some messages were revelatory (new truths from God), while others were predictive (foretelling future events).
These prophets were foundational to the church, as mentioned in Ephesians 2:20.
Completed Revelation:
The New Testament, including the book of Revelation, was eventually completed.
With the full revelation of God’s Word now available, the need for prophets to reveal new truths has diminished.
The essence of prophecy is to speak for God, and any message today must align completely with what God has already revealed in the Bible.
Testing the Spirits:
As believers, we are instructed to test everything against Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).
If someone claims to be speaking for God, we must compare their message to the Bible.
If it contradicts Scripture, it should be discarded; if it aligns, we seek wisdom in applying it (2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:5).
No More Apostles or Prophets:
God can still give messages to individuals, but these messages must harmonize with the Bible

Turning to the New Testament, we see the same phenomenon. There were the prophets—namely, the apostles—appointed directly by Jesus to speak authoritatively in his name, under the Spirit’s inspiration. Then there were also ordinary prophets that the Spirit led to speak God’s word in certain situations. Other prophets are also mentioned, although what they actually prophesied isn’t written. We aren’t to question God’s prophets, but the prophets in the book of Acts were fallible and had to be tested.

Many people will point to Ephesians 4:11–14 as proof that prophets and apostles still exist today:

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Something important to note here is that it says he “gave” apostles and prophets, using the past tense. I think he gave them but doesn’t keep giving them. Just as there are no more apostles, there aren’t any prophets today in the way that there were when Christ was just beginning to build his new covenant church. We have God’s written New Testament now. The foundation has been laid. There’s no need for growth of that foundation—it has been laid, and now we’re building on it. To build on that foundation, the offices of evangelists and pastors continue today. Elsewhere Paul also mentions elders and deacons, but in this passage of Ephesians, he’s focusing particularly on the ministry of the word, because that ministry of the word through preaching and teaching is what creates, builds up, and expands Christ’s body.

It’s also worth noting that in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, when elders and deacons are discussed as an office that will continue in the church, we see a list of qualifications for those offices. We don’t see that same list of qualifications for prophets or apostles, because Paul realizes that these extraordinary offices were only for that foundation-laying period of the church. I really think what Paul is saying here is that prophets and apostles were necessary to bring the church to maturity—to adulthood. Now what we need are pastors and teachers to lead us through those Scriptures, who build on that foundation so that we will stand on the day of Jesus Christ.

A particularly useful passage that isn’t mentioned as often in this conversation is found in Daniel 9:24 that reads, “24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy..” Putting an end to sin and atoning for iniquity—these are what Jesus himself accomplished on the cross. In the accomplishment of redemption and the work of Jesus Christ, there’s no need for new revelation. It’s sealed up. What we need in the church today are pastors and teachers who are faithfully going to take that faith—once for all given to the saints—to the world and build on that foundation.


Who is actually shortsighted? Who is twisting the Scriptures? And covering up? Its you guys, the defenders of EGW!


Like how Judas died... It says it hangs himself then later says he was left in a field that was bought with his silver


Dead people don'know he is dead.
Same too, to him that don't know of what he don't know yet.
