The Way of The Superior Man - Miyamoto Musashi

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There is no doubt that Miyamoto Musashi is one of the greatest samurais in history. His unparalleled achievements in swordsmanship weren't just a result of natural talent but a testament to his unwavering discipline.
According to his own writings, it was this very discipline that carved his path to greatness.
Musashi saw self-discipline as more than a tool for achievement; it was a shield against suffering.
When we're disciplined, we're better equipped to handle life's challenges and surprises.
So with that in mind, in this video, we'll explore Musashi's teachings to build exceptional self-discipline and how we can apply it in our daily lives.

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It’s Actually Extremely Easy to Get Ahead of 99% of People - Miyamoto Musashi

Follow No One, Trust Yourself - Miyamoto Musashi

When Life Hurts Care Less About It

The Book of Five Rings

The Lone Samurai

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#miyamotomusashi #selfdiscipline #personalgrowth

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The moments when you are motivated and pumped up are not the moments you will build self discipline, it's when you feel broken down and you really don't want to do that thing you know you should be doing. Those are the real best moments and most defining ones for you, so whenever you are there just know that regardless of what you perceive it as, it is still an opportunity for growth. Much love to anyone trying to better themselves and live a better life ❤


"'No Matter Where You Go, There You Are" what a hitting quote


1. Accept everything.
2. Do not regret for what you have done.
3. Be indifferent to where you live.
4. To know 10 thousands things, know one well.
5. Never let yourself be saddened by a separation.
6. Never be jealous.


Seek nothing outside of yourself. That's absolutely fantastic advise.


4:24 - "Be indifferent to where you live" - The inner state should remain unshaken despite the environment - The true soul of a warrior 💖🙏


I first read "A Book of Five Rings" shortly after I finished up my contract in the Marines. I read both the "Tao" and "Art of War" while in, and while all of these books are awesomely good--I'm especially not going to diss their mysticism and strange, sublime geometry--it was "Five Rings" that helped focus me most in dealing with post-Katrina New Orleans. . .and the random events which occurred afterward.
I first gave it a solid, straight read through, but then would just open it to random pages to see what bit of wisdom I can pick up for any time--the lessons of simplifying tasks in straightforward manner, not letting the "sissy things" get to you, keeping one's focus and discipline intact, and vying consistently for excellence (while realizing it isn't so daunting or hard) persist throughout the book.
They are more than 'inspirational', because inspiration can be flitting like a mood, especially in today's 'must feel good all the time'-mentality; they liberate us from the tedium of anxiety and doubt, to free us to do what we should be doing.

Watching this video is kind like rummaging through the old pages like I used to do. Great job!


"You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain." - Miyamoto Musashi


"under the sword held high there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead and there is the land of bliss" Miyamoto Musashi


The only things we "need" are those which keep the body alive, namely; food, water and shelter. Everthing else is a "want", with which we can live without.


Great wisdom here... 50 years on this Earth and I'm finally understanding these seemingly simple fundamentals... Thank you for posting! Peace, health, and happiness to all.


"Every misfortune is a good fortune".
You don't know what you gain when you loose! Sometimes is for the best!
It's a principal, a fable where I come from!


Really man, really thank you, it helped me in more ways that you can think of


Thank you for sharing! this is really insightful. Here are my notes:

1:09 Accept everything just the way it is.
Don’t label situation as good or bad, just accept things that happened and act on them, find solutions.

2:54 Do not regret what you have done
Regret doesn’t help to fix situations, it will only use our mental capacity

4:23 Be indifferent to where you live
The key to contentment is in our minds, not in our surroundings

5:48 To know ten thousand things, know one well
Careful to fall for the shiny object syndrome. Musashi focused on mastering the sword, but he was also a philosopher, artist and strategist. But he master one very well first.

7:28 Never let yourself saddened by a separation
Separation is a natural and unavoidable part of being human.
The discipline lies in managing those emotion, acknowledging the sadness but not letting it deter you from your path

8:32 Never be jealous
It’s a distraction from your own path


Need to hear this today. After a bad breakup. Thank you.


8:18: "The things you own, end up owning you"


one of the best videos that I saw about musashi’s philosophy! It deserves more views . Well written !


Glad I joined the U.S. Marine Corps a few years out of college. I should have joined right out of high school. Served 22 years! Today, I’m a C Suite executive who lives a disciplined life founded in Values engrained by the example of my parents by the time I was 6 years old…and re-enforced by my faith and Marine Corps values, and leadership traits and principles


1. Never be afraid of separation, especially do not develop emotional bonding with material things.
2. Where ever you go, there you are. Location should not have affect on your mental peace. Be indifferent to where you live.
3. While feeling guilty helps in correcting your behavior, Regret kills your mental peace, and he never gave time for such things like regret.
4. Never feel jealousy. Because jealousy also consumes your time and makes you question your journey or self worth. He didn't have time for such self doubts. He only focused on his trainings.
5. Accept everything and especially do not label things as good or bad. Just take it as it is.
6. To know 10, 000 things, know one well.


With inner peace and contentment it really doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing. With inner peace and contentment you no longer feel the need to go in search of happiness, the temporary happiness that comes from the acquisition of money, wealth, status, relationships, material goods and all the addictions.
