TAKE ME DEEPER - Instrumental worship Music + 1Moment

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It is our heart and desire to help other people have their own personal encounter with God through worship and music. Every song was created to help people encounter God's presence.

Every song was created to help people encounter God.

Instrumental soaking worship music for Prayer and Meditation in the word of God.

- Instrumental Soaking worship Music + Prayer worship music


#worship #instrumentalworship #worshipmusic #prayermusic #soakingworship
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Thanks my lord...bless my sisters and brothers...in Jesus name.


Thank You Father ! Bless my country Kanaky-New Caledonia.


Beautiful instrumentals that connect me to the Father🙏🏼❤️
~Anyone reading, God has a purpose for everything. You are the Purpose itself, and the Plans he has for you are of Good and not bad. The Lord, has not taken you this far, to leave you. He will FINISH what he started and has already FINISHED, paying that price in the Cross, already giving you VICTORY and Eternal SALVATION!🙌🏼
So Praise Him!!! Every morning you wake up WORSHIP him! For he is Good! And Loves Us like no other❤ He has chosen you! He chose you since the Beginning of it all! So Thank him! For it is already Done!

God bless youuu🤗


Remember anybody who needs it:GOD PUTS US FIRST (Acts 3:26 is where I got this from) so if you’re going through something pray and remember that He is working for you best interest and you’re the first priority for Him.


These have been the best instrumental to wake up to with my family . It gives us hope to continue whilst I’m waiting …Amen


Toda honra, toda glória e todo louvor a Jesus!


Celestial Father,
Help my family, those I love, your church and me find meaning in everything,
Give us a job that we really like and help us not to overwork ourselves,
Help us make good use of our time,
Make the wind be in our favor,
Help us flow in the right direction,
Heal our waters, our rivers, lakes and seas,
Deliver us from tedium,
Give us the ability to describe everything,
Make us satisfied with what we have,
Help us hear the good,
Help us to be happy,
Free us from repeating our past mistakes,
Give us creativity,
Help us do new things,
Renew us completely,
Help us remember what you want us to remember,
Help us know what has happened in the past that serves to generate something interesting in our lives,
Be our teacher,
Tell us the real history of the earth,
Be our King,
Come and live with us,
Help us to seek understanding and to investigate with wisdom everything that is done under heaven,
Deliver us from a tragic existence,
Help us find meaning in everything that happens under the sun,
Help us to pursue you and not the vainness of this world,
Help us to have and understand your Holy Wind,
Help us correct what is wrong,
Help us regain everything we have lost, including time,
Make us wiser than all the kings who have ruled the earth,
Give us more wisdom and understanding than any king that ever lived,
Help us to be willing to learn about everything,
Deliver us from madness and foolishness,
Help us to pursue your Holy Wind, your Holy Spirit your Ruah Hakodesh,
Give us your wisdom,
Comfort us,
Increases our knowledge, but also our joy,
I ask and declare all of the above in the deep name of Yeshua Hamashiaj.
Inspired by Ecclesiastes 1.

Ask the God of Israel what, how, when, where, why, with whom and for what, about each verse in your Bible, and he will surprise you.


Old saying words God in this picture I haven't seen him yet I thought God was with me I thought God was walking my journey you're all sitting here trying to write my book my story my life ain't you I put you off first in my life started worrying about the homeless and everybody and now you guys are sitting back laughing on and then you're sitting back laughing at me my Louie Gizmo and me can I take this society from all this hating and bullying in the world and other people getting bullied and hate now where is God in this picture you'll tell me I gave up my life for all of you in this world 🌍. I already put my me and Louie Gizmo really needs a miracle happen I'm not going back to abusive relationship I left for 21 years I'm done with that you all know me you all thank you know me only Jesus knows what I went through and I'm just tired of it I came back to this earth and save toI came back here to help two more souls in my journey and I've done that you all thought you knew about the story when I sat around and talked about it it seems like it all got on TV or the songs do I need a flex on you all again or do my swag know I'm too tired to do that I want to rest and do me and Louie Gizmo nobody else but me and Lewis he's my best friend he's not he's not doing too well like I am I got health problems too I bet he got his problems yes he does look at what happened we went to staying in the filthy motel here in Wichita Kansas on Broadway wow. Look at some of the people out here where people came around pissing or shiting on the streets or doing whatever they wanted to do out here on the streets it's amazing how God makes a brain works on it it's amazing are we mortal are we not. You all know my life you always trying to feel a little boy up you wish you guys knew this little boy real well huh. I try to make friends I'm too scared to come out and make friends look at the way people treat other people laughing in the face and think they know everythingI don't know everything I just threw white guy that asks me to Jesus our name that's cool tells me what I need to do Jesus does Jesus tells me to speak to him Jesus speaks to me and you guys are hating on somebody I'm not hating on you. Till you get up in my head and upset me that's when I start hating back I am a kind person and I would help anybody if they needed help in need. Where's my help I need help I came back to see my family I didn't see for 10 and a half years. I was in a bad relationship so I came home and it's still like no one's there for me. Only Jesus has been I will see what happens in the morning. Me and Louie's going to be going on the streets. I need a miracle I try to find places to rent and no one doesn't want to rent cuz you got to have reference all of this other things. Now I'm doing for me and my that's who I need to be by my side me and Louie Gizmo. I'm doing him and me nobody else I thought I had some friends they could be not good friends either they may be talking behind my back anybody can talk behind your back family anybody I said anybody I really cannot trust a lot of people. They all want to be on the phones and talk smack or on Twitter or YouTube or anything else. Sorry I like watching my TV and peace and stuff out and I love my music I so love music excuse me all the time my music does I love music in my life 🧬. Who knows maybe some days till my who knows some movies did take my dreams and my ideas from me. I miss my mom. If she was around I wouldn't be living like this or in this situation right now I got a dad I don't want to open how do you say something and no one knows that no wow can horns come and open up and you don't want me to go to counseling or see a psychologist hell I got to decide to be enough I don't need no medicine I Don't need no Doctor to tell me what I need to do I fight my anger and I fight my suicidal thoughts. With a big question mark know what other other people does that's their business and what people want to do that's their business. You will need to bring my pass up in my life up I try to leave that behind but when I get around the crowd or something I see it and that's not right and when I tell people about. And everybody wants to this laughing my face I'm tired of talking I'm the one who wanted to start. Now I'm just sit back and try to make what you guys want to make. Have a good life people I'm going to stick with Jesus and I hope Jesus helps me through this situation. If I have a live out there in the 10th outside cuz I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore from anybody else in jesus's name he in jesus's name he says so hey man you all talk I'm not like how you call people birdman or the radio DJ or whatever you guys want to call. Let me give you guys the clap maybe I should clap or flex on you all again huh hey man have a good life. Y'all need to stay out of my life and quit harassing me. Only Jesus is in my life he's the only one to me I'm walking my shoes and my path. I came back to save my sister so. If you guys want to hate on that you guys can hate on that if you guys want to talk about that y'all can talk about that. Have a good day today and God bless you all in in jesus's name amen.
