Should we be worried for Elder Scrolls 6? #Starfield #Gaming

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Should we be worried for Elder Scrolls 6? #Starfield #Bethesda #Gaming #LukeStephensTV #Streamer #Twitch #Xbox #PS5
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Man I just start playing Skyrim and oh boy the game is amazing.I can not believe that this game is 12 years old and it’s still good .


ES6 was my most hyped game. I remember bringing home Skyrim on Redbox back in 2011 and being absolutely blown away, and I still come back to it annually. It’s one of my favorite games.

But after Starfield, I don’t think they have what it takes. So I’m not gonna hold my breath for ES6 and allow myself to be disappointed. If it arrives and it’s good, great. If not, I’m sure there will be some other great game more worth my time and money.


Bethesda peaked with Skyrim, ES6 is going to let down a lot of people


Phantom liberty coming out around the same time Starfield was released was a perfect storm. People left Starfield hungry for a great experience and downloaded cyberpunk when it was on sale. They got the 2.0 update and they were not disappointed.


Not only is TES6 following Starfield but it’s expected release date is 2028 17 years after skyrim, over 3 times as long as the time between oblivion and skyrim. It has a lot to make up for. It’s also been like a decade since the reveal trailer for TES6.

I’ve pretty much given up on it so if it’s any good I’ll be pleasantly surprised, and with the state of modern gaming and big companies like Bethesda I think that’s generally a good state of mind to be in.


How is it under 50%, the last few releases have shown they are not expanding their craft. They are releasing games that keep showing they are just copy and paste what they did over a decade ago with little to no growth. The games are not even growing to keep up to current standards set by other companies.


The problem with modern Bethesda games is that most of the problems are simply baked into them by the Creation Engine. It's always been a bit wonky but it worked for the time. But over the years they've basically just been duct taping it together and brute forcing it. On top of that, you have people like Emil in charge of positions they shouldn't have while other actual talents are leaving. It's hard to be hopeful for ES6 these days.


I stopped worrying about Elder Scrolls 6 after Fallout 76.
Starfield just proved me right.


Skyrim was amazing at the time. We have to many fantasy games that do it so much better at this point to even care about the next elder scrolls. It is 5-7 years to late.


Skyrim is a;ready a game held up by nostalgia. If the writing and the rpg elements like choice/ consequences are like they are in starfield, modern day gaming will not be kind to it


Yes, we should. If betheada doesnt do a massive overhaul of the creation engine or switches to another engine it will be doomed


It’s gonna be another half baked game at release that modders will end up making 10x better. That’s been their status quo


If ES6 isn't a godly game Bethesda is gonna have problems.


It's been 6 years since we got the teaser trailer for ES6


If you tell me that Starfield was developed by an independent studio and has nothing to do with Bethesda I'd believe it, I love Skyrim But the reality is that they've lost touch and have become another big company that do more marketing than work on their games.


They should license ubisoft's art of battle melee system. That's how sword combat should be done from now on.


The only hope for Bethesda in all honesty in my opinion is Todd Howard leaving..


Phantom Liberty? I was super excited about what comes next with the original Cyberpunk release. I have a beefy PC so I had no problem playing it day 1 and the size, scope, writing and music was incredible. The glitchy cops and random exploding cars made it more immersive not less in that insane world. Ok. the teleporting cops sucked but In 1300 hours I think I've pissed the cops off less than 20 times. Just don't kill random people, hostages or run over civilians and they won't come after you. So I agree with your point. With CDPR, excitement for the future is high. Bethesda. Meh. I was pumped for Oblivion. Pumped for Skyrim. Pumped for Fallout 4. 76 seemed like a cash grab from day 1 and it was. I haven't played it yet but Starfield seems like it was ok. Some people loved it. Some people hated it and the truth is probably in-between. I have zero hype for Scrolls 6. Mainly because of 76. Starfield didn't alleviate my fears. They were focused more on size than quality. Just like all the nonsense comments Todd made about the scope of 76. Size is meaningless without quality.


You can say that on rockstar because rdr2 get me so excited for gta6


The problem with Bugfesta is that they usually do not patch and update their games that often. Even with Starfield after 2 months they only made 50-60 fixes in total. So, nope they are not going to add vehicles, no amazing RPG elements, not space flight. Few mediocre DLCs and they will call it a day.
